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Galway did so, describing Caine's team and its still-secret mission, the trip into the mountains and its proximity to Trendor's own home, and the unexpected arrival of Lathe on the scene.

"And you think these blackcollars, out of touch with Earth for over thirty years, would want to seek me out for some sort of delayed retribution?" the former prefect asked when he'd finished.

"Unfortunately, they haven't been entirely out of touch," Galway shook his head. "General Lepkowski and their three Novas have made several trips to Earth in the past year, and it's conceivable they received intelligence during one of those flybys that caused them to latch on to you for God only knows what reason."

Trendor stroked his chin thoughtfully. "You said Caine had asked specifically about old war veterans. You think that fireworks display over Athena last night was designed to attract their attention?"

"I don't see what else it could have been. Does his asking about the vets mean anything to you?"

"It might." Trendor stood up and wandered over to the picture window at the south end of the room.

"Some of the groups I quashed had a high percentage of war vets in them. Could be he's trying to reactivate one of them with some new blood."

Galway thought about that. With the last of the resistance groups, Torch, apparently gone the way of the others, Caine could indeed be trying to start his own. Certainly he would accomplish a lot more with that kind of support behind him. "Possible," he admitted. "But then I don't understand exactly how you fit in."

Trendor smiled grimly. "I can think of at least two ways. Once, I knew a lot of the vets, both inside and outside the subversive groups. He may think that I could be persuaded to give him enough names to get started on his recruitment drive. Or else"—he snorted—"I'm to be another way to attract their attention."

Assassination of a former Security prefect. Galway licked his lips. But it would certainly do the job.

Nowhere in the records had he ever seen a case of political murder by blackcollars, but there was a first time for anything. "I think, sir," he said quietly, "that you should consider moving back to Athena, at least for the time being."

"No," Trendor said flatly, his eyes still on the wooded hills outside his window. "I've earned my home and my peace out here, and I'm not giving it up for anyone—I don't care if there are a hundred blackcollars gu

Galway grimaced, wondering fleetingly whether refusal to face reality was a requisite for Security positions in this city. "They're more likely to blow you away, sir—and you know it."

"Are they now?" Trendor snorted contemptuously, turning back to face the other. "Well, let me tell you something, Galway. I killed a few blackcollars, too, when I was in charge of things around here.

And I'm damned if I'm going to start ru

Galway took a deep breath. "In that case, sir, I respectfully suggest that you should at least request some additional security around here. Some perimeter guards, at the very least—perhaps a full sensor/defense network as well."

Trendor didn't reply for several heartbeats, his eyes drifting back to the window. Then he sighed.

"Because if I don't, I'll be handing Caine an easy victory and making things tougher for Qui

Galway swallowed. For the first time since he'd read the records of that period, the almost casual carnage of Trendor's reign was begi

"I'll head back to Denver and start making arrangements with General Qui

"What size guard contingent did you have in mind?" Trendor asked as the two men headed for the door.

"I thought perhaps a three-tiered force of sixty or seventy men—"

"You thought what? Don't be ridiculous, Galway. Give me ten men and to hell with layering. All outside guards are for is to slow down the attack and give me some advance warning, anyway—you know that."

"Yes, sir," Galway said, resorting again to the most neutral tone possible. "Then for electronic surveillance equipment—"

"There's enough of that around the area already," Trendor interrupted. "You just get me my ten men, give them lasers and comms and a sandwich apiece, and we'll let it go at that."

Quietly, Galway admitted defeat. He'd done his duty; if Trendor refused to accept his advice, there was nothing more he could do. "As you wish, sir. Thank you for your time... and I hope I'm wrong about what Caine's up to."

"You probably are," Trendor agreed. "But somebody's got to do the u

The spotter aircraft was halfway back to Athena before the hot flush finally receded from Galway's cheeks.

The preliminary reports on the midnight catapult attack had arrived while Qui

The hell with probabilities, Qui

"I want this Geoff Dupre brought in for questioning," he told the other. "Bring in his wife, too, and their housemate—that Karen Lindsay woman. Have interrogation prepare a full-spectrum for them."

"Yes, sir," the other answered. "Do you want the surveillance on their house lifted once they're here?"

"No—Caine may decide to drop by, and if he does I want someone there to follow him."

"Yes, sir. Oh, General, there's a message just coming in for you from one of the search squads."


"Abramson, sir," the voice came, brisk and self-satisfied as all hell. "We've got him, General—we've found Caine's stolen car, parked right out in the open on the sixteen-hundred block of Rialto Avenue."


"Not yet, sir, but we've been holding back as far out of sight as possible, per your instructions."

"Continue doing so—I'll have backup units there in five minutes. Under no circumstances are you to move in or confront any of them until we've got the net solidly in place—you understand? Pass that on to any other units already in the area—I'll have the skin off of any man who spooks them."

"Understood, General. They won't get away."

That's for damn well sure. Qui

And half the pleasure of this was going to be seeing the look on Galway's face when they brought him in to see the prisoners.

Tactical command answered, and Qui