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"Eventually, it evolved into what we have now: M. Y.T.H. Inc. That started out as a simple matter of pooling our talents for mutual support and improved marketing, and has become successful far beyond our initial expectations."

I paused and looked around the assemblage.

"I can't speak for the rest of you, but I, personally, have accumulated more money than I ever expected to see, and probably more than I could spend in two lifetimes. While Aahz may insist there is no such thing as enough money, I think there comes a point where accumulating more wealth becomes simply a habitual exercise rather than an actual need."

I gave a little shake of my head.

"As for the work itself, for a long time now what's been keeping me going is my own exaggerated sense of responsibility. In hindsight, it isn't really surprising. Until I took up learning and practicing magik, I was a nobody that no one depended on or looked to for help. From that start, I was catapulted into the limelight. Suddenly I could make a difference, or people expected me to make a difference, and I got caught up in being needed. Our clients needed me. The kingdom needed me. Most of all, the team needed me, and I was bound and determined not to let them down if it was at all within my power."

I gave a little laugh.

"Of course, it eventually came to light that my friends were working overtime to help me. That they would see me, in my zeal, bite off more than I could chew and would pitch in to give me moral, physical, and magikal support in whatever I had set my sights on. All in all, it's become more than a little circular.

"Well, as I said a moment ago, I've given it a lot of thought, and have decided what I want to do, what I think will make me happy. I want to study magik. Seriously. Not slap-dash picking up tidbits on the fly while we're adventuring, but conscientious, organized study.

"I've spoken with Aahz, and he's sure I can arrange for correspondence schooling from MIP, his old alma mater on Perv. What's more, I've arranged for a house here on Klah for my studies. Actually, it's an old i

I paused, and took a deep breath.

"As you've probably guessed, this will require my stepping down from being Chairman of the Board for M.Y.T.H. Inc., and retiring from being an active member of the team. It wasn't an easy decision to make; in fact, it's probably the hardest decision I've had to make in my life. Still, it's what I think will make me happiest, and I've got to give it a try. I can only hope you'll all wish me the best of luck, and stay in touch."

I paused for a moment to give it a chance to sink in.

"Now, this is supposed to be a pla

I glanced over at Guido and Nunzio.

"I had a long talk with Don Bruce at the wedding reception yesterday. While he wasn't wild about my stepping down, he's agreed to go along with whatever decisions you come up with today. M.Y.T.H. Inc. can continue to represent the Mob's interests on Deva or step back, whereupon he will try to find other representatives. As for Guido and Nunzio, whom he originally assigned to me as bodyguards, he is giving them the choice of continuing their work with M.Y.T.H. Inc. or returning to the Mob for reassignment."

I looked over at Bu

"I have asked Bu

I shifted my gaze to the remaining three team members.

"Aahz, Tananda, and Chumley all had other things going for them before they met me and we eventually formed the corporation. Again, I figure it is up to them if they want to continue working with M.Y.T.H. Inc. or strike on out on their own."

I paused to collect my thoughts. This was turning out to be even harder to say than I had anticipated.

"This meeting is to discuss the future of M.Y.T.H. Inc., and since my resignation means I will not be a part of it, I feel it's only fair that I not be included in that discussion. If nothing else, there might be some things you want to say that would be hard to say in front of me.

"While I'll want to have a drink or five with all of you and say my goodbyes before I leave for my new home, right now you have a lot to discuss. As such, I guess it's time for me to excuse myself from the meeting and let you get on with business."

I started to get up, but Aahz uncoiled from his window and held up a restraining hand.

"Before you go, partner, I think we can spare a few minutes more before we start the meeting. There's something that should be said, and I guess I'm the logical person to say it."

I settled back into my chair.

Aahz stood looking at me for a moment before he spoke.

"Skeeve," he said, finally, "we've all been through a lot together over the last several years. We've fought together, bled together, drank together, and co

With that, he started clapping. The rest of the team was close behind him, rising to their feet and applauding me, some smiling, some crying, but all looking at me with love and affection in their eyes.

I was both surprised and overwhelmed with a wave of emotion.

"Thank you," I managed. "Thank you all."

Blinking back tears, I got up and left, walking out of my past and into my future.

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