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The warmth of his greeting was not influenced by his realization that her arrival would probably cause his own lateness to pass with little comment. "Sis! Hey, this is swell- I thought you were on Thule."

"I was... until a few hours ago." Rod tried to shake hands; his sister gathered him in a bear hug and bussed him on the mouth, squeezing him against the raised ornaments of her chrome corselet. She was still in uniform, a fact that caused him to think that she had just arrived-on her rare visits home she usually went slopping around in an old bathrobe and go-ahead slippers, her hair caught up in a knot. Now she was still in dress

armor and kilt and had dumped her side arms, gauntlets, and pluined helmet on the floor.

She looked him over proudly. "My, but you've grown! You're almost as tall as I am."

"I'm taller."

"Want to bet? No, don't try to wiggle away from me; I'll twist your arm. Slip off your shoes and stand back to back."

"Sit down, children," their father said mildly. "Rod, why were you late?"

"Uh..." He had worked out a diversion involving telling about the examination coming up, but he did not use it as his sister intervened.

"Don't heckle him, Pater. Ask for excuses and you'll get them. I learned that when I was a sublieutenant."

"Quiet, daughter. I can raise him without your help." Rod was surprised by his father's edgy answer, was more surprised by Helen's answer: "So? Really?" Her tone was odd.

Rod saw his mother raise a hand, seem about to speak, then close her mouth. She looked upset. His sister and father looked at each other; neither spoke. Rod looked from one to the other, said slowly, "Say, what's all this?"

His father glanced at him. "Nothing. We'll say no more about it. Di

"Just a minute," Rod said insistently. "I was late because I was hanging around the Gap."

"Very well. You know better, but I said we would say no more about it." He turned toward the lift.

"But I wanted to tell you something else, Dad. I won't be home for the next week or so."

"Very well- eh? What did you say?"

"I'll be away for a while, sir. Maybe ten days or a bit longer."

His father looked perplexed, then shook his head. "Whatever your plans are, you will have to change them. I can't let you go away at this time."

"But, Dad-"

"I'm sorry, but that is definite."

"But, Dad, I have to!"


Rod looked frustrated. His sister said suddenly, "Pater, wouldn't it be well to find out why he wants to be away?"

"Now, daughter-"

"Dad, I'm taking my solo survival, starting tomorrow morning!"

Mrs. Walker gasped, then began to weep. Her husband said, "There, there, my dear!" then turned to his son and said harshly, "You've upset your mother."

"But, Dad, I..." Rod shut up, thinking bitterly that no one seemed to give a hoot about his end of it. Mter all, he was the one who was going to have to sink or swim. A lot they knew or-

"You see, Pater," his sister was saying. "He does have to be away. He has no choice, because-"

"I see nothing of the sort! Rod, I meant to speak about this earlier, but I had not realized that your test would take place so soon. When I signed permission for you to take that course, I had, I must admit, a mental reservation. I felt that the experience would be valuable later when and if you took the course in college. But I never intended to let you come up against the final test while still in high school. You are too young.

Rod was shocked speechless. But his sister again spoke for him. "Fiddlesticks!"

"Eh? Now, daughter, please remember that-"

"Repeat fiddlesticks! Any girl in my company has been up against things as rough and many of them are not much older than Buddy. What are you trying to do, Pater? Break his nerve?"

"You have no reason to... I think we had best discuss this later."

"I think that is a good idea." Captain Walker took her brother's arm and they followed their parents down to the refectory. Di

As the ritual proceeded Rod made his responses automatically, his mind on this new problem. His sister chimed in heartily but his mother's answers could hardly be heard.

Nevertheless the warm symbolism had its effect; Rod felt himself calming down. By the time his father intoned the last "-one Principle, one family, one flesh!" he felt like eating. He sat down and took the cover off his plate.

A yeast cutlet, molded to look like a chop and stripped with real bacon, a big baked potato, and a grilled green lobia garnished with baby's buttons... Rod's mouth watered as he reached for the catsup.

He noticed that Mother was not eating much, which surprised him. Dad was not eating much either but Dad often just picked at his food... he became aware with sudden warm pity that Dad was thi

His attention was diverted by a story his sister was telling: "-and so the Commandant told me I would have to clamp down. And I said to her, 'Ma'am, girls will be girls. It I have to bust a petty officer everytime one of them does something like that, pretty soon I won't have anything but privates. And Sergeant Dvorak is the best gu

"Just a second," her father interrupted. "I thought you said 'Kelly,' not 'Dvorak.'"

"I did and she did. Pretending to misunderstand which sergeant she meant was my secret weapon-for I had Dvorak cold for the same offense, and Tiny Dvorak (she's bigger than I am) is the Squadron's white hope for the a

"So I straightened out the 'mix up' in my best wide-eyed, thick-headed ma

"So she grumpily allowed as how the company commander was responsible for her company and she would hold me to it and now would I get out and let her work on the quarterly training report in peace? So I threw her my best parade ground salute and got out so fast I left a hole in the air."

"I wonder," Mr. Walker said judicially, "if you should oppose your commanding officer in such matters? After all, she is older and presumably wiser than you are."

Helen made a little pile of the last of her baby's buttons, scooped them up and swallowed them. "Fiddlesticks squared and cubed. Pardon me, Pater, but if you had any military service you would know better. I am as tough as blazes to my girls myself... and it just makes them boast about how they've got the worst fire-eater in twenty planets. But if they're in trouble higher up, I've got to take care of my kids. There always comes a day when there is something sticky up ahead and I have to stand up and walk toward it. And it will be all right because I'll have Kelly on my right flank and Dvorak on my left and each of them trying to take care of Maw Walker all by her ownself. I know what I'm doing. 'Walker's Werewolves' are a team."