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The best place to talk to her, I decided, would be at a good quiet restaurant; that way we could avoid the possibility of being picked up by a government bug. I therefore phoned her from work and invited her out to di

"I've never been to Del Key's," she said. "But I've heard of it. They have a cuisine like the San Francisco restaurants. I'm free Thursday night."

On Thursday night I swung by her apartment, picked her up, and soon we were seated in a secluded booth in the main dining room at Del Key's.

"What is it you want to tell me?" she said, as we ate our salads. "I know about your mother," I said. "And Ferris


"What do you mean?"

In a voice low enough for our safety, I said, "I know that your mother was an organizer for the Communist


Sadassa's eyes flew open behind her thick glasses. She stared at me; she had stopped eating.

"I know further," I said quietly, "that she signed up Ferris Fremont when he was in his late teens. I know that she trained him as a sleeper, to go into politics with no sign of his real views or his real affiliations."

Still staring at me, Sadassa said, "You are really crazy."

"Your mother is dead," I said, "and so the Party - Ferris Fremont - thinks the secret is safe. But as a child you saw Fremont with your mother and you overheard enough. You're the only person outside the higher ranks of the Party who knows. That's why the government tried to kill you off with cancer. They found out you're alive despite your name change and that you know. Or they suspect you know. So you have to be killed."

Sadassa, frozen in one spot, fork half-raised, continued to gaze at me in stricken silence.

"We are intended to work together," I said. "This information will go onto a record, a folk LP, in the form of subliminal bits of data distributed so that in repeated playings a person will unconsciously absorb the message. The record industry has techniques to accomplish that; it's done all the time, although the message has to be simple. „Ferris Fremont is a Red." Nothing elaborate. One word in one track, another in the next - maybe eight words maximum. Juxtaposed in the playback. Like code. I will see that the record saturates this country; we'll flood the market with it - a huge initial pressing. There will be only one pressing and one distribution, because as soon as people begin to transliminate the message the authorities will step in and destroy all -"

Sadassa found her voice. "My mother is alive. She's active in church work; she lives in Santa Ana. There's no truth in what you say. I never heard such garbage." Standing, she set down her fork, dabbed at her mouth; she seemed on the verge of tears. "I'm going home. You're completely spaced; I heard about your accident on the freeway; it was in the Register. You must have gotten your marbles scrambled; you're crazy. Good night." She walked rapidly away from the booth, without glancing back.

I sat alone in silence.

All at once she was back, standing by me, bending over and speaking in a low, grim voice into my ear. "My mother is a down-to-earth Republican and has been all her life. She has never had anything to do with left-wing politics, certainly .not the Communist Party. She never met Ferris Fremont, although she was present at a rally at Anaheim Stadium where he spoke - that's the closest she ever got to him. She is just an ordinary person, saddled with the name „Aramchek," which means nothing. The police have investigated her repeatedly because of it. Do you want to meet her?" Sadassa's voice had risen wildly. Til introduce you to her; you can ask her. It's saying crazy things like this that gets people into -oh, never mind." Again she strode off; this time she did not return.

I don't understand, I said to myself. Is she lying?

Shaken I managed to finish my meal, hoping she would show up again, reseat herself, and take back what had been said. She did not, I paid the check, got in the Maverick, and slowly drove home.

When I opened the apartment door, Rachel greeted me with one brittle sentence. "Your girlfriend called."

"What did she say?" I said.

"She's at the La Paz Bar in Fullerton. She told me to tell you she walked there from Del Key's, that she doesn't have any money for cab fare, so she wants you to drive back to Fullerton, to the bar, and pick her up and take her home."

"Okay,"I said.

"Do you think you and she can throw Ferris Fremont out of office?" Rachel called after me sardonically. "You and she and Valis? That satellite?"

Pausing at the door, I answered, "No. I don't. Maybe some lesser tyra

"I envy the people in that universe."

"Me too." I left the apartment and drove from Placentia to the La Paz Bar on Harbor Boulevard in Fullerton.

The La Pa/ Bar is extremely dark, and when I entered I could not see her anywhere. At last I made out her small figure; she sat alone at a small table in the rear, her purse in front of her beside an empty drink glass and a dish of corn chips.

Seating myself, I said, Tm sorry I said those things."

"It's all right," Sadassa said. "You were supposed to say them. I just didn't know how to react - I had to get out of that restaurant. Too many people, too crowded. I had no instructions then as to what to say; you took me by surprise."

"Was it true, then? What I said? About your mother?"

"Basically, yes. I've received instructions since I saw you; I know what I'm supposed to say. You are to sit here until I've finished talking."

"Okay," I said.

Sadassa said, "What you told me came from the satellite. There is no other way you could have known it."

"That's right," I said.

"The information you told me introduced you to me as a member of our organization, a new one; that information is an initial step in understanding the situation, but it is not the full story. I'm to further initiate you into the organization by - "

"What organization?" I said.

"Aramchek," Sadassa said.

"Then Aramchek exists."

"Certainly it does. Why should Ferris Fremont spend half his time trying to stamp out a group that's imaginary? Aramchek includes hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, here and in the Soviet Union. I don't really know how many. The satellite reaches each of us directly and on an individual basis, so only the satellite knows who, how many, where, and what we are to do."

"What is Aramchek?" I said.

"I just told you. People here and there contacted and informed by the satellite. The satellite itself is called Aramchek; we get our name from it. You're a member of Aramchek, brought into it on the initiative of the satellite. It is always by the volition of the satellite that someone is brought in - exactly as you were: picked out, selected. We, you and I and the others, are the Aramchek people, exponents of a composite mind emanating from the satellite, which in turn receives its instructions by web from the planets of the Albemuth system.

"Albemuth is the correct name for the star we call Fomalhaut. We came from there originally, but the mind controlling the satellite is not like ours; rather, it is" - she paused - "much superior. The dominant life form on the planets of Albemuth. Whereas we were a less-evolved life form. We were given our freedom tens of thousands of years ago, and we migrated here to set up our own colony. When we fell into overwhelming difficulties, the satellite was dispatched to help us, to serve as a link back to the Albemuth system."

"I knew most of this already," I said.

Sadassa continued, There is one thing you do not know, or rather do not realize. What has been happening is a transfer of plasmatic, highly evolved life forms from the Albemuth planets via the communications network to the satellite, and from there to the surface of this planet. Technically speaking, Earth is being invaded. That is what is really happening.