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She gradually realized that the flow of memory images and thoughts ran both ways. Even as Bre

And images of Northern Ireland's violence were seeping through, as well, memories Bre

To Bre

They understood one another, even before they were aware of one another's names.


Abrupt, flaring suspicion arrowed into her awareness. Irish! The word came as a snarl. Bre



She had landed in the mind of a philosopher... .

I'm no threat to you or yours, Bre

After a long moment of silence, a reply came arrowing back. Then we must find and kill this enemy we share, Bre


Cedric Ba

And a chance to destroy the Irish utterly, by helping his own Anglo-Saxon ancestors smash and grab far more than they should have been able to, years too early and with who knew how many lives lost that should have been spared? The destruction of those lives would smash British and Irish cultures to flinders and fracture history to shards. How long had Ba

It was exactly what she had come to expect of the Orange terror machine.

And Bre

Speaking very gently indeed, Morgana repeated her question, helping Bre


Morgana, calm and practical, said, Tell me more of this soldier, Bre

How to explain the British SAS? She took a deep, metaphorical breath. He and many like him were sent to my homeland to keep the peace. It didn't work, she added bitterly, for the Irish have memories that stretch back centuries and we never forgive or forget a wrong. From what little I've seen of this man, he is honorable, intelligent, dedicated to his mission. He's an officer, used to command, a formidable ally and dangerous enemy.

Morgana gave a slight nod, startling Bre
