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Kelzeb stood there. “You’re up. I didn’t want to pound in case you had already retired.”

“I had. I was out of bed for a moment.”

“May I come in?”

Creed sighed. “I’m nude.”

Kelzeb chuckled. “If you have something I haven’t seen before, I’m curious enough to want a peek.” He glanced both ways, his humor vanishing. “It’s important. I would have tried to reach you again at dawn but didn’t want to let this sit for that long.”

“Give me ten seconds before you enter.”

Creed spun, walked into the living room and glanced around. He bent, picking up one of the carpet ru

The front door opened wider and Kelzeb stepped inside, closing it behind him.

“I apologize. You’re strengthening your bond but this couldn’t wait.”

“What is wrong? Is it my father?”

“How did you know?”

“We had a confrontation. He came to see me here. What has he done?”

“Kado made a formal written request to go before Aveoth. He’s outraged that you broke the law and aren’t being lashed and encased. He petitioned for your mate to be enslaved and requested that, since he’s your father, he get to be the first to use her body as a breeding vessel. The prick feels it’s his right to have first crack at it since he’s lost a son over her.”

Creed started to shell. Rage poured through him. His skin hardened and he couldn’t breathe. He knew his father wasn’t pleased but the petition was one he’d never seen coming.

“Easy,” Kelzeb ordered. “It won’t happen. Aveoth is almost as angry as you must be. Hell, so am I. It’s your right as her mate to be informed of what’s going on, so you can be there to represent her and yourself.”

That helped. He got air into his lungs and some of the rage died down. He relaxed his body, trying to regain control.

“I don’t know what his next move will be, but first thing in the morning he’s going to go before Aveoth, and he’ll be denied on all counts. Seven o’clock sharp if you plan to attend. I never saw this coming, and it’s my job to think of ways we might have any problems with our clan. I can’t even wrap my head around him coming up with this scheme. It’s like one of those messed-up talk shows on television or a soap opera. Perhaps he’s watched too many of them in his down time. He’s trying to make you your half-brother’s stepfather.”

Creed scowled.

“You don’t watch those? I probably shouldn’t either.” He glanced around. “I don’t even see a television. You’re barely here, so you probably didn’t take the time to get one.” He held Creed’s gaze. “Your mate’s rights would be stripped from that baby if she were a breeding vessel, so you wouldn’t technically be the child’s stepfather, but if your father was the younglings father then it would make you the half-brother. See where I’m going with this?”


“Never mind. Just watch that bastard father of yours and don’t leave your mate unprotected.”

“Thank you. I won’t.”

Kelzeb sighed. “I’ll text you a copy of that video of Aveoth stripping him of his rank. It might keep you from hunting him down tomorrow after the audience with Aveoth.”


“Contact me if you do decide to defend his formal request. Aveoth is going to deny it, so you don’t have to be there.”

“I don’t need to think about it. I want to face him when he speaks to Lord Aveoth.”

“I’ll send someone to guard your mate at that time. She’s not supposed to leave your lair. She won’t be allowed to join you. You also don’t want to fight your father anywhere near her. I’ve learned that two of your brothers are with him now. I’ve had a few enforcers watching them since the formal request came in. They are probably plotting their next move.”

“Do you know which two?”

“The two above you nearest in age. The eldest one didn’t fly home.”

That didn’t surprise Creed. Those two probably had hope that they may one day achieve their father’s approval. Though his brothers may just be humoring their father by listening to his rantings in their attempt. His oldest brother wouldn’t bother. Nebulas hated him almost as much as Creed did. “I will challenge him over this.”

“I don’t blame you.” Kelzeb turned, walking to the door. “Lock down your lair. I wouldn’t put it past them to attack in the middle of the night. Kado is a sneaky bastard, and if he’s smart, he knows he’ll be denied by Aveoth.”

Creed followed him to the door and bolted it when he exited. He turned, staring at the wall across the room that hid the exterior ledge. His father and brothers knew the location of the outside entrance. He dropped the rug he’d used to cover himself and walked to the couch, lifting it. He wedged it in place. They wouldn’t be able to slide the rock to sneak in without snapping the couch frame.

He strode into the kitchen, getting some glasses to place on one arm of the couch. They would fall to the floor and shatter if the couch was nudged, as an extra precaution.

He crept down the hallway and found Angel curled into a ball under the covers in the middle of his bed. She’d fallen asleep waiting for him. He turned, closing and bolting the bedroom door. He walked over to the fireplace and reached above the mantel, taking down one of the swords he kept hanging there. He carried it to the bed and put it within reach.

A fierce protectiveness filled him. He didn’t want to believe his brothers would help their father go after his mate. They all had issues with how coldly they’d been raised. He felt loyalty to his brothers and hoped they wouldn’t betray him. It would be a deadly mistake if they did.

He carefully pulled back the covers and climbed in the bed behind his mate. He wrapped his body around Angel, holding her close. She murmured something in her sleep that he didn’t understand but she did latch onto his arm with her hand. He examined her small fingers.

He hesitated, and then placed a kiss on her cheek before resting his head next to hers.

He’d kill anyone, regardless of their association to him, to keep her right where she belonged. That was with him.