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I wasn't going to let him down.

They were two doorways away, two of them holding Amanda still while the third was trying to reattach the restrainer I'd taken off her neck. Watching the street for cops, they never even knew anything was wrong until I had dropped the first of them. They had me spotted by the time I dropped the second. The third had just enough time for a curse and a hopeless lunge for his weapon before he joined his pals on the pavement.

Amanda was standing there shaking as I hurried up. "W-who -- ?" she began shakily.

"It's all right, Miss Lowell," I soothed her, crouching down and slipping a dog-collar restrainer around the neck of each of the unconscious men. Only then did I return my stu

Her eyes searched my face as I stood up again. "I can go home?" she asked, as if still not believing it.

"Absolutely," I assured her. "Our portal is in an apartment in Columbus. Let me bundle up these characters where they'll keep for an hour or two, call it in to my coordinator, and I'll drive you there. You'll be home in five hours."

She looked down at the men. "You're not going to just leave them here, are you?"

"Absolutely not," I said grimly, grabbing one under the arms and starting to drag him to a nearby alley. "Aside from anything else, I rather like watching kidnap trials."

It took some long and fancy persuasion to get Sir Charles and the authorities to allow me to go back. Even then, they made me wait until two months after I'd brought Amanda home.

Which was fine with me. I'd been pla

The biographies said that Weldon had quit his barroom career by this point and was writing full-time out of a downtown Pittsburgh apartment. He seemed cautiously pleased to see me. "Hello, Sigmund," he greeted me, stepping back to let me into the room. "I was hoping you'd come back."

"It took some doing," I said. "But I managed to convince them it would be safer to give you the whole story than leave you with only half of it."

"I have a full half, do I?" he asked wryly as he waved me to a somewhat threadbare chair.

"Possibly a bit less," I conceded, studying his face as I sat down.

Two months had worked wonders on the man. The emptiness I'd seen in his eyes that last night was gone, replaced by the creative fire the biographies had so often commented on. "You're looking good," I added. "Much better than the last time I saw you."

"I could say the same about you," he reminded me. He hesitated, just noticeably. "How is Amanda?"

"She's fine," I assured him. "She sends her greetings, and her deep thanks."

"So what exactly was that all about?" he asked, sitting down on a mismatched couch across from me. "I watched the papers for days, but there wasn't a thing in there. I was about ready to march into the police station and demand some answers."

"I thought you might," I said. "That's one reason I pushed them to let me come back."

"Back from where?" he asked, some tension creeping into his face as he leaned forward. "Russia? China?"

I shook my head. "I'm from the future, Weldon. To be precise, from November 7, 2153."

He took it better than I'd expected him to. A couple of owlish blinks of the eyes, and he was back on track again. "Two hundred years exactly," he said thoughtfully. "Coincidence?"

"No, that's just how it works," I told him. "You can only do jumps in one-hundred-year multiples. No one knows why."

"I've read stories about that sort of thing," he said. "Science fiction, they call it. I never thought it could really happen. So Amanda was a time-traveler too?"

"A very unwilling one," I said. "She was a kidnap victim."

That one got me no less than three blinks. "She was _kidnapped? _" he asked. "Why?"

"The usual reason," I told him. "Her father has a lot of money. A gang of sewage-eaters wanted some of it."

He mulled at that a moment. "And they decided to hide her in the past while they waited for the ransom to be paid?"

"Basically," I said, rather impressed he'd made the co

I waved a hand around me. "So they commandeered a pastportal and brought her here."

"Sounds like a pretty good plan."

"It was a terrific plan," I admitted. "Not only did we not have our usual resources to draw on in 1953, but we also had to make sure we didn't change history while we were looking for her. This was the first time this has ever been tried. I hope the cops can figure out a way to make sure it won't happen again."

He frowned slightly. "You're not a policeman?"

"Private investigator," I told him. "Amanda's father hired about eight hundred of us to assist the police in the search. I just happened to be the lucky one."

"Bull droppings," he said flatly. "Luck had nothing to do with it. You knew something."

"I didn't _know_, exactly, but I had a strong hunch," I said. "You see, during our interviews, one of Amanda's friends mentioned that she had discovered your music when she was a teenager, and that she had specifically felt drawn to your first published work."

His eyes widened. "You mean 'For Love of Amanda'? It's going to sell?"

I tensed. Uh-oh. "Haven't you sent it in yet?" I asked cautiously.

"Last month," he said. "But I haven't heard anything."

I breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Good; he'd already sent it in. No risk of me pushing or suggesting, then. "You will," I assured him. "Anyway, everyone else just assumed that she liked the song so much because her own name happened to be Amanda. Coincidence, and all that."

"But you didn't buy that."

"I wasn't sure," I said. "But I got to thinking there might be more to it than that, especially after I sat in on a couple of your sessions and saw how intensely personal and individual your barroom music could be."

"Like a handmade silk glove," he murmured.

"Amanda's own words," I agreed. "Which made me wonder if maybe that song really _had_ been written especially for her. If so, it stood to reason that you and she would eventually run into each other. I figured all I had to do was hang around in your shadow and wait for her to show up."

I shrugged. "Turns out I was right."

He shook his head wonderingly. "I knew I'd helped with something important," he said. "Somehow, I just knew it. But I never guessed it was something _this_ big."

"You saved her life," I said. "It doesn't get much bigger than that."

"I guess not," he said thoughtfully. "So what was that shiny thing you took out of her coat?"

"A restrainer," I told him. "A smaller version of a standard police gadget. If you try to run while wearing one, the controller can simply push a button and drop you where you stand."

"Is that what they used on you?"

"No, that was a paralyzer," I said. "It's supposed to immobilize someone for twenty minutes, minimum. Hurts like blazes, too."

He made a face. "I don't think I'd like living in your time," he commented.

I shrugged. "I know people who would agree with you."

He took a deep breath, let it go. "So that's it?"

"That's it," I confirmed, standing up. "I just wanted to come and tell you Amanda was okay. And to ask you not to tell anyone about this, of course."

"Of course," he said, standing up too. "I don't suppose you can...?"