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August 26
JUST FOR THE RECORD, you’re still one chicken-shit piece of work. You’re a selfish, half-assed, lazy, spineless piece of crap. Yeah, sure, you were pla
But now, Misty knows just how you felt.
Today is your 157th day as a vegetable. And her first.
Today, Misty drives the three hours to see you and sit by your bedside.
Just for the record, Misty asks you, “Is it okay to kill strangers to prop up a way of life just because the people who live it are the people you love?”
Well, thought you loved.
The way people are coming to the island, more and more every summer, you see more litter. The fresh water is in shorter and shorter supply. But of course, you can’t cap growth. It’s anti-American. Selfish. It’s tyra
This way, wrecking a place is the only way to save it. You have to make it look horrible to the outside world.
There is no OAFF. There’s only people fighting to preserve their world from more people.
Part of Misty hates these people who come here, invaders, infidels, crowding in to wreck her way of life, her daughter’s childhood. All these outsiders, trailing their failed marriages and stepchildren and drug habits and sleazy ethics and phony status symbols, these aren’t the kind of friends Misty wants to give her kid.
Your kid.
Their kid.
To save Tabbi, Misty could let happen what always happens, Misty could just let it happen again. The art show. Whatever it is, she could let the island myth run its course. And maybe Waytansea would be saved.
“We will kill every one of God’s children to save our own.”
Or maybe they can give Tabbi something better than a future of no challenges, a calm, secure life of peace.
Sitting here with you now, Misty leans over and kisses your puffy red forehead.
It’s okay that you never loved her, Peter. Misty loved you.
At least for believing she could be a great artist, a savior. Something more than a technical illustrator or commercial artist. More than human, even. Misty loves you for that.
Can you feel this?
Just for the record, she’s sorry about Angel Delaporte. Misty’s sorry you were raised inside such a fucked-up legend. She’s sorry she ever met you.