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The nurse tried to keep him quiet, but MacKi


"... for the purpose of conserving and improving our interplanetary resources, and providing useful, healthful occupations for the youth of this planet." Excerpt from the enabling act, H.R. 7118, setting up the Cosmic Construction Corps.

"Attention to muster!" The parade ground voice of a First Sergeant of Space Marines cut through the fog and drizzle of a nasty New Jersey morning. "As your names are called, answer 'Here', step forward with your baggage, and embark. "Atkins!" "Here!" "Austin!" "Hyar!" "Ayres!" "Here!" One by one they fell out of ranks, shouldered the hundred and thirty pounds of personal possessions allowed them, and trudged up the gangway. They were young -- none more than twenty-two -- in some cases luggage outweighed the owner. "Kaplan!" "Here!" "Keith!" "Heah!" "Libby!" "Here!" A thin gangling blonde had detached himself from the line, hastily wiped his nose, and grabbed his belongings. He slung a fat canvas bag over his shoulder, steadied it, and lifted a suitcase with his free hand. He started for the companionway in an unsteady dogtrot. As he stepped on the gangway his suitcase swung against his knees. He staggered against a short wiry form dressed in the powder-blue of the Space Navy. Strong fingers grasped his arm and checked his fall. "Steady, son. Easy does it." Another hand readjusted the canvas bag. "Oh, excuse me, uh" -- the embarrassed youngster automatically counted the four bands of silver braid below the shooting star -- "Captain. I didn't--" "Bear a hand and get aboard, son." "Yes, sir." The passage into the bowels of the transport was gloomy. When the lad's eyes adjusted he saw a gu