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"Good," Pahner said. "Better than I could've hoped. Rus, is the damage to the track going to slow up your work crews' transit?"

"Not appreciably." The cleric took a bite of apsimon. "They'll be mainly foot traffic, and they can keep to the shoulders if they have to. By the time we're ready for the caravans, we should have all the road repair gangs in place."

"You need to make the timetable," the Marine said warningly. "If you don't, that whole part of the plan is out the window."

The cleric shrugged all four shoulders.

"It's in the hands of the God, quite literally. Heavy storms will prevent us, but other than that, I see no reason to fear. We'll make the schedule, Captain Pahner, unless the God very specifically prevents."


"We'll be waiting," the D'Sley matron said. "We're already repairing the dock facilities, and things will go much quicker once we get some decent cranes back in action. We'll make our timetable."


"Hmmm? Oh, timetable. Not a problem. Just a ride in the country."

"I swear, you're getting as bad as Honal," Roger said with a chuckle.

"Ah, it's these beautiful pistols you gave me!" the Northerner prince enthused. "With such weapons, how can we fail?"

"You're not to become decisively engaged," Pahner warned.

"Not a chance, Captain," the Northerner promised much more seriously. "We've fought this battle before, and we didn't have any friends waiting for us that time. Don't worry; we aren't pla

"Bistem? Bogess?"

"It will be interesting," the K'Vaernian said. "Very interesting."

"A masterly understatement, but accurate," the Diaspran agreed.

"Interesting is fine, but are you ready?" Roger asked. "Some of the units still seem pretty scrambled."

"They'll be ready by tomorrow morning," Kar assured him, and Tor Flain nodded in agreement.

"All right," Pahner said, looking at the tent roof. "We'll transfer the bulk of the cavalry tomorrow. Once they're off, we'll embark the infantry. As we're doing all of that, we'll also push out aggressive patrols on this side of the river to screen our advance. Starting tomorrow."

He gazed up at the roof for a few more seconds, obviously ru

"One small change," he said. "Roger, I want you to take over the Carnan Battalion of the New Model. That and one troop of cavalry-Rastar, you choose which."

"Yes, Captain." The Mardukan nodded.

"They're going to be moving with the infantry. Roger will command the combined force as a strategic reserve. Roger, look at putting turom under all the infantry."

"If you're thinking of a mobile infantry battalion, civan would be better," Roger said. "Also, aren't we going to need the turom elsewhere?"

"We'll see. If you can get them on turom in the next three days, they'll go upriver behind the cavalry screen. If you can't, they'll go with the infantry."

"Yes, Sir," the prince responded.

"Okay," the captain concluded. "Get as much rest as you can tonight. There won't be much from here on out."