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She recalled something Gaby had said, likening Ophion to a toilet. It certainly looked that way from Triana. All the death of the great wheel had come to rest on the shores of the lake. She almost said something to Gaby, stopped herself just in time. Psaltery would probably end up here.

"Feeling bad, Robin?"

She looked up and saw the Wizard facing her. She shook herself to get rid of the sense of melancholy that had stolen over her. It did not help much. Cirocco put a hand on her shoulder and led her down the beach. A few weeks ago Robin would have rejected the gesture, but now she welcomed it. The sand was as fine as powdered sugar, pleasantly hot between her toes.

"Don't let it get you down," Cirocco said. "This isn't what it looks like."

"I'm not sure what it looks like."

"It's not Gaea's waste bin. It is a graveyard. But it's not the end of Ophion. The river flows underground and comes up on the other side of Tethys. The bones are brought here by scavengers. They're about half a meter long, and one form lives in the sand and another in the lake. It's a complex story, but it boils down to, neither type can get along without the other. They meet here at the shore to exchange gifts, mate, and spawn. It's a common pattern in Gaea."

"It's just depressing," Robin said.

"The Titanides love it. Not many of them get here, but those that do take lots of pictures to show the folks back home. It is kind of pretty, if you can get used to it."

"I don't think I could." Robin wiped her forehead, then removed her shirt and went to the water's edge. She soaked it, wrung it out, and put it back on. "Why is it so hot here? The sun isn't enough to heat your skin, but the sand's blazing."

"It comes from below. All the regions are heated and cooled by fluids ru

Robin looked at Cirocco's browned face, at the ta

"Are you and Gaby naturally dark-ski

"I'm a little darker than Gaby, but she's as light as you are. And you're right, the sun didn't do this. Maybe I'll tell you about that someday." She stopped walking and looked to the east. There was a break in the high bone cairns, and it was possible to see a range of low hills several kilometers away. She turned and called to the group, which Robin was surprised to discover was more than 200 meters down the beach.

"When you get the boats broken down," Cirocco shouted, "join us over here."

In a few minutes they were gathered around Cirocco, who squatted on the sand and used her finger to draw a long map.

"Phoebe, Tethys, Thea," she said. "Triana." She stabbed a small circle, then drew a series of peaks just east of it. "The Euphonic Range. To the north of them, here, the Northwind Range. Out here by itself, La Oreja de Oro." She glanced up at Chris. "That means 'Ear of Gold' and there's the possibility of a quest there, if you're interested. Otherwise, we won't be going near it."

"Not interested," Chris said with an amused smile.

"Okay. To the east-"

"Don't we get to hear the story?" Robin asked against her better judgment.

"No need for it," Cirocco said. "The Ear of Gold can't possibly concern us unless we go there. It's not a mobile threat, like Kong." While Robin wondered if she was being toyed with, Cirocco was drawing a long line of peaks, from the north to the south, cutting across the width of Tethys.

"The Royal Blue Line. Somebody was in a poetic frame of mind, I guess. They do take on a blue tint when the air is right, but they're pretty dull mountains for the most part. Some rocky cliffs, but if you go up the southern slopes down here, you can walk from one peak to the next without much trouble.

"The road goes northeast from the lake, through the big space between the Northwinds and the Euphonies, which is called Tethys Gap." She looked up, deadpan. "Or, as it's sometimes called, Orthodontist Pass."

"Except we agreed not to use that joke anymore," Gaby said.

Cirocco gri

"With a very long stem," Gaby put in.

"Right. Well, that wasn't one of my names." She straightened, slapping sand from her hands.

"Frankly," she said, "I don't know what's the best thing to do from here. We originally pla

"Sand wraiths?" Chris asked.

"More about them later. As I was saying, I'm more worried about the buzz bombs right now. We've never heard of a concerted attack like what happened at Phoebe. Before this, they've always traveled alone. It could be that we disturbed a nesting place, but there's also the possibility they're exhibiting new behavior. That can happen in Gaea."

Gaby had her arms folded in front of her. She was looking straight at Cirocco, who would not meet her eyes.

"It's also possible the attack was deliberate," Gaby said.

Robin looked from one to the other. "What do you mean by that?"

"Never mind," Cirocco said quickly. "I don't think so, and if it was, they weren't after either of you."

Robin assumed that meant Gaby and Cirocco were wondering if it had something to do with Cirocco's visit to Phoebe. Possibly Phoebe had some influence with the buzz bombs, had persuaded them to try to kill the Wizard. Once again she was struck with the odd lives these two women led.

"The other possibility is to go through the mountains," Cirocco resumed. "They would give us some protection from the buzz bombs, though we'd still have to stay alert. What I'm suggesting is that we go down the Euphonies here." She knelt once more and traced the route as she spoke. "It's a short dash, no more than twenty kilometers, from here to the hills. It's about thirty from the end of the Euphonies to the southern reaches of the Royal Blues. How long would that take, Hornpipe?"

The Titanide considered it. "With Gaby doubling up, one of us will be slower. We could have her trade mounts twice in the course of the journey. I should say we could make it in one rev, pacing ourselves. More like two or two and a half for the second crossing because we will be tired."

"Okay. No matter how we look at it, this route would slow us down."

"Maybe I missed something," Robin said. "Do we have an appointment?"

Cirocco smiled. "You've got a point. Better safe than swift. I'm not sure, myself. I figure we could make our way to the central cable, dash across to it, and if we haven't seen any buzz bombs to that point, we could make a decision again about whether to stick to the highway. But I'd like to hear what you think." She looked from face to face around the group.

Robin had not realized until that point that Cirocco had taken over the group. It was an odd way to do it-asking the other six to advise her on a decision-but the fact remained that a week earlier it would have been Gaby doing the asking. She looked at Gaby and could detect no resentment. In fact, she seemed happier than she had been since Psaltery's death. The consensus was to follow the mountain route, since that seemed to be the one Cirocco preferred. They mounted, Gaby sitting behind Cirocco for the first third of the trip, and set off under skies that were growing cloudy in the west.