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It refused a direct order to explore Callisto, then headed out toward Uranus.

Yes. It's been years since I read the reports ...

The malfunction worsened after that. Long periods of silence interspersed with garbled transmissions. Now that I know more about its makeup, it almost sounds like a man going off the deep end.

It seems similar.

But it managed to pull itself together again for a brief while. It landed on Titania, began sending back what seemed like appropriate observation reports. This only lasted a short time, though. It went irrational once more, indicated that it was heading for a landing on Uranus itself, and that was it. We didn't hear from it after that. Now that I know about that mind-reading gadget I understand why a psychiatrist on this end could be so positive it would never function again.

I never heard about that part.

I did.

I shrugged. This was all around twenty years ago, I said, and, as I mentioned, it has been a long while since I've read anything about it.

The Hangman's ship crashed or landed, as the case may be, in the Gulf of Mexico, two days ago.

I just stared at him.

It was empty, Don went on, when they finally got out and down to it.

I don't understand.

Yesterday morning, he continued, restaurateur Ma

I still fail to see ...


The silence lengthened, dragged its belly on the deck.

Coincidence ... ? ! finally said.

My client doesn't think so.

Who is your client?

One of the three remaining members of the training group. He is convinced that the Hangman has returned to Earth to kill its former operators.

Has he made his fears known to his old employers?


Why not?

Because it would require telling them the reason for his fears.

That being ... ?

He wouldn't tell me, either.

How does he expect you to do a proper job?

He told me what he considered a proper job. He wanted two things done, neither of which requires a full case history. He wanted to be furnished with good bodyguards, and he wanted the Hangman found and disposed of. I have already taken care of the first part.

And you want me to do the second?

That's right. You have confirmed my opinion that you are the man for the job.

I see. Do you realize that if the firing is truly sentient this will be something very like murder? If it is not, of course, then it will only amount to the destruction of expensive government property.

Which way do you look at it?

I look at it as a job, I said.

You'll take it?

I need more facts before I can decide. Like, who is your client? Who are the other operators? Where do they live? What do they do? What ... He raised his hand.

First, he said, the Honorable Jesse Brockden, senior Senator from Wisconsin, is our client. Confidentiality, of course, is written all over it.

I nodded. I remember his being involved with the space program before he went into politics. I wasn't aware of the specifics, though. He could get government protection so easily ...

To obtain it, he would apparently have to tell them something he doesn't want to talk about. Perhaps it would hurt his career. I simply do not know. He doesn't want them. He wants us.

I nodded again.

What about the others? Do they want us, too?

Quite the opposite. They don't subscribe to Brockden's notions at all. They seem to think he is something of a paranoid.

How well do they know one another these days?

They live in different parts of the country, haven't seen each other in years. Been in occasional touch, though.

Kind of a flimsy basis for that diagnosis, then.

One of them is a psychiatrist.

Oh. Which one?

Leila Thackery is her name. Lives in St. Louis. Works at the State Hospital there.

None of them have gone to any authority, then, federal or local?

That's right. Brockden contacted them when he heard about the Hangman. He was in Washington at the time. Got word on its return right away and managed to get the story killed. He tried to reach them all, learned about Burns in the process, contacted me, then tried to persuade the others to accept protection by my people. They weren't buying. When I talked to her, Doctor Thackery pointed out, quite correctly, that Brockden is a very sick man.

What's he got?

Cancer. In his spine. Nothing they can do about it once it hits there and digs in. He even told me he figures he has maybe six months to get through what he considers a very important piece of legislation, the new criminal rehabilitation act ... I will admit that he did sound kind of paranoid when he talked about it. But hell! Who wouldn't? Doctor Thackery sees that as the whole thing, though, and she doesn't see the Burns killing as being co

Then she is not afraid of the Hangman?

She said that she is in a better position to know its mind than anyone else, and she is not especially concerned.

What about the other operator?

He said that Doctor Thackery may know its mind better than anyone else, but he knows its brain, and he isn't worried, either.

What did he mean by that?

David Fentris is a consulting engineer, electronics, cybernetics. He actually had something to do with the Hangman's design.

I got to my feet and went after the coffeepot. Not that I'd an overwhelming desire for another cup at just that moment. But I had known, had once worked with a David Fentris. And he had at one time been co

About fifteen years my senior, Dave had been with the data bank project when I had known him. Where a number of us had begun having second thoughts as the thing progressed, Dave had never been anything less than wildly enthusiastic. A wiry five-eight, graycropped, gray eyes back of horn-rims and heavy glass, cycling between preoccupation and near-frantic darting, he had had a way of verbalizing half-completed thoughts as he went along, so that you might begin to think him a representative of that tribe which had come into positions of small authority by means of nepotism or politics. If you would listen a few more minutes, however, you would begin revising your opinion as he started to pull his musings together into a rigorous framework. By the time he had finished, you generally wondered why you hadn't seen it all along and what a guy like that was doing in a position of such small authority. Later, it might strike you, though, that he seemed sad whenever he wasn't enthusiastic about something. And while the gung-ho spirit is great for short-range projects, larger ventures generally require somewhat more equanimity. I wasn't at all surprised that he had wound up as a consultant.

The big question now, of course was: Would he remember me? True, my appearance was altered, my personality hopefully more mature, my habits shifted around. But would that be enough, should I have to encounter him as part of this job? That mind behind those horn-rims could do a lot of strange things with just a little data.

Where does he live? I asked.

Memphis., And what's the matter?

Just trying to get my geography straight, I said. Is Senator Brockden still in Washington?

No. He's returned to Wisconsin and is currently holed up in a lodge in the northern part of the state. Four of my people are with him.

I see.

I refreshed our coffee supply and reseated myself. I didn't like this one at all and I resolved not to take it. I didn't like just giving Don a flat No, though. His assignments had become a very important part of my life, and this one was not mere legwork. It was obviously important to him, and he wanted me on it. I decided to look for holes in the thing, to find some way of reducing it to the simple bodyguard job already in progress.