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C. Given-Wilson, ‘Edward III's prisoners of war: the battle of Poitiers and its context',

English Historical Review

J. Godard, ‘Quelques précisions sur la campagne d'Azincourt tirées des archives municipales d'Amiens',

Bulletin trimestre de la Société des Antiquaires de Picardie

A. Gransden,

Historical Writing in England, ii. c. 1307 to the Early Sixteenth Century

R. Griffiths, ‘Prince Henry, Wales and the Royal Exchequer, 1400–13',

Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies

R. Griffiths, ‘Prince Henry's war: armies, garrisons and supply during the Glyndwr rising',

Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies

G. Harriss,

Cardinal Beaufort

A Study of Lancastrian Ascendancy and Decline

D. Hay, ‘The division of spoils of war in fourteenth century England',

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

H.J. Hewitt,

The Black Prince's Expedition of 1355–1357

C. Hibbert,


J.W. Honig, ‘Reappraising Late Medieval Strategy: The Example of the 1415 Agincourt Campaign',

War in History

A. Janvier,

Notices sur les ancie

J. Keegan,

The Face of Battle. A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme

G. Kipling,

Enter the King. Theatre, Liturgy and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph

J. Kirby, ‘The financing of Calais under Henry V,

Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research

G.A. Knowlson,

Jean V, duc de Bretagne, et l'Angleterre (1399–1442)

J. La Fons-Mélicocq,

Noyon et le Noyo

D. Lalande,

Jean II le Meingre dit Boucicaut (1366–1421). Étude d'une biographie héroïque

H. Lamotte,

Antiquités de la ville d'Harfleur

B. Le Cain, ‘Les fortifications de Harfleur au début du XVe siècle. Les a

Les fortifications Plantagenêt

A. Leguai, ‘Le problème des rançons au XVème siècle: la captivité de Jean I, duc de Bourbon',

Cahiers d'histoire

F. Lehoux,

Jean de France, duc de Berri. Sa vie. Son action politique

M. Livingstone and M. Witzel,

The Road to Crécy. The English Invasion of France 1346

P. McNiven, ‘Prince Henry and the English political crisis of 1412',


P. McNiven, ‘The problem of Henry IV's health, 1405–13',

English Historical Review

J.D. Milner, ‘The English Commitment to the 1412 Expedition to France',

Fifteenth Century England

L. Mirot, ‘Le process de maître Jean Fusoris',

Mémoires de la société de l'histoire de Paris et de l'île de France

L. Mirot, ‘Lettres closes de Charles VI conservées aux archives de Reims et de Tournai',

Le Moyen Age

Dom Morice,

Mémoires pour servir de preuves à l'historie de Bretagne

I. Mortimer,

1415: Henry V's Year of Glory

N.H. Nicolas,

History of the Battle of Agincourt

G. Pépin, ‘The French Offensives of 1404–1407 Against Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine',

Journal of Medieval Military History

C. Phillpotts, ‘The French plan of battle during the Agincourt campaign',

English Historical Review

C. Phillpotts, ‘The fate of the truce of Paris, 1396–1415',

Journal of Medieval History

U. Plancher,

Histoire de duché de Bourgogne

J. Poquet de Haut Jussé, ‘Une renaissance littéraire au cour d'Henry V',

Revue historique

E. Powell,

Kingship, Law and Society. Criminal Justice in the Reign of Henry V

M.R. Powicke, ‘Lancastrian captains',

Essays in Medieval History presented to Bertie Wilkinson

M. Prestwich,

Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages. The English Experience

T.B. Pugh,

Henry V and

the Southampton Plot

M. Richardson, ‘Henry V, The English Chancery, and Chancery English',


C.J. Rogers (ed.),

The Wars of Edward III. Sources and Interpretations

C.J. Rogers,

War Cruel and Sharp. English Strategy under Edward III, 1327–1360

C.J. Rogers, ‘Henry V's Military Strategy in 1415',

The Hundred Years War: A Wider Focus

C.J. Rogers, ‘The Battle of Agincourt',

The Hundred Years War

Part II

S. Rose (ed.),

The Navy of the Lancastrian Kings. Accounts and Inventories of William Soper, Keeper of the King's Ships 1422–1427

J.S. Roskell, L. Clark, and C. Rawcliffe (eds)

History of Parliament. The Commons 1386–1421

T.A. Sandquist, ‘The holy oil of St Thomas of Canterbury',

Essays in Medieval History presented to Bertie Wilkinson

J. Sherborne, ‘Indentured retinues and English expeditions to France, 1369–80',

English Historical Review

J.A. Tuck, ‘Henry IV and Europe: a dynasty's search for recognition',

The McFarlane Legacy. Studies in Late Medieval Politics

C. Tyreman,

England and the Crusades 1095–1588

M.G.A. Vale,

English Gascony 1399–1453

R. Vaughan,

John the Fearless

C. de Vic and J. Vaissète,

Histoire générale de Languedoc

S. Walker, ‘Janico Dartasso: chivalry, nationality and the man-at-arms',


J.H. Wylie,

History of England under Henry IV

J.H. Wylie and W.T. Waugh,

The Reign of Henry V
