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She paused because she saw her own back, leaving the room.

I must get word to Aunt Til that Hazel and I can't make it home for supper.

My head aches and my eyes bother me.

I don't know how Pixel got aboard Gay. How that baby does get around!

Jubal Harshaw says, "The only constant thing in these shifting, fairy-chess worlds is human love." That's enough.

Pixel moved a little. It's been nice to have both feet for a few days.


"Yes, beloved?"

"Gretchen's baby. You his fame'."


"She tol' me, mon's ago."

"I don't understand."


I started to question her about it; she was asleep again. The compress I had placed on her wound was seeping. But I didn't have anything more, so I didn't touch it.

Won't see Aunt Belden this trip. Too bad.

What happened to my files? Still in my other foot?

Hey! Tomorrow is the day "we're all dead" ifTolliver isn't.

The first hour went by with no incident whatever. Ma


And they hit us.

I was down at once, lower leg gone. I saw Ma

Then it was quiet.


"Yes, dearest."

"'S been fun."

"Yes. love! All of it."

"Rich'r'... that light, end tu


"I'll wait... there."

"Honey, you're going to outlive me!"

"Look for me. I'll-"

When that wall opened, I think I saw what's-his-namc. Could the bloke who erased him write him back into the story? To clip us? Who was writing our story? Was he going to let us live?

Anyone who would kill a baby kitten is cruel, mean cruel. Whoever you are, I hate you. I despise you!

I dragged myself awake, realized that I had fallen asleep on watch! I had to pull myself together, because they might be back. Or, Glory Be! Gay Deceiver will be back. I couldn't figure out why Gay wasn't back. Trouble spiking the right time tick? Could be anything. But they won't just leave us here.

We saved Ma

Had to see what weapons, ammo, were left. I didn't have anything more. My beam gun was exhausted, I knew. But my side arm? Don't remember firing it. All gone. Must look around.


"Yes, Hazel?" (She's going to ask me for water and I haven't got any!)

"I'm sony people were eating." "What's that?"

"I had to kill him, dearest; he was assigned to kill you."

I placed the little cat on Hazel. Maybe he moved, maybe not-maybe both of them were dead. I managed to pull myself up onto my foot, by holding on to a computer rack, then let myself down again. Despite long practice in hopping at one-sixth gee I found that I was neither strong enough nor did I have good balance-and I was separated from my cane, for the first time in years. It was, I thought, in Gay's forward bathroom.

So I crawled, careful of my right leg. It was begi

A week isn't a long honeymoon and it's an awfully short married life.

I explored her handbag, which I should have done earlier. She had carried it, slung over one shoulder to the other hip, even into battle.

That handbag was much bigger inside than out. I found twelve chocolate bars. I found her little camera. I found her deadly little lady's gun, that Miyako-fully loaded, eight in the clip, one in the chamber.

And, down in the bottom, I found the dart projector that had to be there. I almost missed it, it was styled to look like a toilet kit. Four darts were still in it.

If they come back-or a fresh gang, I don't care-I'm going to get us a baker's dozen.

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