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For a moment the dragon peered over his shoulder in silence. "Here is what you must do," he said. "Swing around so that you are facing them. Then drive straight toward them."

Jack blinked. "Straight toward them?"

"I will tell you when to turn," Draycos said, jumping up onto Jack's shoulder and melting down his shirt. A quick slither, and he was back in his usual position. "Go now," he ordered, the top part of his head rising up from Jack's shoulder.

"This is stupid," Jack warned as he threw power to the drive and sent the shuttle curving around toward the approaching Dji

"So they will think, as well," Draycos agreed. "Trust me."

Jack shook his head. "I hate it when you say that."

He turned the shuttle's nose east and sent it speeding across the darkened landscape. Another minute, and he spotted the Dji

"They are crossing the wall," Draycos said.

Jack glanced at the displays. "Right," he confirmed.

"And again no attack from the wall's defenses."

Jack frowned. "Is that all you wanted to know? Whether the wall would still let them through?"

"Partially," Draycos said. "Now; come around a quarter circle to the right and head south."

"That'll open up our port side to attack," Jack warned.

"They do not seek our destruction, but our capture," Draycos assured him. "Go now."

"Right," Jack said, turning the shuttle's nose to the right. He braced himself; but aside from altering their own course slightly the Dji

"Now what?"

"Hold course until you are five seconds from the wall, then turn right again and head toward the gate," Draycos instructed.

The wall was looming ahead. Jack took them to within three seconds, then twisted the control stick over again, turning his tail to the approaching fighters.

This time they opened fire, short pulses that burned chunks of metal and plastic off the shuttle's hull. "Trying to take out the engines," Jack shouted as the wail of warning alarms filled the cockpit. "What now?"

"Keep heading for the wall," Draycos said, his head lifting a little higher from Jack's shoulder. "And slow down to two-ten."

"Slow down?" Jack peered at the display. "They're gaining fast enough as it is."

"Slow down," Draycos repeated, his voice making it an order. Jack clenched his teeth and complied. "I hope you know what you're doing," he bit out. "The rate they're coming, they'll be on top of us in no time."

"Again, they do not wish to destroy us," Draycos repeated. "Aside from your own value, we also have Gazen and Neverlin aboard. As you pointed out, they are merely trying to disable us."

"Great," Jack muttered. Ahead, he could see the pale white of the wall rapidly approaching. "So what are we going to do? Spite them by getting ourselves vaporized?"

"Prepare to turn again, this time a quarter-circle to the right," Draycos ordered, his head stretching close to the displays.

Back toward the slave areas. "Ready," Jack said. The wall was coming up mighty fast—


Jack twisted the stick again, and again the safety straps pressed into his chest as the shuttle cut hard over. He straightened out—

And ducked involuntarily as one of the Dji

"Geez!" he hissed. "When did they get that close?"

"On our last turn," Draycos said calmly. "They know now that you are aware you ca

"Yeah, that about sums it up," Jack growled as the dark landscape flashed by beneath them. "So what are we doing?"

"Lulling them into carelessness—watch out!"

Jack twisted the stick to the left as the other Dji

"Excellent," Draycos said with grim satisfaction. "With no further concerns that we will attempt to fly over the wall, they will now attempt to force us down."

"They'll need more than two of them for that," Jack said, looking cautiously up through the top of the canopy. The first fighter had returned and was pacing him directly overhead. "They don't have nearly enough mass to push us to the ground."

"They probably have more ships available," Draycos pointed out. "And time is on their side." He shifted position, pulling his neck back so that only his eyes were poking off Jack's shoulder, and Jack felt his sleeves swell as the dragon's forelegs rose from his wrists. "Or so they think," he added. "Open the landing skids."

Jack frowned. But this was no time to argue. Reaching over, he touched the switch. "Landing skids opening," he reported, glancing at the indicator.

"Locked in place."

"They see it," Draycos murmured. Jack could feel the dragon's forelegs tensing against his skin, his claws stretching out to rest on the control board.

"They believe they have won."

"Here he comes," Jack warned as the Dji

"Yes," Draycos said. "Brace yourself." There was a muffled clink of metal against on metal as the fighter bumped firmly against the top of their hull.

Draycos jabbed at the controls—

And Jack gasped as the shuttle rolled a hundred eighty degrees on its long axis, flipping him over to hang upside down against his restraint straps.

"Draycos!" he yelped as the drive began to screech with the sudden strain of holding the shuttle in the air without the aid of the lifters. "What are you doing?"

"Landing skids closed!" the dragon shouted back over the noise. There was another muffled grinding of metal on metal—"Now!" Draycos snapped. "Full speed to the wall!" The shuttle bucked like it had hit a sudden crosswind—

And then, suddenly, Jack understood. When he'd flipped the shuttle onto its back, Draycos had put the Dji

And the fighter's handy wall-defense transponder.

"Got it," Jack said, feeding as much power to the drive as he dared. The shuttle was bucking harder as the fighter pilot belatedly woke up to the scheme and fought to free his trapped ship.

But he was too late. Seconds later, the combined ship shot smoothly over the double breaking wave of the white wall.

They'd made it.

"Let him go," Jack snapped.

"Releasing now," Draycos called back. The bucking ceased as the dragon opened the landing skids again and the trapped fighter darted free. "Turn us over again and I will go back to the weapons board."

"Forget the weapons," Jack said, rolling the shuttle and dropping thankfully back into his seat as the vehicle righted itself. He got his bearings and made a

hard turn to the left. "We won't be in the air long enough to bother with that."

"But there is yet a long way to go before we are free," Draycos objected.

"Not really," Jack said, tapping his comm clip as he fought the shuttle's controls. "Uncle Virge?"

"Here, lad," Uncle Virge said. "Shall I come get you?"

"No," Jack said. "Head off-planet—Station C. I'll catch up with you there."

"Right. Good luck."

Jack clicked off. There was his target, straight ahead. "Draycos, can you find the ship's intercom?"

"There." A K'da foreleg rose from Jack's arm again, pointing.

"Thanks." Jack hit the switch. "Brace yourselves, everyone," he called to the passenger section. "As soon as we're down, unstrap and make for the hatchway.

We aren't going to have a lot of time."

He keyed the intercom off and twisted the nose high. An instant later, the shuttle hit the ground, sliding along on its skids with a tortured squeal of stressed metal. It made maybe another fifty yards before finally grinding to a