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"Who will carry the souls down the River while I'm hunting the impure ones?"

"No one is allowed to be carried until the debt is paid. The doors of the Shadow Realm are sealed, and only you can open them."

I looked at Tol. And he looked at me expectantly. I still could not believe what was happening. Could one blame me for that? I was a realist and never believed in the existence of such things, considering myths to be nothing but a beautiful fairy tale. And now I was a part of it. In fact, I had no other choice, and it was pointless to think of any. My life and the lives of my loved ones were at stake against the payment of some debt. Back then I did not realize how serious and dangerous it was.

But I got the feeling that Tol was not telling me everything. Did I want to know what he was hiding? For now, there was more than enough information!

"So… Tell me what I need to do."

Tol nodded and looked at his subordinate.

"Teach her everything. Answer all the arising questions. Protect her if necessary. You know what's at stake…" the last phrase was just too suspicious, but I decided to leave it there.

Tol left the two of us alone. Eugene was thinking about something, clearly not noticing my presence. And why did I get the nastiest of all the Guardians?

"Let's start with training," he stated and went somewhere to the side.

I winced. I doubted that we would be doing backflips or practicing supports. I could not do anything else. I was not a sharp shooter. That's why I did not even get into the school lacrosse team. One could even barely call me strong.

But after some thought, I decided that it was a great idea because, finally, I had the opportunity to center out this cheeky fellow and spoil his smug grin. If everything that Tol had told me was true, at that time I was very powerful. I just had to figure out how to use that power.

"What powers did the Marker possess?"

"Almost none… He was able to refract the space."

"How's that?"

"He could walk upside down, using air as steps."

"So, he couldn't fly, right?"

"No, but getting to the top floor wouldn't be a problem. He also has amazing regenerative abilities. He can even regrow his limbs."

"Can I do this?"

"We can check if you want," he gri

"I think we shouldn't. I want to get home safe."

"What do you mean? You're going to live here now!"

"No way! I agreed to play by your rules, but this does not mean that I'm going to sleep here. I have a family, a job, studies, and I'm not going to give it up!"

"You don't get it. You're a danger to your family. You can be attacked in broad daylight: at the bus stop, in the supermarket, at the lecture. The demons won't stop until they destroy half of everyone present. The killed people won't be able to find peace until a new Carrier appears. You'll have to explain yourself to your boyfriend, of course, if you survive using the Force. Do you want to make the headlines of newspapers and magazines? Then your life will definitely become a nightmare."

"I'll take the risk, but won't leave my family and my life! Especially since my loved ones can be turned into the bait to get to me. I'd rather be there to protect them."

"Then, you have one option left – to hunt them down."

"Well, it's a good idea! Darsy the Murky Shadows Slayer. Sounds great!"

"Oh, Gods! Help!" Eugene theatrically raised his hands to the sky, but the corners of his lips twitched in anticipation of a sincere smile. "How old are you? You're acting like a child! Even by human standards."

"I'm sorry, of course, but don't you think it's a little illogical to accuse a human of being a human? Is it my fault I was born this way? Did you have a choice whom to be born? A Guardian, a Marker, or a Human?"

"No…" Eugene frowned.

"And I didn't have that choice either. I was meant to be born a human, you were meant to be born a Guardian, someone was meant to be born a dog, and so on. It's nobody's fault. That's why I'd ask you to restrain yourself, and not for the reasons of basic education, which you are not aware of here due to its uselessness. Deal?"

Eugene did not answer but only nodded. It was possible that he did not quite understand what I had just said. But that point was in my favor.

"By the way, how old are you? Since we're talking about age…"

"I'm 232 years old."

"Wow! Is that much? Well, I mean for the Guardian."

"Comparatively not. It's like being a human of 24-25 years old. We spend half of this time learning the art of fight and strategy, observation and technique. Only then we take up the post."

"What's the name of this place, by the way?"

"This is both a training camp and home for all of us – the Guardians' Abode. This is where we spend all our time when our parents give us away."

"Wait… Will I have to learn everything you've been taught for centuries for a few days?"

"You don't need to learn everything. But, yes – it's not an easy task."

He shrugged and wanted to add something, but suddenly a young woman rushed up to us.

"Eugene! Are you nuts? Where did you get that from?"

She certainly meant me by "that". I could examine a stranger in a second. Judging by the presence of the sword in her sheath, she was also a Guardian. And even though it seemed strange to me, I did not ask any questions. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Her long hair was braided as a fishbone and tied at the back of her head in a tight knot, apparently not to get in the way of the daily routine. The hair, like everyone else's, was of two colors: the lilac smoothly shifting to the black. The almond-shaped eyes, framed by thick, long eyelashes, were of the same color. Her body was slim, graceful, and feminine. The facial features were correct, and the skin was flawless. If I were a man, I would fall in love with that woman.

"This is Darsy, the human to whom Charon gave his Force.”

"Eugene, why did you bring her here?"

"I need a place to train her! Or do you want me to do it on the streets of Boston?" this guy sounded like a broken record…

"Anywhere but not here. That's gross."

"Hey, guys, I totally get you're not fans of people but I still can hear you talking…" I tried to defend myself, but the young woman went on scolding Eugene like I never existed, and my words meant nothing.

"Get that out of here now before anyone sees."

"Milena, Tol has already seen her and approved my decision. Moreover, he's the one who insisted on her staying here. Though, Darsy resists and wants to go home."

"Does this creature have a brain?" she was surprised.

I had only one thought in my head: why was this creature so beautiful on the outside and so ugly on the inside? Now even Eugene seemed sweet to me.

"Let's talk later! Now we need to train!"

Milena snorted and walked away, not even looking at me. It's not that I was against it, but I had not felt something like this for a long time, as if dirt was thrown at me, and dirt was not the worst part in this mix.

"Well, I see you are all so friendly that I'm already going to miss you," I said sarcastically. "Eugene, are you sure you're the good guys? 'Coz it seems that I'm in the wrong team."

"Milena's just not in the mood. And when she's like that she can be pretty harsh. She didn't like your presence, and she used it as an excuse to fight with me. She'll chill out."