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She glanced up, feeling hope. The callous look on Lord Aveoth’s face dashed it. She fixed her gaze back on the floor.

“I’ve taken that into consideration, as well as what you’ve said. I have an understanding of humans, and you are one, despite the way you were raised. You’re impulsive in your thinking and have no discipline when it comes to matters of the heart. I will not have Creed lashed and encased.”

She could breathe easier.

“I also think it’s distasteful to disfigure a woman, or kill one. We do value them, with our birthrate of females being so low. You are correct though. The laws must be followed, and punishment handed out when one is broken.”

The silence that followed had her stomach in knots.

“I’ve threatened to spank my mate’s bottom when she’s being difficult. I would never actually do it because it would be painful for her.” He sighed. “It won’t disfigure you or cause you more than a week or two of discomfort. I sentence you to fifty strikes with a paddle and six months of confinement.”

She was getting off easy. Her ass wouldn’t think so, but out of all the things she’d expected, it was beyond merciful of Lord Aveoth. “Thank you.”

“You don’t wish to argue with me? Beg for a less-painful solution?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m grateful.”

“You do understand that this is going to be painful? We aren’t human. You’ll be bruised and won’t want to sit. One of my men will dole out your punishment.”

She looked up at him then. “I’m keeping my head on my shoulders and Creed isn’t going to endure any pain or prison time. That’s all I care about. Thank you. Six months is much better than ten years. I will count my blessings.”

“Perhaps I was too lenient.”

Horror struck.

He suddenly smiled. “It was a joke. I just wanted to see your reaction.”

She didn’t think it was fu

“I’ll have you escorted to one of the chambers. I’ll send a mated male to pass down my judgment, since it wouldn’t be fair for you to remain in clothing. They’d cushion you somewhat from the pain. I apologize for any discomfort you’ll suffer at being stripped, but it won’t matter after the first few blows. You will be chained down. It will keep you from moving and keep him from accidently striking you anywhere that could do critical damage.”

The guy had a way of putting things in perspective. He got points for that. “Thank you, Lord Aveoth.”

“I do have one last question.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“Do you get into trouble often with your pack?”


“Thank you for answering with honesty. I spoke to your alpha. He told me you were always a well-behaved child. You may go.”

She turned, almost making it to the door before he spoke again.


She stopped and turned, holding his gaze. “Yes?”

“I’ll be sure to tell Creed how you took the blame and asked to be the one punished.”

“I wish you wouldn’t. He’ll be pissed.”

He smiled. “I know. Go.”

Her shoulders slumped, and she followed her escort down the hallway. They traveled somewhere lower in the mountain. GarLycans keep in shape with the help of a lot of stairs, she deduced by the time they finally reached a door, where he stopped. He opened it and gestured her inside. She hesitated but went in. There was no use putting it off or trying to drag it out.

It was a large bedroom with a massive bed. She saw the restraint setup and wondered if many of the rooms came with chains. The door closed and she turned, realizing that her guard remained. He crossed his arms over his chest.

“Strip bare and bend over the bottom of the bed. I’ll restrain you and then guard the door until Lord Aveoth assigns someone to relieve me.”

“Are you mated?”

“I am.”

It was good enough for her. Mates didn’t cheat. He wouldn’t be interested in her as a woman. She wasn’t wholly comfortable with getting naked in front of a stranger, especially a scary one, but things could be worse. She was still alive, and whoever came wouldn’t be carrying a whip to tear open her skin.

She managed to remove all her clothing except the corset. She tried to twist to reach the ties but couldn’t. It was impossible. Re


He sighed and approached her from behind. “Hold still.”

He whipped out a dagger and just cut the lacing. She held the material over her breasts until he backed away. “Thanks.”

“Assume the position. Do you need guidance?”

She dropped the corset and kept her back to him as she walked to the end of the bed. She bent, blushing. It was embarrassing. “No. I remember it well.” She found a comfortable position lying flat on her stomach, after she went on her tiptoes so her hips were firmly curved against the soft padding. She stretched her arms straight out to the sides.

He walked around the bed and belted the restraint over one wrist, then rounded it to go to the other side. It was going to be worse if he chained her legs. One glance and he’d see more of her than she ever wanted him to. She didn’t even know his name, and wasn’t about to ask. He moved back when her arms were locked down.

“I’ll be right outside the door.” He reached into his pocket and withdrew a black handkerchief. “It will be easier for the man assigned to punish you if he doesn’t see your tears. No one enjoys striking a woman.” He bent and she closed her eyes before he tied it over her face. “Be strong for your mate. You are an extension of him.”

She listened to his footsteps retreat. The door opened and then closed. She lay there waiting. The room was chilly but she welcomed the cold. It might numb her skin a little before she got her ass paddled. It wasn’t going to be a swat on the butt from her parents. It was going to seriously hurt.

* * * * *

Creed entered the court chambers and bowed to Lord Aveoth. He glanced up, evaluating his leader’s forbidding features. Cold emanated from the GarLycan’s eyes and his body language displayed anger. It wasn’t a good sign. Creed lowered to one knee, keeping his chin tucked.

“You couldn’t wait forty years to take a mate?”

“It wasn’t pla

“What would you like me to take into consideration?”

“Please have mercy on Angel. She’s merely human. She didn’t stand a chance against my strength and speed.”

“You forced the issue?”

“She couldn’t have fought me off.”

“Do you regret it? Be honest.”

“No. She isn’t taking blood from her Lycan parents. She would have aged in human years.”

“How old is she now?”


“I see the problem.”

Creed glanced up, met Lord Aveoth’s glare, then lowered his gaze. “All I ask is that you spare her.”

“She won’t age now. You’ll do ten years encased and then be free to live with your mate. I can see how the punishment might have seemed worth committing the offense.”

“It wasn’t pla

“You decided to mate her, rather than allow her to age until you weren’t honor bound to me any longer?”

“I intended to speak to her parents and order them to give her blood, my lord.”

“You felt you could overstep family bonds to issue that order? You wouldn’t have been her mate if that was your plan.”

“I gifted her to them. They tried to have children but couldn’t. They owed me a debt. I never asked them for anything. I didn’t believe they’d deny my one request.”