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No.' Amanda's tone was flat.

What's that, my little one? He has not the protection of your party, and he has offended our customs.'


Really, I must insist.'

Satan Mekratrig,' she said slowly, do you wish to try your strength with me?'

With you, madame?' He looked at her carefully, as if inspecting her for the first time. Well, it's been a trying day, hasn't it? Suppose we say no more about it. Till another time, then-'

He was gone.

The demon faced her. Thanks,' he said simply. I wish I had a hat to take off.' He added anxiously, Do you know your way out of here?'

Don't you?'

No, that's the trouble. Perhaps I should explain myself. I'm assigned to the antimonopoly division; we got a line on this chap Ditworth, or Nebiros. I followed him in here, thinking he was simply a black wizard and that I could use his portal to get back. By the time I knew better it was too late, and I was trapped. I had about resigned myself to an eternity as a fake demon.'

I was very much interested in his story. I knew, of course, that all G-men are either lawyers, magicians, or accountants, but all that I had ever met were accountants. This calm assumption of incredible dangers impressed me and increased my already high opinion of Federal agents.

You may use our portal to return,' Anianda said. Stick close to us.' Then to the rest of us, Shall we go now?'

Jack Bodie was still intoning the lines from the book when we landed. Eight and a half minutes,' he a

Yes, we did,' acknowledged Jedson, his voice muffled by the throes of his remetamorphosis. Everything that-'

But Bodie interrupted. Bill Kane - you old scoundrel!' he shouted. How did you get in on this party?' Our demon had shucked his transformation on the way and landed in his natural form - lean, young, and hard-bitten, in a quiet grey suit and snap-brim hat.

Hi, Jack,' he acknowledged. I'll look you up tomorrow and tell you all about it. Got to report in now.' With which he vanished.

Ellen was out of her trance, and Joe was bending solicitously over her to see how she had stood up under it. I looked around for Amanda.

Then I heard her out in the kitchen and hurried out there. She looked up and smiled at me, her lovely young face serene and coolly beautiful. Amanda,' I said, Amanda-'

I suppose I had the subconscious intention of kissing her, making love to her. But it is very difficult to start anything of that sort unless the woman in the case in some fashion indicates her willingness. She did not. She was warmly friendly, but there was a barrier of reserve I could not cross. Instead, I followed her around the kitchen, talking inconsequentially, while she made hot cocoa and toast for all of us.

When we rejoined the others I sat and let my cocoa get cold, staring at her with vague frustration in my heart while Jedson told Ellen and Jack about our experiences. He took Ellen home shortly thereafter, and Jack followed them out.

When Amanda came back from telling them goodnight at the door, Dr Royce was stretched out on his back on the hearthrug, with Seraphin curled up on his broad chest. They were both snoring softly. I realized suddenly that I was wretchedly tired. Amanda saw it, too, and said, Lie down on the couch for a little and nap if you can.'

I needed no urging. She came over and spread a shawl over me and kissed me tenderly. I heard her going upstairs as I fell asleep.

I was awakened by sunlight striking my face. Seraphin was sitting in the window, cleaning himself. Dr Worthington was gone, but must have just left, for the nap on the hearthrug had not yet straightened up. The house seemed deserted. Then I heard her light footsteps in the kitchen. I was up at once and quickly out there.

She had her back towards me and was reaching up to the old-fashioned pendulum clock that hung on her kitchen wall. She turned as I came in - tiny, incredibly aged, her thin white hair brushed neatly into a bun.

It was suddenly clear to me why a motherly goodnight kiss was all that I had received the night before; she had had enough sense for two of us, and had refused to permit me to make a fool of myself.

She looked up at me and said in a calm, matter-of-fact voice, See, Archie, my old clock stopped yesterday' - she reached up and touched the pendulum - but it is ru

There is not anything more to tell. With Ditworth gone, and Kane's report, Magic, Incorporated, folded up almost overnight. The new licensing laws were an unenforced dead letter even before they were repealed.

We all hang around Mrs Je

I helped Ellen and Joe organize their new business, then put Bodie in as manager, for I decided that I did not want to give up my old line. I've built the new wing and bought those two trucks, just as Mrs Je

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