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"Either Ydraint or Chlodys; I think Chlodys, who is some what more durable. I will make arrangements at once. Still, you must expect no miracles."

A week later Devonet and Chlodys arrived at Sarris and were instructed by Lady Desdea. She spoke dryly: "The country air has affected Princess Madouc strangely, as if it were a vital tonic, perhaps to her excessive invigoration. She has become careless of decorum, and is also somewhat flighty. We hope that she will profit by the example you set for her, and possibly your carefully phrased advice."

Devonet and Chlodys went to join Madouc. After long search they found her perched high in a cherry tree, plucking and eating plump red cherries.

Madouc saw the two without pleasure. "I thought that you had gone to your homes for the summer. Are they tired of you so soon?"

"Not at all," said Devonet with dignity. "We are here by royal invitation."

Chlodys said: "Her Highness feels that you need proper companionship."

"Ha," said Madouc. "No one asked me what I wanted."

"We are supposed to set you a good example," said Devonet. "As a start, I will point out that a lady of refinement would not wish to be found so high in a tree."

"Then I am a lady of refinement well and truly," said Madouc, "since I did not wish to be found."

Chlodys looked speculatively up into the branches. "Are the cherries ripe?"

"Quite ripe."

"Are they good?"

"Very good indeed."

"Since they are handy, you might pick a few for us."

Madouc selected two cherries and dropped them into Chlodys' hands. "Here are some the birds have pecked."

Chlodys looked at the cherries with a wrinkled nose. "Are there none better?"

"Certainly. If you climb the tree you can pick them."

Devonet tossed her head. "I don't care to soil my clothes."

"As you like."

Devonet and Chlodys moved to the side, where they settled themselves carefully in the grass and spoke in low voices. Occasionally they glanced up toward Madouc and giggled as if at some ludicrous consideration.

Madouc presently climbed down through the branches and jumped to the ground. "How long will you stay at Sarris?"

"We are here at the queen's pleasure," said Devonet. She looked Madouc up and down, and laughed incredulously. "You are wearing a boy's breeches!"

Madouc said coldly: "If you found me in the tree without, you might have more cause for criticism."

Devonet gave a scornful sniff. "Now that you are on the ground, you should instantly go change. A pretty frock would be ever so much nicer."

"Not if I should decide to go out with Tyfer for an hour or two."

Devonet blinked. "Oh? Where would you go?"

"Most anywhere. Perhaps along the riverbank."

Chiodys asked with delicate emphasis: "Who is ‘Tyfer'?"

Madouc gave her a wondering blue-eyed stare. "What odd things must go on in your mind! Tyfer is my horse. What else could he be?"

Chiodys giggled. "I was a bit confused."

Without comment, Madouc turned away.

Devonet called out: "Where are you going?"

"To the stables."

Devonet screwed up her pretty face. "I don't want to go to the stables. Let us do something else."

Chiodys suggested: "We can sit in the garden and play ‘Tit tiewit' or ‘Cockalorum'!"

"That sounds like fine sport!" said Madouc. "You two start the game. I will join you presently."

Chlodys said doubtfully: "It's no fun with just two!"

"Besides," said Devonet, "Lady Desdea wants us to attend you."

"It's so that you may learn proper ma

"That, in fact, is the way of it," said Devonet. "Without pedigree you can't be expected to come by such things naturally as we do."

"I have a fine pedigree somewhere," said Madouc bravely. "I am certain of it, and one day I will make a search-perhaps sooner than later."

Devonet gave a choked gurgle of laughter. "Do you go now to search the stables?"

Madouc turned her back and walked away. Devonet and Chlodys looked after her with vexation. Chlodys called: "Wait for us! We will come with you, but you must behave properly!"

Later in the day Devonet and Chlodys reported to Lady Desdea. Both were thoroughly a

But worse was to come. Madouc finished with Tyfer and led him away, but failed to return. The two girls went to find her. As they picked their way fastidiously around the stable, an exit gate swung open without warning, thrusting them from the stone coping into the drainage sump, so that both stumbled and fell. At this point Madouc appeared in the opening and asked why they were playing in the manure. "This is not what I consider ladylike behavior," Madouc told them haughtily. "Have you no regard for decency?"

Lady Desdea could only deplore the misfortune. "You should be more careful. Still, Madouc need not lavish so much time on that horse. Tomorrow I shall see to it! We shall sit to our needlework, with honeycakes and sangaree for us all to enjoy."

At twilight the three girls supped on cold fowl and onion pudding in a pleasant little room overlooking the park. Prince Cassander came to sit with them. At his order, the steward brought a flask of pale sweet wine. Cassander sat back in his chair, sipping from the goblet and talking largely of his theories and exploits. On the morrow he and his comrades intended to ride north to Flauhamet, a town on Old Street, where a great fair was in progress. "There will be jousting,"* said Cassander. "Perhaps I will take up a gage or two, if the competition is fair; we do not wish to compete against yokels and ploughboys; that goes without saying."

Even at her relatively early age, Devonet was always ready to test her skills. "You must be very brave, to take such risks!"

Cassander made an expansive gesture. "It is a complicated skill, comprised of practice, horsemanship and natural ability. I flatter myself that I run a good course. You three should come to Flauhamet, at least to see the fair. Then, should we joust, we will wear your ribbons! What do you think of that?"

"It sounds splendid," said Chlodys. "But Lady Desdea has other plans for tomorrow."

"In the morning we will sit at our needlework in the conservatory, while Master Jocelyn sings to the lute." Devonet darted a glance toward Madouc. "In the afternoon the queen holds court and we will all attend her, as is proper."

"Ah well, you must do what Lady Desdea thinks best," said Cassander. "Perhaps there will be another occasion before summer is over."

"I do hope so!" said Devonet. "It would be most exciting to watch you vanquish your opponents, one after the other!"

"It is not so easy as that," said Cassander. "And there may be only bumpkins on plough horses to ride against. Still, we shall see."


In the morning, early, with the sun still red in the east, Madouc rose from her bed, dressed, took a hasty breakfast of porridge and figs in the kitchen, then ran around to the stables. Here she searched out Pymfyd and commanded him to saddle Tyfer, and his own horse as well.

Pymfyd blinked, yawned and scratched his head. "It is neither entertaining nor sensible to ride out so early."

"Do not attempt to think, Pymfyd! I have already made the decisions. Merely saddle the horses, and without delay."

"I see no need for haste," growled Pymfyd. "The day is young and the day is long."

"Is it not clear? I want to avoid Devonet and Chlodys! You have heard my orders; please be quick."

"Very good, Your Highness." Pymfyd languidly saddled the horses, and led them from the stable. "Where do you intend to ride?"

"Here, there, up the lane, perhaps as far as Old Street."