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The blissful angel, bringing choice.

Upon the land of ancient curse

Low rivers flow with dirty crimes,

Enough, no more for bloody furs!

Revise the world for peaceful times.

Eternal dream can treat like nurse,

Remind them all of human primes.

My higher gift, white nightingale,

Enlarge the boarders of perception,

Destroying spell and rude deception…

Divide all things in equal parts

And render justice as it should;

Go on, my Hope, to reach the hearts,

Endure the worse for something good.

Now deep concerns are all your food.

Resist hard troubles, miss the grief,

One day will come, when Heaven starts…

You know, the wi

That's why the best defeats mischief.

Something untold

The moon is shining through the ice…

This priceless human gold

Makes equal both fool and wise,

Balance us, young and old.

The sky is roof for everyone,

And stars are bright enough

– To smile and have a hint of fun,

While life seems long and tough.

At night hard tears quickly hide,

Dark sorrows sink in bed;

All dreams become the tender light

With Hope above your head…

Atlantis sinking

We're like Atlantis, ancient ruins,

All slipping down in the ocean;

Now, dams and dikes are pretty useless,

Against huge waves – just strong emotion.

So long ago life started off in sea,

And outstanding debts are coming near;

If it is happiness or grief – you ca

Extremely mixed – the roles of wolf and deer.

Cold ice is melting under poles' hat,

All structures sink, both shelty and chateau,

While cities slowly getting dull and black,

Earths blood is flowing vainly like Merlot.

New mountains grow with uranium pieces,

Among mainlands there's war for bread,

While goods are converted to misses,

Greybeard stands still and shakes his head.

Too much ambitions – for rescue drakkar,

No helpful hand, appearing from skies;

Though slave has rights, he'll never be a tsar,

No matter, how far the progress flies.

Events press cruelly on consonant concord,

From edge of horizon keep moving off the reel;

When it's the time for evolutional effort

To be destroyed like crum with sharpest heel?

The new hero

Welcome, the new type of hero!

Outstanding modern portrait:

Cool equipment number two-zero,

Belonging to label «Egghead».

Low level of braking distance,

Full drive and medical tap;

He leads so virtual existence,

This gentleman in black velvet.

Organic whole of brain and phone

Is rushing deeply through wi-fi,

His dreams, concerned on iron throne,

Can see no heaven since we die.


Just found – his soul was sold;

By crossing out rest of candidates,

One day he'll occupy the world!

His life – with glass – is much more deep,

White magic powder – out of trend.

The sweetest nicotinic strip

Will finally destroy the lucky end.

Angel’s Factory

(Short science fiction story)

It was 2198 in the United Human Society (UHS). Working day started as usual – the Soul Space Lab (SSL) was full of scientists, strange machines and volunteers, balancing between life and death. One brilliant method was used for the last years: when a person was put into induce coma, so that his conscious became autonomous. Then through special wires and mind lenses the conscious was collected and reflected – like a narrow ray of specific radiation it was sent to the objects of deep space. This was a type of space research, relatively cheap and safe, and at the same time – the human i

This meant that if something wrong occurred with the body, the soul’s existence was modified immediately – more for the worse than for the better. In such case the main aim of the scientists on Earth was to control the body and its stability during all the space journeys. One more thing that had been discovered just few months ago – the so-called «angel’s process». When the body on Earth died, while his soul bird was in the deep space, it became…an angel. The way how it happened was rather clear: to exist and to travel every soul needed a kind of body, through which it may be controlled and had the strong co

But…they did not know the very truth. They did not know how many attempts were needed for all those souls to retrieve body. The did not know how many of them fell down and totally disappear; or – got a spill, changed the polarity and found out themselves no more spirits of light, but dark and nasty creatures. They were standing at the begi