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"Wait a minute," Luke said, turning to Mara. "I thought you said Thrawn destroyed Outbound Flight."

"That's what Parck told me," Mara confirmed. "Maybe he was wrong."

"Or maybe this happened before Thrawn got to it?" Luke suggested.

Drask was speaking again. "General Drask is asking who their enslavers were," Formbi said, a thoughtful tone in his voice. "I wonder..."

His voice trailed off. "You know something?" Mara prompted.

"I have a thought," Formbi said. "Let's first see what the Geroon says."

Bearsh answered, stepping back from the holocam and waving his hands in a complicated pattern. "What's that behind him?" Luke asked, frowning as he tried to see past the two alien faces that were now only partially filling the screen. The area behind them seemed to be a large open room, possibly even larger than the reception area he and Mara had come through earlier. The walls and ceiling were colored a white-textured blue, and he could just see the tops of some kind of open structures above the aliens' heads.

And then, as he watched, two small figures moved into view, climbing hand over hand on the nearest structure. "What in the—?"

"It's a playground," Mara breathed. "It's a children's playground."

"You're right," Luke said. One of the small Geroons reached the top of the structure he was climbing, pulling a red headband from around his ears as he did so and waving it in triumph. "Looks like a version of Hilltop Emperor."

"Complete with flag and loud gloating," Mara agreed. "What in the world is a playground doing aboard a starship?"

"The Vagaari," Formbi murmured.

"What?" Luke asked, turning to him.

Formbi gestured to the display. "He has just confirmed my expectations," the Chiss said darkly. "He says it was the Vagaari who enslaved them."

"I take it that is a species you've seen before?" Mara asked.

"Not seen, but far too familiar with," Formbi said. "They were a great race of nomadic conquerors and slavers who once flew freely through this region of space, taking and destroying at will, particularly among the smaller species and worlds."

"Are they still around?" Luke asked.

"They and their deeds have not been seen for many years," Formbi said. "Not since the battle where the Outbound Flight was destroyed, in fact."

Luke and Mara exchanged startled looks. "They were at that battle?" Luke asked.

"And on whose side?" Mara added. "Outbound Flight's, or the Chiss's?"

"There was no 'Chiss' side of the battle, Jedi Skywalker," Formbi countered, his red eyes flashing at her. "There was only Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo and his one very small picket force. They did not represent the Chiss Defense Fleet, or the Nine Ruling Families, or any other group of the Chiss people."

"Yes, we understand that," Luke assured him hastily. "Mara was simply wondering how exactly the battle lines were drawn up."

Formbi shook his head. "I arrived after the battle was over, after all the destruction had already taken place." He rumbled deep in his throat. "Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo was not very informative on what exactly had taken place."

"So it's possible that the Jedi aboard Outbound Flight really did help them against the Vagaari?" Luke asked.

Formbi shrugged. "You know the Jedi," he said. "You must tell me whether that is possible."

Luke looked back at the display and the pleading Geroons. Faced with both a pirate gang and Thrawn's forces, threatened by both, what would the Jedi have done? "I'm sure they would have tried to help," he said slowly. "How much they could have done... I don't know."

"Though the Geroons clearly think they did something significant," Mara pointed out. "You suppose Outbound Flight and Thrawn could have combined forces long enough to stomp the Vagaari before Thrawn turned on them?"

Luke shrugged. "I suppose that's possible," he said. "Hard to believe he could have co

"Unless they knew that, but decided to risk it anyway in order to save the Geroons," Mara suggested. "You Jedi Masters get all noble and self-sacrificing at the oddest moments."

"Thank you," Luke said dryly. "The question is—"

"Ah," Formbi said, turning. "Here he is now."

Luke turned to see Feesa coming toward them. Striding along behind her was a medium-tall human male with silver hair and a close-cropped silver beard, his face lined and dark with the evidence of too many of his years spent under unforgiving suns. "Welcome, Ambassador," Formbi greeted him. "We seem to have more visitors."

"I see," the man said, looking past the group toward the command center's displays. His voice was deep and rich, full of intelligence and quiet confidence. Up close now, Luke could see that his eyes were an unusual shade of gray. "Interesting. Do we know them?"

"They call themselves the Geroons," Formbi said, turning back as someone called his name. "Excuse me, but I'm needed below. Come, Feesa."

"Introductions?" Mara murmured, her eyes on the newcomer.

"I'm sorry," Formbi said as he and Feesa paused at the top of the short stairway that linked the balcony to the main floor of the command center. "Ambassador, may I present Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Mara Jade Skywalker."

There was a flicker of something in the man's eyes, but his smile showed nothing but easy friendliness. "Pleased to meet you," he said. "I've heard many things about you both."

"And this," Formbi continued, "is the person Coruscant and the New Republic have sent as their representative.

"Ambassador Dean Jinzler."


Formbi hurried off down the stairway to where General Drask was waiting, Feesa following close behind.

Leaving the three humans gazing at each other.

Jinzler broke the silence first. "I see you've been talking to Talon Karrde," he said.

"What makes you say that?" Luke asked, his voice giving nothing away.

"Your expressions," Jinzler said. He smiled faintly. "Or, rather, your complete lack of them. You probably want to know what this is all about."

"Why don't you tell us?" Luke suggested. From the calmness in his voice it was clear Luke was willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt, at least for the moment.

Which was a full moment longer than Mara herself was interested in giving him. She threw a quick glance down at the command floor, wondering what Luke would say if she called Formbi back up here and denounced Jinzler on the spot.

But Formbi seemed to be having a quiet, three-way argument with Drask and Talshib on the podium. Interrupting them at this point might not be a smart thing to do.

"For starters, let me assure you I'm not here for any kind of financial gain," Jinzler said. "I'm not looking for power or influence or blackmail, either."

"Well, that cuts out all the interesting possibilities," Mara said tartly. "How about telling us what you are here for?"

"I can also promise you that I won't make any trouble," Jinzler continued. "I won't try to influence the Chiss or get in the way of whatever negotiations or other diplomatic plans you have."

"You're already making trouble, just by being here," Mara told him.

"You're also stalling," Luke said. "What do you want?"

Jinzler took a deep breath, let it out in a controlled huff. "I have to see Outbound Flight," he said quietly, his gaze drifting to the display and the image of the Geroon ship. "I have to..."

He closed his eyes briefly. "I'm sorry, but it's extremely personal."

"Very touching," Mara said. "Also very inadequate. Let's try it from a different direction. Why are you impersonating a New Republic official?"