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Magnus Ridolph said thoughtfully, "The Roaring Cape might win, if they received a small measure of assistance."
Clark's pink face expanded in alarm like a trick mask. "I'm an officer of the Commonwealth! I couldn't be party to a thing like that! It's unthinkable!"
Magnus Ridolph said judiciously, "Certainly the proposal is not one to enter upon hastily; it must be carefully considered. In a sense, the Commonwealth might be best served by the ousting of Shadow Valley I
Clark shoved his hands deep in his pocket, stared a long moment at Magnus Ridolph. "I could not conceivably put myself in the position of siding with one tumble against another. If I did so, what little influence I have on Kokod would go up in smoke."
Magnus Ridolph shook his head indulgently. "I fear you imagine the two of us carrying lances, marching in step with the warriors, fighting in the first ranks. No, no, my friend, I assure you I intend nothing quite so broad." "Well," snapped Clark, "just what do you intend?" "It occurred to me that if we set out a few pellets of a sensitive explosive, such as fulminate of mercury, no one could hold us responsible if tomorrow the Vine Hill armies blundered upon them, and were thereby thrown into confusion."
"How would we know where to set out these pellets? I should think - "
Magnus Ridolph made an easy gesture. "I profess an amateur's interest in military strategy; I will assume responsibility for that phase of the plan."
"But I have no fulminate of mercury," cried Clark, "no explosive of any kind!"
"But you do have a laboratory?"
Clark assented reluctantly. "Rather a makeshift affair."
"Your reagents possibly include fuming nitric acid and iodine?"
"Then to work. Nothing could suit our purpose better than nitrogen iodide."
The following afternoon Magnus Ridolph sat in the outdoor café overlooking the vista of Shadow Valley. His right hand clasped an eggshell goblet of Methedeon wine; his left held a mild cigar. Turning his head, he observed the approach of Julius See, and, a few steps behind, like a gaunt red-headed ghost, his partner, Bruce Holpers.
See's face was compressed into layers: a smear of black hair, creased forehead, barred eyebrows, eyes like a single dark slit, pale upper lip, mouth, wide sallow chin. Magnus Ridolph nodded affably. "Good evening, gentlemen."
See came to a halt, as, two steps later, did Bruce Holpers.
"Perhaps you can tell me the outcome of today's battle?" asked Magnus Ridolph. "I indulged myself in a small wager, breaking the habit of many years, but so far I have not learned whether the gods of chance have favored me."
"Well, well," said See throatily. " "The gods of chance' you call yourself."
Magnus Ridolph turned him a glance of limpid inquiry. "Mr. See, you appear disturbed; I hope nothing is wrong?"
"Nothing special, Ridolph. We had a middling bad day - but they average out with the good ones."
"Unfortunate. ... I take it, then, that the favorite won? If so, my little wager has been wiped out."
"Your little 25,000 munit wager, eh? And half a dozen other 25,000 munit wagers placed at your suggestion?"
Magnus Ridolph stroked his beard soberly. "I believe I did mention that I thought the odds against Roaring Cape interesting, but now you tell me that Vine Hill has swept the field."
Bruce Holpers uttered a dry cackle. See said harshly, "Come off it, Ridolph. I suppose you're completely unaware that a series of mysterious explosions" ("Land mines," interrupted Holpers, "that's what they were.") "threw Vine Hill enough off stride so that Roaring Cape mopped up Pink Stone Table with them."
Magnus Ridolph sat us.
"Is that right, indeed? Then I have won after all!"
Julius See became suddenly silky, and Bruce Holpers, teetering on heel and toe, glanced skyward. "Unfortunately, Mr. Ridolph, so many persons had placed large bets on Roaring Cape that on meeting the odds, we find ourselves short on cash. We'll have to ask you to take your wi
"But gentlemen!" protested Magnus Ridolph. "A hundred thousand munits! I'll be here until doomsday!"
See shook his head. "Not at our special Ridolph rates. The next packet is due in five days. Your bill comes to 20,000 munits a day. Exactly 100,000 munits."
"I'm afraid I find your humor a trifle heavy," said Magnus Ridolph frostily.
"It wasn't intended to make you laugh," said See. "Only us. I'm getting quite a kick out of it. How about you, Bruce?"
"Ha, ha, ha," laughed Holpers.
Magnus Ridolph rose to his feet. "There remains to me the classical recourse. I shall leave your exorbitant premises."
See permitted a grin to widen his lips. "Where are you going to leave to?"
"He's going to Roaring Cape Tumble," snickered Holpers. "They owe him a lot."
"In co
See gri
Magnus Ridolph bowed, marched away. See and Holpers stood looking after him. Holpers made an adenoidal sound. "Think he'll move out?"
See grunted. "There's no reason why he should. He's not getting the hundred thousand anyway; he'd be smarter sitting tight."
"I hope he does go; he makes me nervous. Another deal like today would wipe us out. Six hundred thousand munits - a lot of scratch to go in ten minutes."
"We'll get it back... Maybe we can rig a battle or two ourselves."
Holpers' long face dropped, and his teeth showed. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea. First thing you know Commonwealth Control would be - "
"Pah!" spat See. "What's Control going to do about it? Clark has all the fire and guts of a Leghorn pullet."
"Yes, but-"
"Just leave it to me."
They returned to the lobby. The desk clerk made an urgent motion. "Mr. Ridolph has just checked out! I don't understand where - "
See cut him off with a brusque motion. "He can camp under a stele for all I care."
Magnus Ridolph sat back in the most comfortable of Everley Clark's armchairs and lit a cigarette. Clark watched him with an expression at once wary and obstinate. "We have gained a tactical victory," said Magnus Ridolph, "and suffered a strategic defeat."
Everley Clark knit his brows uneasily. "I don't quite follow you. I should think - "
"We have diminished the financial power of Shadow Valley I
"Well," said Clark, "I know it hurts to have to admit defeat, but we've done our best and no one can do more. Considering my position, perhaps it's just as well that - "
"If conditions were to be allowed to rest on the present basis," said Magnus Ridolph, "there might be reason for some slight relaxation. But I fear that See and Holpers have been too thoroughly agitated by their losses to let the matter drop."
Everley Clark eyed Magnus Ridolph in perturbation. "But what can they do? Surely I never - "
Magnus Ridolph shook his head gravely. "I must admit that both See and Holpers accused me of setting off the explosions which routed the Vine Hill Tumble. Admission of guilt would have been ingenuous; naturally I maintained that I had done nothing of the sort. I claimed that I had no opportunity to do so, and further, that the Ecologic Examiner aboard the Hesperornis who checked my luggage would swear that I had no chemicals whatsoever among my effects. I believe that I made a convincing protestation."