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– Timba, are you trying to a

– I would be happy to ruin myself for someone like you, but no one will appreciate it, – said the pilot and smiled beautifully, showing clean white teeth.

– And you definitely need someone's assessment, does love want its strength to be measured on the scale of the sacrifice you have made? – she asked the question.

– I agree, she doesn't demand it, but she doesn't refuse it either. Although love, too, is not eternal, if it is not nourished by feelings, it simply disappears. And I don't want to waste my nerves, either, – Timba replied.

Vella and Timba came to the end of the road, where it had two hatches in the walls. One on the right, which leads to the command, flight room, the other on the left, to the medical center.

– Here, we'd better part ways, so that your people don't get hurt, – Vella said, and went to the left hand compartment.

– Thank you for taking care of me, the flight is just begi

Meanwhile, Tomaka and Pithons summed up the meeting and went to get the co-pilot.

The crew of the spacecraft "Flying Ferix", was launched.

Space and time, the secrets of galaxies and the secrets of planets, ghosts and living beings, all this is the engine of the pulse of the universe and our life. How many interesting and beautiful things are there in space, what we lack in our ordinary life? We know that during the day it is light, at night it is dark. This is a figurative example, in the ideal state of day and night, and not like on the planet Miran, where due to high humidity, there is a lot of cloud and it is always dark, although it flies in orbit, between two flaming stars.

Through the vacuum, between the planets, the curved lines of human destinies are built, there is a struggle between the minds, spaceships fly into the unknown, with their brave-at-heart commanders, such as Tomaka.

– Launch, permission granted, – a command voice said, over the central speaker that co

– Attention, crew, ten minutes to liftoff, take your seats and activate your shields. The main computer brain, go to the pre-flight state, – Tomaka commanded once again, after which the crew settled into their seats, and the main computer, loudly and clearly, began to count down the ten Raibo

– Nine forty – six, nine forty-five… – the speakers blared, sending the adrenaline pumping through the crew of the Flying Ferix.

The time before the launch is getting shorter and when the score reaches zero, the main computer brain will check the protective screens of each crew member and enter the command, " … transfer to a biostop state, biological organisms…", for a period set in advance, during the flight calculations, that is, temporarily freeze people or other living organisms, without any violations, vital processes in them.

Tomak's commander quickly checked everyone out and took his own seat in the flight chamber.

Chapter 2. Death of Trimon

In the spaceship" Flying Ferix", the atmosphere became heated, from the many flashing lights and all the walls trembled, moving mechanical devices.

– Four twenty-eight, four twenty-seven… – through the count, everyone heard the start of two huge engine rings, in the opposite direction, relative to each other. The steam pipes whirred, throwing hot air out and simultaneously gathering the necessary amount of heat to warm the ship's compartments during the flight.

Usually, at such moments, an experienced commander asks a control and encouraging question into the microphone installed in the flight cameras of each crew member. But, since Tomaka was not experienced, this function was taken over by Pythons.

Is everyone ready? What is it? – he asked. – "That's it, – Timba said first, and he didn't laugh out loud. – I'm ready, – the flight engineer said. – I'm ready, too, don't forget, – Vella said cheerfully, and giggled into the microphone. – Commander, let's go on a treasure hunt and adventure! – Pythons said jokingly.

– All right, let's go, let's try the alien planetary viands, – Tomaka said, trying to cheer up the crew.

– Food, this is for Trimon, he likes delicacies here. I'd rather have expensive stones or metals – Timba joked.

– The food should be right, not just the way you like it, all curls and twists, – Trimon said blankly.

– Guys, do not quarrel, the flight is just begi

– Two seventeen, two sixteen … – time passes irrevocably, on the computer clock.

– We're not fighting, are we, Trimon? – Timba asked defensively, and laughed again.

– Yeah, the truth, but don't make it turn into a lie, – Timbe, the Trimon, said dryly.

– Trimon, after all, I love you…! All right, let's go, wake up, open the lyre and talk about life a little, – Timba said peaceably, to which he received no response from Trimon.

– Something, the commander is not heard? – Timba asked jokingly, having already forgotten about Trimon.

– Timba, you're showing a certain amount of love for Vella and Trimon, or even for me, and you're showing an unhealthy interest. Maybe he was born in the third race, where bisexual love is in the foreground, for the benefit of the mutual love of humanity, – Timba, Tomak's commander, retorted.

– I wonder if you love me, Timba? – Pythons asked, and somehow, with a ring in his voice, he laughed.

– I love everyone, – he said, and everyone felt that Timba, though a lazy type who loves women and riches, was also a humorous and ridiculous prankster.

– Three, two, one, zero. Attention, the countdown to the start is over. Biological organisms, go into a biostationary state. The launch has begun – the flight cameras speakers said.

– Oh, Mommies, – Vella cried, and fell silent, falling asleep. In her flight chamber, the computer let in a sleeping gas.

– Oh, I have too, the gas went, I'm going to sleep, see you later… – said Timba and fell asleep without finishing. Tomaka was wary, because it was Trimon's turn, and the computer "froze" Timba.

Tomaka heard, but didn't understand who said it. Trimon, or it was Pythons, as the voice, also broke off. Tomaka didn't know who was being frozen, but he realized that there had been some kind of malfunction in the freezing system, and now he could only hope that everything would be fine.

Tomaka, who reached for the emergency button, let the soporific gas rush into the cabin. In an instant, his mind shut down, lulling him to sleep and preventing him from pressing the red trigger disco

Only one person was awake and not "frozen". His flight chamber was de-energized, which meant only one thing, he was dead. He could not get out of the capsule and could not, in any way, inform the crew or the Raibo

Now what has happened is that when the main computer brain did a check, the motion and heat sensors did not correctly register the bioactive functions, as a result of violations and short circuits that occurred, the electrical circuits. Because of what, there was a tragic mistake. From the flight data recorder, "there are no biologically active organisms in the flight chamber." It was completely shut down, in a moment, all the oxygen became emergency and went to other cells where there was life. This is done in order to save air, and once a living organism has not been recorded in the room, then no one needs to breathe there.