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"No, you certainly don't have to watch her by the bedside," Tol shook his head and collapsed into his chair. He had many things to do that were urgent and that he could not deal with so far.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth? Or why didn't you tell her the whole truth? Or maybe I don't know something? If my memory serves me right, the Oracle's vision said otherwise."

"What makes you think she didn't see anything else?"

"Tol, the Oracle said clearly that the young woman must participate in some upcoming battle, but you say that she is to pay the debt. She'll lose her powers as soon as it happens!"

"Eugene, you yourself brought her to me because you didn't know how to persuade a human to cooperate. And now you criticize me for me having managed to get her on our side, though hiding some part of the truth!"

"I don't criticize you at all. I want to understand why you didn't tell her about the role you'd prepared for her in all this!"

"Do you think she would eagerly agree to die in her young age because we've been unable to perform our duties as we should have? Although you're not a big fan of people, but the existence of all things depends on a completely unprepared, i

"Is it what the Elders said or just your assumption?"

"Rather, the second one…"

"Though she is a human, she deserves to know the truth…"

"Enough! It's not my responsibility! If that's what you want, I give you permission to tell her everything. Go on! But if she refuses to help after that, we're doomed."

"She's just a kid!!! She will have to risk her life, most likely even die, and I think she has the right to know why and what price she will have to pay to save the Balance."

"I also feel sorry for her… This might sound weird, but she's just a victim of circumstances. But the greater good is more important. It's best not to say anything yet. Let her find out about it later, when she has no choice."

"She'll hate us…"

Tol half-arched his eyebrow as if in surprise.

"Does it bother you?"

"Sure! If she becomes powerful enough, she can make troubles. People live with emotions, especially emphasizing the revenge. Imagine what will happen if she absorbs too many powers and we are no longer able to stop her… Then, the Balance will be our lesser concern. Isn't that why Charon was locked up without a chance to leave his post?"

"Eugene, we'll tackle the issues as they arise."

"I don't really like people, but they have a good saying: 'For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest!' And then don't say that I didn't warn you."

"We'll figure this out. Now we have bigger problems."

"Like what?"

"The gate was open for almost a day due to the escape of Charon. Several hundred souls, and maybe even more, broke free. The Source is still safe. I sent off almost all the Guardians for its protection, and others are at the gate. There's no one else to defend the positions and reliquiae. Even the Oracle is left unguarded. The High Priests are nervous. They try to find out a bit more about the upcoming war, but they have to fight the newly-converted ones now and then. I understand that you need to rest, but I would appreciate it if you could help them out. We need a new prophecy, because no one knows where from the danger is expected to come."

Eugene nodded and, briefly saying goodbye to the Commander, went to the Grotto of the Oracle.

During the years of his service as a Guardian, Eugene had a chance to participate in thousands of battles against the rebels: evil spirits kept gathering in chaotic groups, uniting in small troops and trying to storm the entrance to the Source; against the rebellious demigods, who were hungry for power or pass to the Olympus; as well as against the army of the Nefarious. But every time he would come out of fights the wi

He saw a bloody battle unfolding between not fully transformed souls and High Priests, whose ranks were thi

Eugene knew that no one could hurt the souls in this state unless they would transform into something terrible. But he hoped that his Sword would help buy time for the High Priests.

"Move aside! Go to the Grotto! Seal the entrance!" Eugene screamed, pulling out his blazing Sword.

The souls hissed and recoiled. Heavenly light burned them, but did not hurt.

The High Priests rushed inside for conducting a ritual only meant for cases of emergency. There have been only two times in the history of Existence when the Seal was put on the Grotto so that no one could enter or exit it. The Seal would fall off only after the Oracle died inside the closed Grotto. The communication with the outside world was held by the High Priest with the help of the Oracle who could penetrate into the consciousness of any living creature.

Being left alone with the souls, Eugene gri

"It looks like it’s going to be the most exciting fight!" he only said.

The next moment, he rushed into the battle, knowing well that he could not defeat the enemy.

The souls hovered around, wanting to destroy the enemy, but fearing the Sword hardened with Zeus's lightning, which the Guardian wielded skillfully and tirelessly. Eugene drew arcs in the air around him, not allowing the numerous enemies to get close.

He suddenly recalled the words of his Commander of several hundred souls that escaped and now understood how wrong the estimated number was. There were at least one thousand souls right at the entrance to the Grotto, not mentioning those who went to the Source.

Soon, the streets of the cities would be flooded with demons, Murky Shadows, and Nefarious, and people, nymphs, muses, demigods, and the Olympians would start dying.

Eugene could hardly hold back the attack of the souls. It was new for him to feel pain, but it seemed to him a pleasant reward for the Seal put on the Grotto. He felt its integrity and fought fiercely. But soon, the powers began to leave the Guardian, his hands weakened, and souls used every spot to strike.

The Guardian could not open the portal when hundreds of souls were flying beside him. He watched their transformation and wished for it to happen faster, so he would be able to dip his sword in the flesh that would take its last breath. Now he only had to fight back.

Suddenly, the crazy idea came across Eugene's mind that made him wince. This call would cost him too much. Otherwise, he would not be able to get through the thick circle of rebellious souls.

"Melinoia!!!" he cried.

Hearing this name, the souls began to squeak as if they were placed in the fire and then rushed to the Guardian in an organized stream. They were tired of playing with him because now they were in serious danger. Their rage was all-consuming as they had little time left.

"Melinoia!!!" the Guardian cried once again. "For Heaven's sake, come!"

Only a second remained to the clash between the army of souls and the Guardian. He was not sure he would survive it. Closing his eyes, Eugene prepared himself for the inevitable, but nothing happened.