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“I’ll call Kelzeb and tell him we have her.” Chaz sighed loudly from the back.

“Can you call Creed?” She twisted in the seat to look at Chaz.

“He’s with Kelzeb. He’ll know.”

“Can I talk to him?”



“No,” Chaz repeated. “It’s bad enough we were pulled off our assignment to go pick up a wayward mate before she got herself killed…or someone else. Just sit back and shut up.”

“You really are an asshole,” she muttered.

“He is,” Fray agreed. “Pity me. I’ve had to deal with him since conception.” He glanced back. “I should have punched you in the womb to make my exit first. Then you’d have been born second.”

“Shut up,” Chaz snorted.

She closed her eyes and relaxed in the seat while she could. She’d see Creed soon and they’d be taken to his Lord Aveoth. It seemed like things were going to get a lot worse.

* * * * *

Creed couldn’t relax. All he could think about was how Angel had been attacked by a Lycan, and now two GarLycans were enclosed inside a vehicle with her while she was putting out the calling.

What if they can’t resist and start fighting over her? What if…

Kelzeb cleared his throat. “They aren’t going to do anything to her. They’re twin brothers and they are very close to each other. One isn’t going to take out the other. She’s safe.”

It didn’t help. “How much longer?”

“Soon. Don’t a

Creed wiped his palms on his jean-clad thighs. He shouldn’t have listened to Angel and her plans. She could be irrational. He knew that. She had a free spirit and took that into her thought process.

“Don’t shut down, either.”

“I’m just thinking,” Creed admitted.

“Damn, I hope I don’t find my mate for centuries more. It turns intelligent men into lunatics.”

“I really didn’t know she’d suffer the calling.”

“Remind me to get you a copy of that video I made of our dads getting their asses verbally handed to them by Aveoth when you have your mate safely at your side, and before you see your father. You might really kill him otherwise.”

“He hates humans.”

“You rescued one. Was he aware that you had feelings for her?”

Creed shook his head. “I told my mother everything. She worried I had become antisocial after my assignments. I admitted that I spent time with Angel. It was before she said that she wanted to be my mate though.”

“What did your mother say about a human wanting to spend her life with you?”

“I never had the chance to ask. My mother died a week after Angel brought up becoming my mate. It was a conversation I pla

“Your father probably worried you’d consider a human for a mate after you saved one. It implied you didn’t hate them or believe they were beneath your notice. You know how full-bloods are about that. He wouldn’t have wanted you to form an attachment of some sort to the girl. And she was part of the pack you protect; even I could guess she might be the one to volunteer to help you during your time of need. They don’t call it the ravage for nothing. Look at what full-blood bastards did in the past.”

“I never heard why it was called that.”

Kelzeb hesitated. “Our forefathers were vicious. We’ve always had the issue of birthing more boys than girls. The desire to breed would come upon them and they’d hunt for a woman. They preferred Gargoyle ones but you know their birthrate is low. So they’d kidnap humans and take them to their lairs. No one volunteered for that. It was pretty violent. Those women would be chained and taken against their will. You’re young, so you don’t know how humans used to be. They would go insane after being exposed to one of us. Imagine being forced to drink something that made you actually want to have sex with your kidnapper who looked like a demon. Their lives were destroyed regardless of the outcome.”


“The ones who got pregnant where kept chained and locked inside the Gargoyle’s lair until they birthed for him. He couldn’t risk her throwing herself off the ledge before she delivered the child. It happened sometimes. The ones who were released afterward were usually murdered when they told their people what happened to them. Their families and neighbors believed they were exposed to evil, and it was safest to kill the women to keep the devil from coming back.

“It was named the ravage because any woman was destroyed if she was chosen to be a breeding vessel. Take your pick on what was worse. Being forced to birth a child for who they thought was the devil, or being killed by their own families and friends after being freed.”

“I’m glad we ask for volunteers now. I could never do that to a woman.”

“No shit. I’ve gone through the ravage, and it’s hell, but I would chain myself to a wall before I forced a woman into my bed. I would never be able to forgive myself.”

“Nor would I,” Creed agreed. “I’ve only experienced it twice but I’d have chained myself too if the women hadn’t been willing.”

“What was your first one like?”

He hesitated. “Cold.”

“How in the hell can you say that?”

“My father arranged it. It was with Winalin. He had an understanding with her brother. They wanted us to breed. I’d pla

Kelzeb shot him a horrified look but said nothing.

“We both felt resentment, being ordered to be together by our family members. The sex was pleasurable but it was nothing like with Angel. There is no comparison.”

“Because you have feelings for Angel.”

“It’s more than that. She’s very passionate.”

“Wasn’t Winalin?”

“No. She refused to drink my hormones for fear of being unable to prevent ovulation in her body. Neither of us wanted her pregnant. I mostly feared harming her, since she wasn’t as turned on as I was.”

“That does sound cold. We’ve reached the meeting point; they’re waiting.”

Creed sat up straighter, staring at the SUV parked on the side of the road. The Jeep had barely come to a stop when he’d shoved open the door and rushed forward. The scent of Angel almost took him to his knees. She opened the passenger door and he grabbed her around her middle, lifting her right off her feet.

He studied her face, throat, and arms with a quick glance. “Were you hurt?”

She gripped his shoulders. “I’m fine.”

“I heard you were attacked by a Lycan.”

“I’m okay.”

He pulled her closer, hugging her. His dick had become rock hard. His Angel smelled like pure sex. It made him want to rip off her clothes and take her right against the black vehicle. He was only able to resist because three GarLycans were in close proximity to his mate. His protective instincts were keeping his lust in check. Barely.

The two doors on the other side of the SUV opened and the twin enforcers climbed out.

Creed backed up with Angel in his arms. His body fluxed a little when his skin tightened, trying to shell to make him tougher to kill. Both men were reading as a danger to his mate, despite the fact that they’d brought her to him. It was difficult to reason with his mind with Angel in his arms.