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"But not boys, Doctor."

"Perhaps not. Still, Sir Isaac Newton was a boy when he invented the calculus. Professor Einstein himself was only twenty-six when he published his first paper on relativity—and the work had been done when he was still younger. In mechanics and in the physical sciences, calendar age has nothing to do with the case; it's solely a matter of training and ability."

"Even if what you say is true, Doctor, training takes time and these boys have not had time for the training you need for such a job. It takes years to make an engineer, still more years to make a toolmaker or an instrument man. Tarnation, I'm an engineer myself. I know what I'm talking about."

"Ordinarily I would agree with you. But these boys have what I need. Have you looked at their work?"

"Some of it."

"How good is it?"

"It's good work—within the limits of what they know."

"But what they know is just what I need for this job. They are rocket fans now. They've learned in their hobbies the specialties I need." Mr. Jenkins considered this, then shook his head. "I suppose there is something in what you say. But the scheme is fantastic. I don't say that space flight is fantastic; I expect that the engineering problems involved will some day be solved. But space flight is not a back-yard enterprise. When it comes it will be done by the air forces, or as a project of one of the big corporations, not by half-grown boys."

Cargraves shook his head. "The government won't do it. It would be laughed off the floor of Congress. As for corporations, I have reason to be almost certain they won't do it, either."

Mr. Jenkins looked at him quizzically. "Then it seems to me that we're not likely to see space flight in our lifetimes."

"I wouldn't say so," the scientist countered. "The United States isn't the only country on the globe. It wouldn't surprise me to hear some morning that the Russians had done it. They've got the technical ability and they seem to be willing to spend money on science. They might do it."

"Well, what if they do?"

Cargraves took a deep breath. "I have nothing against the Russians; if they beat me to the moon, I'll take off my hat to them. But I prefer our system to theirs; it would be a sour day for us if it turned out that they could do something as big and as wonderful as this when we weren't even prepared to tackle it, under our set-up. Anyhow," he continued, "I have enough pride in my own land to want it to be us, rather than some other country."

Mr. Jenkins nodded and changed his tack. "Even if these three boys have the special skills you need, I still don't see why you picked boys. Frankly, that's why the scheme looks rattlebrained to me. You should have experienced engineers and mechanics and your crew should be qualified rocket pilots."

Doctor Cargraves laid the whole thing before them, and explained how he hoped to carry out his plans on a slim budget. When he had finished Mr. Jenkins said, "Then as a matter of fact you braced these three boys because you were hard up for cash?"

"If you care to put it that way."

"I didn't put it that way; you did. Candidly, I don't altogether approve of your actions. I don't think you meant any harm, but you didn't stop to think. I don't thank you for getting Ross and his friends stirred up over a matter unsuited to their ages without consulting their parents first." Donald Cargraves felt his mouth grow tense but said nothing; he felt that he could not explain that he had lain awake much of the night over misgivings of just that sort.

"However," Mr. Jenkins went on, "I understand your disappointment and sympathize with your enthusiasm." He smiled briefly. "I'll make you a deal. I'll hire three mechanics- you pick them -and one junior engineer or physicist, to help you in converting your ship. When the time comes, I'll arrange for a crew. Hiring will not be needed there, in my opinion—we will be able to pick from a long list of volunteers. Wait a minute," he said, as Cargraves started to speak, "you'll be under no obligation to me. We will make it a business proposition of a speculative sort. We'll draw up a contract under which, if you make it, you assign to me a proper percentage of the prize money and of the profits from exclusive news stories, books, lectures, and so forth. Does that look like a way out?"

Cargraves took a deep breath. "Mr. Jenkins," he said slowly, "if I had had that proposition last week, I would have jumped at it. But I can't take it."

"Why not?"

"I can't let the boys down. I'm already committed."

"Would it make a difference if I told you there was absolutely no chance of Ross being allowed to go?"

"No. I will have to go looking for just such a backer as yourself, but it can't be you. It would smack too much of allowing myself to be bought off- No offense intended, Mr. Jenkins! -to welch on the proposition I made Ross."

Mr. Jenkins nodded. "I was afraid you would feel that way. I respect your attitude, Doctor. Let me call Ross in and tell him the outcome." He started for the door.

"Just a moment, Mr. Jenkins-"


"I want to tell you that I respect your attitude, too. As I told you, the project is dangerous, quite dangerous. I think it is a proper danger but I don't deny your right to forbid your son to risk his neck with me."

"I am afraid you don't understand me, Doctor Cargraves. It's dangerous, certainly, and naturally that worries me and Mrs. Jenkins, but that is not my objection. I would not try to keep Ross out of danger. I let him take flying lessons; I even had something to do with getting two surplus army trainers for the high school. I haven't tried to keep him from playing around with explosives. That's not the reason."

"May I asked what it is?"

"Of course. Ross is scheduled to start in at the Technical Institute this fall. I think it's more important for him to get a sound basic education than for him to be first man on the moon." He turned away again.

"Wait a minute! If it's his education you are worried about, would you consider me a competent teacher?"

"Eh? Well... yes."

"I will undertake to tutor the boys in technical and engineering subjects. I will see to it that they do not fall behind."

Mr. Jenkins hesitated momentarily. "No, Doctor, the matter is settled. An engineer without a degree has two strikes against him to start with. Ross is going to get his degree." He stepped quickly to the door and called out,


"Coming, Dad." The center of the argument ran downstairs and into the room. He looked around, first at Cargraves, then anxiously at his father, and finally at his mother, who looked up from her knitting and smiled at him but did not speak. "What's the verdict?" he inquired.

His father put it bluntly. "Ross, you start in school in the fall. I ca

Ross's jaw muscles twitched but he did not answer directly. Instead he said to Cargraves, "How about Art and Morrie?"

"Art's going. Morrie phoned me and said his father didn't think much of it but would not forbid it."

"Does that make any difference, Dad?"

"I'm afraid not. I don't like to oppose you, son, but when it comes right down to cases, I am responsible for you until you are twenty-one. You've got to get your degree."

"But... but... look, Dad. A degree isn't everything. If the trip is successful, I'll be so famous that I won't need a tag on my name to get a job. And if I don't come back, I won't need a degree!"

Mr. Jenkins shook his head. "Ross, my mind is made up." Cargraves could see that Ross was fighting to keep the tears back. Somehow it made him seem older, not younger. When he spoke again his voice was unsteady. "Dad?"

"Yes, Ross?"

"If I can't go, may I at least go along to help with the rebuilding job? They'll need help."