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"Will he fight, knowing you are with us?"

Outside, one of the ground crew shouted that the airship lines were ready to cast off.

Caracene's gaze became evasive.

Rider repeated the question.

"He would fight," she admitted. "He ca

Rider nodded. He surveyed his companions. "This is what we've worked toward ... I have to warn you. It could go sour. This is as great a wickedness as has ever arisen. Does anyone want out?"

"Silly question," Chaz grumbled. "What I want is to get my hands around his throat."

Everyone else nodded.

"Take your stations, then. Tell them to cast off."

It was a bright, clear day. The Bridge was a broad blue highway ru

Someone down there could get caught in the middle.

"Shroud's Head," Preacher a

Chaz sat Caracene in a seat usually reserved for an airship's commander. "You stay put till I tell you otherwise. You hear?"

Her eyes flashed fire, Rider noted. She had begun to show sparks of life. But she did as she was told, if only because it was the wisest thing she could do.

Spud joined Preacher in handling the airship. Chaz and the others ma

Preacher and Spud did exactly as instructed. Shroud's Head glared malevolently. Nothing happened for a long time.

"What the hell?" Soup squawked suddenly. He pointed a shaky finger.

The air before Caracene had begun to glitter. The glitter became more intense, gave way to crawling patches of color that collided, mixed, spread, shone rainbow like oil on water. They formed the outline of a man.

"Our opponent wants to talk," Rider said.

As he spoke, the colors around the figure's head sorted themselves out and became fixed in the oriental features of the sorcerer Shai Khe. For half a minute those evil green eyes stared vacantly. They sparked then, recognized Caracene, shifted their gaze to Rider.

A hissing whisper seemed to come from everywhere at once. "So. Face to face now, Ride-Master.

You have been a stubborn, resourceful, and lucky opponent, if foolish now. You grow overconfident, leaving the shield of your father's web. Go back. You are overmatched here."

"I was never overmatched. You have fled me time and again. But now there is nowhere you can run. Surrender yourself."

Soft, malicious laughter filled the cabin. "I was about to suggest you do the same. For the sake of the woman. You are a gentleman, Ride-Master, and would not see her destroyed. She is of value to me. I will give you and your men your liberty, after you have been disarmed, if you return her to me."

Rider did not respond. He stepped to a window, examined the Bridge. The broad blue strait remained sundrenched and busy. Finally, he faced the image of the Easterner. "Your hour is done.

Give it up. Or suffer the consequences you bring upon yourself."

Rider's men stirred nervously.

"Brave, Ride-Master. But I am far too old to be bluffed that easily. Not even your father could do that." There was a glint of malice in Shai Khe's eye each time he mentioned Jehrke.

"As you will, then," Rider said. "I have warned you enough. Still, one last warning. Do not bring that airship out of Shroud's Eye. I disclaim responsibility for what will happen if you do."

Pure evil animated the sorcerer's laughter. Then he vanished.

A half hour had passed. Nothing had happened. Rider was growing concerned. Had Shai Khe, in his caution, readied one more bolt hole than expected?

"Think he's decided to take your advice?" Chaz asked.

"No. Though he may try to wait us out."

"He won't get anywhere doing that." Chaz pointed.

Four giants of the air were crossing the Bridge, two to either hand. Rider said, "Procopio. I believe we'll hear from Shai Khe soon enough now."

General Procopio had left the group back in the City. It had been his idea to land troops upon Shroud's Head, to prevent flight to the landward side. He had convinced someone very high up—maybe King Belledon himself.

The airships discharged their weapons as they passed the headland. The great stone face became spotted with fires. Several missiles penetrated the eye where Shai Khe's airship lay. The airships moved on. Soldiers slid down ropes.

A spear of emerald fire ripped out of the Devil's Eye. Its target was Rider's airship. Rider was ready. At a gesture the light bent heavenward.

Both of the monument's eyes began to burn an evil carnelian. Darkness gamboled behind the light.

The troops were all off the airships. They were linking up. Soon they would draw their line tighter.

The sea itself leapt at Rider's command, a foot-thick serpent of water rising to hammer the monument with its head. The power of that stream tore huge chunks from the stone face.

A horrible scream came from Shroud's Head. It grew louder rapidly. Just when it seemed it would become unbearable, it died.

The world was totally silent. And in the silence Rider's water monster collapsed.

The fires still burned in the monument's eyes.

The snout of an airship protruded from one.

"He's coming out," Preacher a

Rider nodded. "Back off. Don't let him get too close. Everybody hang on."

The pirate airship exited the Devil's Eye slowly—till its rear steering vanes cleared. Then it charged like a bull in the arena.

Rider sighed, both relieved and concerned. Such confidence might mean Shai Khe had no glimmer of his earlier visit—or it might mean that the easterner had detected it and taken steps.

Rider's airship backed down more slowly than Shai Khe's charged. The gap between ships dwindled. Chaz and the others readied their weapons. Without a battle complement Rider's ship would have a feeble sting, but still one stronger than the pirate's. The easterner would have no crew to spare for fighting.

A thin, almost invisible string of darkness co

The others did not understand. But Rider's face told them he had done something of which he was mildly ashamed.

A storm of sorceries exploded from Shai Khe's airship. Preacher dodged while Rider fended.

Chaz discharged his weapon. Its flaring bolt arced toward the pirate, but fell far short.

The air before Caracene sparkled. Shai Khe's face appeared. A whisper of a voice said, "Now you meet the true despair, Ride-Master." The face vanished.

Rider looked sad.

The air itself shuddered as if from godlike hammer strokes. The black cable co

A globule of a darkness like nonexistence whipped toward Shai Khe's vessel. The eye could not fix upon it.

It impacted upon the easterner's airship.

The pirate folded like a sausage bent over a knee. "Move back now!" Rider ordered. "Move fast!"

Preacher needed no encouragement.

Everyone, on both ships, knew what would happen. But it was a long time coming—as though mocking by delay.

Shai Khe's ship folded almost double before a skin crack appeared where the strain of folding was greatest.