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Glen Cook The Tower Of Fear


Qushmarrah-The conquered city where events take place


Called veydeen by the Dartar tribesmen, the literal meaning of the word being

stone-sitters. Applicable to any city dwellers

Aaron Habid-A carpenter and war veteran

Laella-Aaron's wife

Arif-Aaron's older son

Stafa-Aaron's younger son

Raheb Sayed-Aaron's mother-in-law

Tamisa ("Mish")-Aaron's sister-in-law

Taidiki-Aaron's brother-in-law, now dead

Billygoat-Aaron's friend and co-worker, who caulks the seams in ships

Naszif bar bel-Abek-a metalworker and war veteran Reyha-Naszifs wife, Laella'sbest friend Zouki-Naszifs son

Nakar the Abomination-a sorcerer, now dead, who ruled

Qushmarrah in the name of the god Gorloch The Witch-Nakar's wife Torgo-aeunuch serving the Witch

Azel-a professional killer, talented and deadly. A man of many faces


The General-Leader of the Living, the Qushmarrahan resistance to the Herodian occupation; khadifa (colonel or chieftain) in the quarter called the Shu

General Ha

Colonel Sisu bel-Sidek-the General's adjutant and heir, khadifa of the waterfront

Meryel-woman shipping magnate, supporter of the Living, and bel-Sidek's lover

Colonel Salom Edgit-khadifa of the Tro quarter, caught between greed and honor

Colonel "King" Dabdahd-khadifa of the Astan quarter, a bootlicker

Colonel Ortbal Sagdet-khadifa of the Hahr quarter, more gangster than patriot

Colonel Carza-khadifa of the Minisia quarter, a fanatic

Colonel Zenobel-khadifa of the Shen quarter, a fanatic

Hadribel-second-in-command in the Shu quarter


Desert nomads, mercenaries acting as auxiliaries to Herod's occupation forces

Yoseh-a young warrior just in from the desert Nogah-Yoseh's older brother,

leader of his band Medjhah-Yoseh's older brother Mahdah-member of Yoseh'sband, a cousin Kosuth-member of Yoseh's band, a cousin Juba-member of Yoseh'sband, an adoptive cousin Faruk-member of Yoseh's band, a cousin MelchesheydekYoseh's father, something of a rogue

Fa'tad al-Akla-called the Eagle, commander of the Dartar mercenaries

Joab-captain of Yoseh's company and an old friend of Fa'tad Mo'atabar-sergeantof Yoseh's company, related to Joab


Called ferrenghi by the Dartar tribesmen, the literal meaning of the wordbeing outsider, stranger, enemy. In contemporary usage specifically someonewhose allegiance lies with the imperial city, Herod.

General Lentello Cado-conqueror of Qushmarrah, now military governor andcommander of occupying forces

Taliga-General Cado's brother-in-law and batman

Colonel Bruda-Herodian intelligence chief in Qushmarrah

Marteo Sullo-civil governor of Qushmarrah


Cullo-Aaron Habid's supervisor at work

Ala-eh-din Beyh-a wizard, antecedents unknown, whose successful attack uponNakar the Abomination made possible the Herodian conquest of Qushmarrah


Chorhkni, Suldan of Aquira-permanent threat on the eastern boundary of theHerodian empire


Gorloch-an ancient, ferocious deity long abandoned by most

Qushmarrahans Nakar-an angel in Gorloch s pantheon, associated with death, from whom the sorcerer Nakar adopted his name Azel-a messenger demon associated with the angel Nakar

Aram the Flame-a gentle, compassionate deity whose cult supplanted that ofGorloch

God-the Herodian deity, ferocious, jealous, contradictory. Extension of his cult is the excuse for Herodian conquests


The smoke was oppressive. It crept south into the Shu from the Shen, where sorcery had birthed fires when the invaders breached the Gate of Winter.

It brought chaos. Within it combatants recognized neither friend, foe, norfleeing civilian. Men struck now and wept later. Animals careened around inpanic. The heavy overcast turned back the light of day and worsened seeing.

Qushmarrahan, Dartar, and Herodian alike prayed for rain. Rain might quenchthe fires and cool the killing insanity.

Qushmarrah was lost but its men fought on. While Nakar lived they dared notsurrender.

The surrounding horizons were clear. It seemed the city was circumvallated bywalls of light. The clouds grew rapidly darker nearer the heart of the city.

Above the acropolis, over the citadel of Nakar the Abomination, those wereblack as the breath of Hell. The citadel's tower pierced their low bellies.

Lightning shattered darkness. Thunder crushed the uproar in the streets. Ahundred thousand smoke-teared eyes looked toward the sorcerer's stronghold.

Clouds above began to swirl, to stream inward, forming a whirlpool in the sky, a celestial maelstrom.

An end-of-the-world flash and crash rattled the city to its foundations.

The rains came. They fell in torrents like none before witnessed by man.

The sorcerer sat on his dark throne, amused. He would wait a while longerbefore he crushed the invaders. They would perish in agony, every one, Herodian and Dartar traitor ...

Something moved in the shadows at the far end of that last temple of Gorloch.

He sprang up, robes flying, eyes wide. He did not recognize the man but knewwhat he must be. "You!"

"Yes, High Priest." There was soft mockery in the voice. The man wore peasantgarb. He was too tall to be Herodian, too dark to be Qushmarrahan. The breathof the desert informed his voice but he was no Dartar. "Another has come."

Nakar relaxed. They came and they came but he devoured them all. "I shouldhave suspected." He chuckled. "Cado has been u

"Not my doing, wizard. Cado's genius, your failings, and human frailty."

The sorcerer sneered. "The fire is come. It will scour away the weakness ofAram. Herod's triumph will turn in her hands, like an adder. Gorloch willstand forth in his glory again. Come. I grow impatient. I will destroy themafter I finish you." He laughed. "Come, little dog of the desert. Let it bedone between me and yours. You are the last."

"No." The man's slow advance did not falter. "There is another trainingalready. Always there will be another somewhere, hidden from your eye, tillyou are driven from the world and torment it no more." A dagger flashed in hishand. It radiated power.

Fear touched the sorcerer for an instant. Then the rage came. He would sweepthem out of the path of destiny. "Gorloch, attend me!" He hurled himselftoward his challenger. They met before the great idol, beside the altar wherethousands had screamed their last that Gorloch might be pleased and hisapostle Nakar might live forever.

The Witch entered the temple as the men met. She gasped, unable to believeeven now that she saw it. How had the man gotten through the citadel'sdefenses? What man could have earned such great power?

Clouds of light and shadow contended. Larger than life, figures turned in analmost formal, elegant dance around the slice and dart of flashing mysticblades.

The shadow was overpowering the light slowly, consuming it, but she did notsee that in her fear for the man she loved. She saw only that an enemy wastrying to kill him and that enemy was a great enough wizard to have penetratedthe citadel's impenetrable defenses. She screamed, all reason fled before theprospect of loss. "Nakar!"

Startled, the shadow turned her way.

The light struck its blow.

Nakar's bellow shook the fortress. He lurched into his enemy, clawing at hisattacker's throat. Their struggle flung them against the altar.