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“Thank you.” Creed appreciated that they’d come to his defense.

“You’re our brother.” Glacier shrugged. “Neb sent us both to let you know we’re fine with what happened with Kado. We’ll talk about that later, though.”

Duster moved and Creed watched as the scout knelt, staring at Domb. His voice was soft as he spoke. “You’re bleeding out. Shell. That’s an order.”

Domb removed one of his hands. Blood spread down his chest faster when he did. He flipped the scout off and his mouth moved. No sound came but Creed could read the “fuck you” clear enough. Domb collapsed to his side on the floor. He gasped and choked but stayed down.

Duster rose up and put his hand on his sword. “I should end it faster for him. That’s a bad way to go and he seems hell-bent on dying.”

“Don’t bother,” Glacier grumbled. “We came upon him and the other council member unfairly attacking our baby brother. Two on one is cowardice. A merciful death goes to those who have honor. Let the prick choke to death.”

Braze, the scout to Creed’s right, drew his sword. “He probably doesn’t want to live now that the other council members are dead. I’ll do it.”

Duster motioned him back. “Kelzeb is on his way right now. We’ll let him decide. It’s his father, after all.”

Domb became utterly quiet as the minutes passed. Kelzeb and Lord Aveoth arrived. Creed retreated to his open door and stayed there, guarding it. He watched as Kelzeb knelt next to Domb and checked on his father. He lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Lord Aveoth grasped his friend and lead enforcer’s shoulder. His words came out low but they carried. “Is he dead?”

Kelzeb rose up and opened his eyes. “Yes.” He glanced around at the bodies on the floor. “What happened?”

“They came to execute me.” Creed held his gaze. “Your father and Milgo drew their weapons, refused to go to court with me to settle the matter, and attacked. Lisser hung back. My brothers arrived and evened out the odds. I told Domb to shell when I tore open his throat but he refused.”

“I told him to shell as well,” Duster sighed. “He refused me as well.”

Lord Aveoth’s eyes flashed sliver. “They came to execute you?”

Creed nodded. “They didn’t want to challenge me in your court. They stated they didn’t acknowledge you as their lord. It was payback for my father’s death. I would have been killed if Glacier and Pest hadn’t arrived when they did.”

“Goddamn it.” Lord Aveoth lifted his hand and ran it though his hair. “Why am I not surprised that they’d pull this shit?” He dropped his arm to his side. “I’m glad you’re fine.” He spared looks to Creed’s brothers, giving them a slight nod. “Good job.”

Kelzeb looked a little shaken up but he approached Creed and stopped a few feet in front of him. “I apologize. I should have posted guards at your door, but I didn’t think they’d be stupid enough to seek vengeance for Kado’s death.”

Creed relaxed slightly, grateful the lead enforcer wasn’t angry with him for killing his father. “It’s not your fault. I don’t understand why Domb wouldn’t shell.”

“He always was a stubborn bastard. His council meant more to him than anyone else ever did. He lost them all, and I’m sure it stung his pride that a lowly GarLycan took him in a fight. You did what you had to.” He turned and spoke to Lord Aveoth. “I need to go to my mother. I want her to hear the news from me that her mate is dead.”

“Go. Be with her. We can handle this.” Lord Aveoth began to give the scouts orders to remove the bodies. He finally gave Creed his attention. “We have this. Go into your home with your mate.” He turned to Creed’s brothers. “You came to talk to him. Do it.”

Glacier didn’t budge. “We’re all good?”

Lord Aveoth actually smiled. “I deem your actions appropriate. There will be no punishment or reprimands for what happened here. The ex-council members attempted to murder Creed. It was prevented. Spend time with your brother.”

Creed backed into his home and his brothers followed. He spun, walking fast to his bedroom door. “Angel? It’s fine. Open the door.”

She unbolted the door and threw it open. He had to grin at seeing his mate. She held a short blade in one hand, as if ready to fight. He stepped inside and carefully took it from her, placing it on the nearest surface.

“Are you okay? I heard the fighting and someone screamed.” She clung to his waist, burying her face against his chest. “I was so scared for you.”

He hugged her tight. “I’m fine. My other brothers are here. They showed up and saved me.”

She looked up at him. “Are they mad about your father?”

He wasn’t sure. “Let’s go find out.”

Angel was nervous as Creed led her into the living room. Two men waited. One was injured and bleeding. She would have known they were related to her mate by looks alone. Their features were enough like Creed’s and they had the same body types. Tall and muscular. She let go of Creed’s hand and went into the kitchen, wetting a dish towel before striding up to the bleeding one. “Sit.”

He arched a black eyebrow but gri

She inched forward and began to dab the cloth at his face to clean away the blood. The injury had already stopped bleeding and begun to heal. She turned her attention to his arm next. It looked as if he’d been cut across his forearm. It still bled a little. “I’ll get the first-aid kit.” She turned to Creed. “Do we have one?”

Creed snagged her around the waist from behind and dragged her a few feet back. “He’ll be fine.”

“But he’s hurt and he’s your brother.” She flashed him a frown.

“His name is Glacier. I’m Pest.”

She stared up at the other brother. He had black hair and dark eyes. It was hard to tell their color. Not black but they reminded her of heavy thunderclouds. “Pest?”

He gri

“He has an actual name but he gets pissed when we use it.”

She stared back at Glacier. He had black hair too, his features the most like Creed’s. They could have been almost twins except his eyes were a very lively light blue.

“Shut it,” Pest warned.

Creed pulled her closer against the front of him and bent his head. “Tempest,” he whispered.

Pest shot him a dirty look. “I hate that name. It sounds like a girl’s.” His expression softened when he gazed at Angel. “I got teased, and still do when anyone learns my name.”

She shook her head. “You think Pest is better?”

He shrugged and took a seat on a barstool next to Glacier. “I can be one. It at least fits me.”

“You can also be a bit girly,” Glacier replied.

Pest punched him on his injured arm.


“Who’s whining now?” Pest gri

“The bastard was just standing there so I was watching you fight. He got in a sneak attack with a dagger before I could react. He was aiming for my neck but I flinched and he got my face instead.” Glacier took the wet dish towel and wrapped it around his arm. “This happened when I opened myself up so he’d take a swing at me. I blocked it with my arm and was able to take his head.”

Angel glanced up at Creed, confused and alarmed.

“The three council members decided to punish me for killing our father. They came to kill me. All three of them are dead instead.”

She knew the blood drained out of her face. “Are you in trouble?”