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… but for the moment, at least, there was just a watchful silence.

So here we go, Meredith thought, reseating himself at his desk. The Battle for Astra has begun. I wonder what our chances are.

But that line of thought was unprofitable. Flipping on his phone, he began checking to see which of his communications lines were still open.

Chapter 13

"They're rolling out some kind of flyers now—bigger than ours," Hafner a

Standing beside him, Carmen shaded her eyes with one hand as she peered off to the west; the other hand, pressed to her side, was clenched into a fist. Two-thirds of the way up Olympus's south face, Hafner's expedition had found themselves in a grandstand seat for the alien ships' landing—but for Carmen, at least, the ability to see but not to help was an almost suffocating combination. I should be down there, she thought over and over. I should be helping run tactical programming. I take off one day to run Peter up here and the whole world falls apart. "Shouldn't we call and warn them about the flyers?" she asked Hafner.

Binoculars still at his eyes, he shook his head. "I'm sure both Colonel Meredith and Major Barner have scouts within sight of that ship. No, if we radio anything now we'll just advertise our presence here. I'd rather save that for something really important."

"But we can't just sit here twiddling our thumbs," one of the others objected. "Isn't there something we can do with our flyer? A bombing run, evacuation—anything?"

"If you can whip together some bombs out of moissanite rock, be my guest,"

Hafner said tartly. "And as for evacuation, you wouldn't get half a kilometer before you'd have all four of those things on your back … "

He trailed off. "An idea?" Carmen asked.

"Maybe." He lowered the glasses and frowned off toward the south. "Do you remember the spot where the other flyer crashed, our first day here?"

"Flyer Two? Um … I've got a rough idea."

"They never did find an actual cause for it, did they?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Well," he said slowly, "we know now that this mountain has some incredible collection of machinery underneath it. Could it be that the fields in the flyer's repulsers triggered a— oh, I don't know; a resonance or feedback type of reaction in something underground?"

She thought about that a long moment. "I suppose it's possible," she conceded.

"But I don't know what good that would do us. Besides, it seems to me we've flown over that spot ourselves, so whatever happened must have been a one-shot event."

Hafner was still gazing south. "Perhaps … " Abruptly, he took a deep breath and turned back to the west. "At any rate, that gives us an idea of the scale involved here. The aliens won't be able to just pack everything up in a suitcase and take off with it."

"Un-huh." But that's not what he was thinking, she told herself, studying his profile suspiciously. He's got something else in mind. What?

But for the moment, at least, he didn't seem inclined to talk about it. Swallowing her curiosity, Carmen turned her thoughts back to the drama unfolding to the west, wishing she were there.

Meredith had rather hoped the alien commander would use the communicator's vision attachment, but wasn't overly surprised when the screen remained blank.

Though off-planet radio was being thoroughly jammed he'd seen enough of the aliens to know they preferred to err on the side of caution. Of course, concealing their identity could also mean they were pla

"I'm sorry, Commander," he said, for the fourth time in half that many minutes,

"but many of my people do not carry personal phones. I simply ca

The alien's reply cut into his reading. "You seek to slow me with dialect variants, but such tactics are pointless. I do not intend to harm your people unless absolutely necessary. I similarly do not intend to allow them free movement. If necessary I can use infrared and composition sensors from low orbit to locate them individually. You have one planetary rotation to return them to their towns.

After that they will be considered as challengers to my rule and dealt with accordingly."

Meredith's throat felt very dry as he swallowed. He had no idea bow accurate the aliens' sensors actually were, but he doubted any of his troops could burrow underground deeply enough in twenty-seven hours to escape them. I should have started building defenses as soon as we realized the size of what we had here, he berated himself dully. But, damn it all, this trading association is supposed to be politically stable.

"Commander, I await your decision," the alien said.

"Yes. Uh … what guarantees do you offer for the safety of my people?"

The other began to speak … but Meredith never heard the answer. A short message from Major Ba


Meredith stared at the screen, his mind racing. Barner's implied suggestion was obvious … but how did the major expect Meredith to put it into effect? No one knew how the thing had been triggered the first time, and there was certainly no time to experiment now. He would have to gamble, and hope Astra was on their side for once.

The alien stopped talking and Meredith licked his lips. "Very well," he said. "If you will lift your jamming, I'll broadcast instructions to as many of my people as I can."

"The jamming has ceased."

With fingers that trembled only slightly, Meredith keyed in all the broadcast cha

Repeat, all fertilizer to be dumped onto the ground immediately."

"You did not give instructions for assembling in towns," the alien said as Meredith shut down the transmitters.

"That'll keep," the colonel told him. Surely they couldn't know too much about humans. "When we undertake an act of good faith, we are duty-bound to complete it before other activities may be started."

He waited tensely, but the alien remained silent. Nothing to do now but wait, he told himself, wiping ineffectually at the perspiration on his face. If it doesn't work we'll have to surrender. If it does … they'll probably start shooting.

"You heard the order, soldier," Major Ba

"Yes, sir." The man still didn't look happy, but the order he barked to his squad was forceful enough. Holstering their pistols, they produced trench knives and got to work on the thick plastic.

It took Carmen nearly a minute of straining before the intervening kilometers of air calmed enough for her to glimpse the underside of the distant landing craft; but once she had seen it she had no doubts left. "Landing skids," she told Al Nichols, who had moved up beside her. "No rubber wheels. Almost certainly bare steel or something equally vulnerable." Lowering the glasses, she offered them to him.