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Which, she reminded herself as the Town Hall clock struck the hour, was not a minor consideration.

“I’ve got to run, Theretha!” she said. “I’m going to the late for Hundred Ravlahn. Can I pick up my pay tomorrow morning? I’ve got to pay the stable master for next week.”

“Of course you can,” Theretha assured her. “And, trust me, you don’t want to be late for Ravlahn.” She rolled her eyes. “So scoot!”

“On my way!” Leeana assured her, and darted out of the shop door.

“Hi, Leeana!” a voice called as she went bounding down the pedestrian walkway beside the town’s main street. “We’re all going over to the Green Maiden after di

“No time, Besthrya,” Leeana called back over her shoulder, never slowing her pace. “Sorry! And I’m going to be mucking out stalls again after di

She kept ru

So she had, and in the process, she’d discovered she truly did have at least some aptitude for the physical training they subjected her to. That had come as a pronounced surprise for her, and she’d been just a bit piqued by the fact that it hadn’t seemed to surprise them. She supposed she ought to take that as a compliment, but the occasional pigeon-eating-cat looks she surprised on their faces made it a bit difficult.

They’d started rather gently with her (though it certainly hadn’t seemed that way to her at the time!), but they’d also designed a program whose rigor mounted steadily. Leeana had too little experience with deliberate physical conditioning to realize just how grueling a pace they were actually setting for her, however. No one had ever told her she should be collapsing in exhaustion or whimpering that they were pushing her too hard, and so she’d simply buckled down to the challenge of meeting their expectations and discovered she was actually having fun, in an exhausting sort of way. She was even begi

Of course, she gri

At that, though, she was doing far better in physical training than she was when it came to her kitchen skills. She was perpetually nicking herself peeling potatoes, cutting up onions, or chopping carrots. It had gotten to the point that she’d acquired the nickname “Leeana Bloody Finger” and one or two of the permanent kitchen staff had taken to referring to tomato-based soups as “Leeana juice.” Personally, Leeana hadn’t found either witticism all that hilarious (despite a certain amusement at the unintended echo of Prince Bahzell’s cognomen), but she treasured them anyway. Especially the night one of Kalatha’s resident bards, Filkhata Yanakfressa, had unveiled “The Lay of Leeana Bloody Finger” to near-universal gales of laughter. It was a sign that she was finding true acceptance as who she’d become, unshadowed by who she once had been.

Now if there’d only been about five more hours in a day! What with her morning calisthenics, two sessions a day with Ravlahn, an hour or so as an assistant teacher with Lanitha, and the daily work crew assignments—usually, but not always, in the stable (because of Boots) and the kitchen—required of any new war maid in return for the free housing the town furnished to her, it was all but impossible to find the time to care for Boots.

At least the stable’s attached paddocks were large enough for the gelding to get some self-provided exercise trotting around and exploring or playing follow-the-leader with other horses. But while that might have been sufficient for a sedentary horse, or one who’d been retired, it certainly wasn’t sufficient for Boots! He needed regular workouts if he was going to stay healthy, and somehow she had to find time to at least work him regularly on a lunging line. Taking him out for a brisk ride was even better, of course, but it also ate much more deeply into her time. Given that she had to personally muck out his stall, in addition to grooming, feeding, watering, and exercising him, time was not something of which she had a surplus. Especially not when she factored in the need to do enough odd jobs to earn the money she needed to pay the portion of his stabling fees not covered by her work as one of the stable master’s part-time grooms.

Money wasn’t something Lady Leeana Bowmaster had ever worried about particularly, but it had become a matter of rather burning urgency to Leeana Hanathafressa.

Fortunately, Leeana had discovered one area in which she could save some of the time she needed so badly elsewhere. It wasn’t as if she really needed more than five hours of sleep a night, after all.

She turned another corner and picked up her pace a bit more as she saw the weapons salle before her. Garlahna was waiting on the wooden porch, and she looked up and waved as Leeana pounded down the last dozen yards or so and dashed up the steps to the porch.


“Hah!” Leeana snorted, passing her friend at a dead run. “That’s an empty threat if I ever heard one—she can’t work me any harder than she’s already doing!”

“Oh, can’t I?” another voice inquired, and Leeana skidded to a halt with an almost comical expression of dismay as Ravlahn Thregafressa smiled at her. The assistant training mistress stood just inside the salle door, hands propped on her hips, and Leeana managed to give her a smile that was only slightly sickly.

“Uh, I hope you aren’t going to take any silly jokes I may have made to Garlahna seriously?” she said.

“Oh, of course not,” Ravlahn agreed with a broad, toothy smile, and waved Leeana courteously past her into the salle.

“Dear gods,” Leeana groaned to Garlahna as she dragged herself into the welcoming steam of the training salle’s attached baths. “Remind me to never, ever say anything Ravlahn could take as a challenge again!”

“She did seem just a tad inspired,” Garlahna agreed with a chuckle. She stopped Leeana by one of the big, communal tubs and began helping to unlace her yathu. Leeana sagged bonelessly, leaning gratefully back against the raised, masonry lip of the poollike tub.

“Yes, she did,” someone else observed, and Leeana turned to look at the speaker. It was a war maid she’d seen once or twice before, but hadn’t actually been introduced to. The other woman was probably a few years older than Ravlahn, with short blond hair. She was soaking in the slightly cooler tub beside the one Leeana was leaning against, and it was obvious from her hard-trained muscles and scars—most of them small, but including one or two which were fairly spectacular—that she was one of the true war maids.