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Creed broke the kiss. “Blood.”

It took her a second to cool her desire enough to let what he’d said sink in and make sense. “Now? Later.”


“You have the worst timing.” She slapped his chest. “I wanted to ride you.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t.” Amusement sparked in his eyes. “I want to feed you first.”

“You already did. You fed me elk steak and whatever that white stuff was. I couldn’t decide if it was mashed rice or potato. It was good though. The green stuff in it kind of confused my taste buds.”

He rolled, pi

She stuck out her lower lip and pouted. “You’re so mean. All I want to do is ride you like a pony.”

He smiled. “I’m a stallion, baby.” He lifted off her, getting off the bed.

Angel laughed. Her normally stony GarLycan was playing with her. “Come back to bed. I can drink it later.”

He crossed the room and left the bedroom. She sat up after he was gone, liking it when he walked away from her. He did have the nicest ass.

He was determined to strengthen their bond. His timing did suck but he was the sensible one. Her digestive system would reject blood on an empty stomach. She’d throw it back up.

He returned with a tray. Angel frowned.

He sat on the edge of the bed and set it down. There was a silver, thin, fluted champagne glass and a dagger. Her eyebrows arched. “What’s this?”

He picked up the dagger. “I cut and bleed into the goblet. You drink from it.”

She grabbed his wrist, halting the sharp weapon. “Are you serious?”

“It’s customary.”

“Your people are so formal.”

He just stared at her.

“Give me the dagger.” She held out her other hand. “Let’s do this in a more fun way.”

“I’m worried to see what that is.”

“You heal fast and you know I’d never hurt you. Trust me.”

He hesitated, and then handed over the dagger to her handle first. “I do.”

“Get rid of the glass and tray.”

He stood, taking them around the bed to the table. She pointed at the bed and he climbed on. She was careful with the sharp-tipped dagger as she crawled closer to him.

“Flat on your back.”

He did it but frowned. “What is your plan?”

She set the dagger down and bent over him, brushing kisses on his stomach. He hissed out when she trailed them lower, going toward his groin.

“Don’t slice me there.”

She laughed. “No. Never, ever there. Only my mouth is going to touch the good parts.”

He reached up, caressing her breast. “I appreciate that.”

She licked the hollow of his hip, staring at his cock. He was getting hard. She moved closer and nibbled on his lower stomach. “It’s about to get a lot better.”

She lifted her leg, throwing it over one of his. He spread his thighs to give her more room. She gripped the shaft of his cock and opened her mouth, flicking her tongue over the tip. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze. His eyes were swirling silver but some blue still showed. It was almost neon. He had the sexiest eyes and responses to oral sex. He pinched her nipple and it caused her to jerk. It didn’t hurt, but she knew he’d done it to get her attention. She liked it.

She took him inside her mouth, sucking lightly. His fangs extended and she hoped he didn’t sprout wings flat on his back. She wasn’t even sure if he could or if it would hurt. She took him deeper, watching his eyes narrow. Soft noises came from the back of his throat. His chest rumbled. She slowly released him and lifted her chest, climbing up his body. She positioned his shaft at the angle she wanted when she straddled his hips and sat, taking him deep inside her pussy. He grabbed her hips.

“Angel,” he moaned.

“Definitely not a pony.” She rose up a little, slamming back down.

He tightened his hold, pleasure showing on his features. “Blood later.”

She leaned over, grabbing the dagger. “No. Now. Give me your hand.”

He shook off some of the lust and sat up a little. He only hesitated for a second before giving her his hand. She gripped it.

“Remember what I was just doing to you with my mouth?”


“Close your eyes and just feel. Think about my mouth on you.”

She hated to cut him. She moved her hips, slowly riding his cock. It felt amazing to her, and she hoped the pleasure distracted him. He fell back flat on the bed. His other hand gripped her hip, kneading her skin there.

She used the tip of the dagger to slice his thumb deep. He didn’t even flinch. Red blood welled up.

She tossed the dagger off the bed and lifted his hand, wrapping her mouth around his digit, sucking. The taste of his blood filled her mouth and she swallowed. She did to his thumb what she’d done to his cock earlier as she slowly moved, riding him.

He grew harder inside her, felt bigger. She moaned against his thumb, feeling secure that it was working the way she’d wanted it to. Taking blood was going to be fun for both of them.

Her body started to heat up and sweat broke over her. It was probably from taking his blood. It happened with Lycans, and she remembered his mother had been one. She moved faster, frantically. She was close to coming. Her clit throbbed and she reached down with her other hand, rubbing her fingertip against it. She sucked on his thumb harder.

Creed snarled and bucked under her, ramming his cock inside her. He almost unseated her but his hand gripping her hip helped avoid that. She cried out, climaxing hard.

She rode him and he sat up suddenly, wrapping his arm around her waist. He tore his thumb from her mouth, holding her with that arm too. She was crushed against him. He threw them to the side on the bed, his hips pumping furiously as he came. He clung to her as he shook from the force of his climax.