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Car'das nodded, a hard knot forming in his stomach. The thought of getting their hands on droid technology alone had been enough to lure the Vagaari to their destruction. How much more of an edge would the droids plus the rest of Outbound Flight's technology give Chaf'orm'bintrano's family?

"We'll have to stall him," Ar'alani said. But she didn't sound very confident. "We must keep his people off this vessel until the Defense Fleet units I've summoned can arrive."

"They won't be in time," Thrawn said. "We need to take Outbound Flight to a military base immediately and have it declared Defense Fleet property."

"How long a trip are we talking about?" Car'das asked dubiously. "This thing's taken a lot of damage."

"It will push the systems to their limit," Thrawn conceded. "But we must try. It would be better for Outbound Flight to be destroyed than to let any single family claim it."

There was a flicker of movement at the corner of Car'das's eye. He turned to the canopy.

Just as the last of a dozen large Chiss ships came out of hyperspace. "Too late," he said. "He's here."

Ar'alani muttered a word that had never come up in Car'das's language lessons. "We'll have to make do with the crewers you already have aboard," she said. "Quickly, before-"

She broke off at a twitter from Thrawn's comlink. Thrawn looked out at the ships, then reluctantly pulled the device from his belt. "Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo."

"Commander, Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano of the Fifth Ruling Family is signaling theSpringhawk," a voice said. "He demands your immediate presence aboard theChaf Exalted."

Thrawn's eyes flicked to Ar'alani. "Do not acknowledge his signal," he ordered.

"It was not a request, Commander," the voice warned.

"Do not acknowledge," Thrawn repeated, and clicked off the comlink.

"Thrawn, you can't simply refuse an Aristocra's direct order," Thrass objected.

"I haven't yet received any direct orders from the Aristocra," Thrawn said evenly. "Car'das, find me the helm."

"Yes, sir," Car'das said, peering at the nearest consoles. And then Ar'alani's comlink twittered.

All eyes turned to her. "Clever" was all she said as she removed it from her belt and keyed it on. "Admiral Ar'alani."

"This is Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano," a voice boomed. "I've been unable to contact Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, and I suspect he's refusing to communicate with me. As an Aristocra of the Fifth Ruling Family, I order you to find and detain him pending a hearing on his recent military activities."

Ar'alani hesitated, and Car'das held his breath. Then, with clear reluctance, she nodded. "Acknowledged, Aristocra. I hear, and obey."

She shut off the comlink. "I'm sorry, Commander," she said to Thrawn. "I have no choice but to place you under detention."

"This will destroy the Chiss," Thrawn said quietly. "The Defense Fleet, and only the Defense Fleet, can safely take possession of this vessel."

"I understand, and I'll do what I can to stall the Aristocra," Ar'alani said. "But in the meantime, you are under detention. Order your people to assemble in the hangar to return to our vessels."

For a long moment Thrawn stood motionless. Then, slowly, he bowed his head and activated his comlink. "This is Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo," he said. "All Chiss warriors aboard Outbound Flight: return to the hangar bay."

"Thank you," Ar'alani said. "Now if you please?" she added, gesturing back toward the blast doors. "You, too, Car'das."

Car'das took a deep breath. "I'm not under Chiss command, Admiral," he said. "I'd like to stay aboard awhile longer."

Ar'alani's eves narrowed. "What are you pla

"I'm not under Chiss command," Car'das repeated. "And the Aristocra's order didn't mention me."

Ar'alani looked at Thrawn, then at the incoming Fifth Family ships, then finally back at Car'das. "Permission granted," she said. She started toward the blast doors

"I'll also stay," Thrass said.

Ar'alani stopped in midstep. "What?"

"I'm also not under Chiss military command," Thrass said. "And Aristocra Charorm'bintrano didn't mention me, either."

Ar'alani sent a hard look at Thrawn. "We'll both be destroyed by this," she warned.

"The role of a warrior is to protect the Chiss people," Thrawn reminded her. "The warrior's own survival is of only secondary importance."

For half a dozen heartbeats the two of them locked gazes. Then, with a hissing sigh, Ar'alani turned to Thrass. "Pesfavri is the nearest Defense Fleet base," she said. "You know the coordinates?"

Thrass nodded. "Yes."

"Then we leave you," she said, nodding to him. "May warriors' fortune smile on your efforts."

She continued toward the blast doors. Thrawn lingered for a last, long look at his brother, then followed.

And a minute later, Car'das and Thrass were alone. "You really think we can get this thing all the way to a military base?" Car'das asked.

"You miss the point, friend Car'das," Thrass said grimly. "Weren't you listening to my brother? It would be better for Outbound Flight to be destroyed than to let any single family claim it."

Car'das felt a sudden tightening in his throat. "Wait a second," he protested. "I was just going to try to lock Outbound Flight down so that the Aristocra's people couldn't get aboard without blasting their way in. I didn't sign up for a suicide mission."

"Courage, Car'das," Thrass assured him. "Neither did I. I assume we can set this vessel's course to intersect the local sun, then escape in the shuttle we arrived in?"

Car'das thought it over. It should be possible, he decided, provided at least one of the Dreadnaughts' drives was still operable and the control cables to it were intact. "I think so."

"Then let us do it," Thrass said. "Your people built this vessel. Tell me what to do."

The turbolift shaft was reasonably clear, and the car reached D-4 with only a few bumps and scrapes. The Dreadnaught itself didn't seem too badly damaged, either.

Except, of course, for all the bodies.

The medical droids had already started clearing them away, probably taking them all to one of the medical labs where, according to the droids' now outdated programming, living beings would be waiting to give orders on how to proceed.