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“Shaky say anything about Juniper?”

“Yeah. They had a real old-fashioned blood bath up there. Not much left of anything. Counting us, the Company was down six hundred guys when the Lady finished with the castle. Lot more guys was killed in the riots that came after, when she cleaned out the Catacombs. The whole damned city went crazy, with that Hargadon leading the rebellion. Had our guys trapped in Duretile. Then the Lady lost her temper. She wrecked what was left of the town.”

I shook my head. “The Captain guessed right about the Catacombs.”

“Journey took over what was left of the Company,” Goblin said. “They was supposed to pull out with the plunder as soon as they got it all together. City is so wrecked there isn’t no reason to stay around.”

I looked at Shed. A bleaker face could not be imagined. Pain and questions twisted inside him. He wanted to know about his people. Did not want to speak for fear someone would accuse him. “Not your fault, man,” I told him. “The Duke asked the Lady in before you got involved. It would have happened no matter what you did.”

“How can people do stuff like that?”

Asa gave him the odd look. “Shed, that’s dumb. How could you do all the stuff you did? Desperate, that’s what. Everybody’s desperate. They do crazy things.”

One-Eye gave me a how-about-that? look. Even Asa could think sometimes.

“Pawn. Shaky say anything about Elmo?” Elmo remained my main regret.

“No. I didn’t ask. We didn’t have much time.”

“What’s the plan?” Goblin said.

“We’ll head south when King and Otto get here with the horses and supplies.” A sigh. “Going to be hard times. I got maybe two leva. How about you guys?”

We catalogued our resources. I said, “We’re in trouble.”

“The Lieutenant sent this.” Goblin deposited a small sack on the table. It contained fifty silver castle coins from Raven’s horde.

“That’ll help. Still going to make it on prayer, though.”

“I have some money,” Shed volunteered. “Quite a bit. It’s back where I was staying.”

I eyeballed him. “You don’t have to go. You’re not part of this.”

“Yes, I am.”

“For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been trying to run away...”

“Got something to fight for now, Croaker. What they did to Juniper. I can’t let that go.”

“Me, too,” Asa said. “I still got most of the money Raven gave me after we raided the Catacombs.”

I polled the others silently. They did not respond. It was up to me. “All right. Get it. But don’t dawdle. I want to pull out as soon as I can.”

“I can catch you one the road,” Shed said. “I don’t see why Asa can’t too.” He rose. Shyly, he extended a hand. I hesitated only a moment.

“Welcome to the Black Company, Shed.”

Asa did not make the same offer.

“Think they’ll come back?” One-Eye asked after they left.

“What do you think?”

“Nope. I hope you know what you’re doing, Croaker. They could get the Taken after us if they get caught.”

“Yeah. They could.” I was counting on it, in fact. A vicious notion had come to me. “Let’s have another round here. Be our last for a long time.”

Chapter Forty-Seven

The i

On the run

Very much to my amazement, Shed overtook us ten miles south of Meadenvil. And he was not alone.

“Holy shit!” I heard One-Eye yell from the rear, and: “Croaker, come and look at this.”

I turned back. And there was Shed. With a bedraggled Bullock. Shed said, “I promised to get him out if I could. Had to bribe some people, but it wasn’t that hard. It’s every man for himself up there right now.”

I looked at Bullock. He looked at me. “Well?” I said.

“Shed gave me the word, Croaker. I guess I’m in with you guys. If you’ll take me. I don’t have anywhere else to


“Damn. Asa shows up, I’ll lose my faith in human nature. Also blow an idea I have. Okay, Bullock. What the hell. Just remember we’re not in Juniper. None of us. We’re on the run from the Taken. And we don’t have time to fuss over who did what to whom. You want a fight, save it for them.”

“You’re the boss. Just give me a shot at evening things up.” He followed me back to the head of the column. “Not much difference between your Lady and somebody like Krage, is there?”

“Matter of proportion,” I said. “Maybe you’ll get your shot sooner than you think.”

Silent and Otto came trotting out of the darkness. “You did good,” I said. “Dogs never barked.” I had sent Silent because he handled animals well.

“They’re all back out of the woods and tucked in their beds,” Otto reported.

“Good. Let’s move in. Quietly. And I don’t want anybody hurt. Understand? One-Eye?”

“I hear you.”

“Goblin. Pawnbroker. Shed. You watch the horses. I’ll signal with a lantern.”

Occupying the i

“Sit,” I told the fat man. “You have tea or beer in the morning?”

“Tea,” he croaked.

“It’s making. So. We’re back. We didn’t expect to be, but circumstances dictated an overland trip. I want to use your place a couple days. You and me need to make an accommodation.”

Hagop brought out tea so strong it reeked. The fat man drained a mug the size of that from which he drank his beer.

“I don’t want to hurt anybody,” I continued, after taking a sip myself. “And I’ll pay my way. But if you want it that way, you’ll have to cooperate.”

He grunted.

“I don’t want anybody to know we’re here. That means no customers leave. People who come through have to see things looking normal. You get my drift?”

He was smarter than he looked. “You’re waiting for somebody.” None of the men had figured that out, I don’t think.

“Yes. Somebody who will do unto you as you expect me to, just for being here. Unless my ambush works.” I had a crazy idea. It would die if Asa turned up.

I think he believed me when I claimed no wicked plans for his family. Now. He asked, “That the same somebody who kicked up the ruckus in the city yesterday?” “News travels fast.” “Bad news does.”

“Yes. The same somebody. They killed about twenty of my people. Busted the city up pretty good, too.”

“I heard. Like I said, bad news travels fast. My brother was one of the people they killed. He was in the Prince’s guard. A sergeant. Only one of us ever amounted to anything. He was killed by something that ate him, I beared. Sorcerer sicced it on him.”

“Yeah. He’s a bad one. Nastier than my friend who can’t talk.” I did not know who would come after us. I was counting on someone doing so, with Asa to point the way. I also figured the pursuit would develop quickly. Asa would tell them the Lady was on her way to Meadenvil.

The fat man eyed me cautiously. Hatred smouldered behind his eyes. I tried to direct it. “I’m going to kill him.”

“All right. Slow? Like my brother?” “I don’t think so. If it isn’t fast and sneaky, he wins. Or she. There’s two of them, actually. I don’t know which one will come.” I figured we could buy a lot of time if we could take out one of the Taken. The Lady would be damned busy with black castles for a while with only two pairs of hands to help her. Also, I had an emotional debt to pay, and a message to make clear.

“Let me send the wife and kids away,” he said. “I’ll stand in with you.”

I let my gaze flick to Silent. He nodded slightly. “All right. What about your guests?” “I know them. They’ll sit tight.” “Good. Go take care of your part.” He left. Then I had it out with Silent and the others. I had not been elected to command. I was ru