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“One more thing, Creed. Someone is covering your assignment but it’s only temporary, until you leave here. I’m not letting you off your service to me for at least ten years. You know that territory and the people better than anyone, and I think your mate would appreciate being close to her parents. You may extend that time afterward if you wish, but we’ll discuss that later.”

Aveoth shifted his cloak and reached back, pulling something from his belt that had been hidden by his loose shirt. The paddle in his hand was smooth and fourteen inches long with a handle.

“I never said how hard she’d be hit. I’ll leave that to you…but at least touch her skin.” He held it out. “Fifty, Creed. Not one less. I’m going to trust you to do as I have decreed.” He paused. “Once you are done here, there is clothing inside the wardrobe. Fly her down to your lair. Avoid the internal tu

Creed was too stu

Aveoth smiled. “Do me one favor?”

“Anything.” Creed accepted the paddle. It sank in that Aveoth was going to allow him to be the one to use it.

“Pretend to be miserable until you leave the cliffs. Grumble if anyone asks and tell them I felt being mated to a human would be punishment enough.” He winked. “A lot of our people think Jill is pure hell for me. They have no idea how wrong they are. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Thank you.” Emotion choked him. Lord Aveoth had done him the greatest kindness of all. “I swear.”

Aveoth spun on his heel and walked away.

Creed closed his eyes and gripped the paddle with both of his hands. He had come home expecting the worst, possibly even death for him and Angel.

They were going to live, and not be parted. It was even a gift to be kept at his current assignment once the six months of confinement were over. Angel would get to remain with her pack, close to her parents.