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He looked down at his hand, shock spreading across his features. Then he spun, rushing with long strides toward the door. She followed him. They cleared the building and she trailed him to the side of it, away from the prying eyes of anyone from the airfield. He leaned against the wall and covered his face with his hands.

“Take deep breathes,” she encouraged. “Are you okay? What’s your real name?”

He peeked at her between his fingers. “You know?”

“That you were about to sprout fur in there? Yeah. I belong to the Henita pack. My alpha is Picoz.”

“You’re not one of my kind.” He dropped his hands. “What are you?”

She locked her knees, remembering that she smelled like sex still, and Creed. “That’s none of your business but I’m pack protected. I’m going back inside now, and you need to pull yourself together before you do.”

He sniffed at her and groaned. “You smell so good!”

She backed up. “Thanks.”

“Come here.” He reached for her with both hands and growled.

She saw lust glitter in his eyes and his breathing increased almost to a pant. She knew the signs well. “Oh, hell no. Are you in heat? You crazy son of a bitch. Go into the woods and call someone from your pack to come get you. You can’t be around humans in that condition. Are you suicidal?”

He lunged forward and grabbed her. She was spun and her back hit the wall hard. Her packs slipped down her arm and then he was up against her, pi

Angel used her free hand to shove against his chest but he wouldn’t budge. He had a hundred pounds on her but he wasn’t much taller. She shook her other arm, dropping her packs. It gave her the ability to get a good hold on the belt he wore. She twisted her head a little, looking around. No one was within sight, thankfully.

“I’m going to fuck you so good,” he snarled.

Angel braced one foot against the wall and bucked her hips at him with all her strength, shoving him enough to make him stumble.

She struck fast when she got a little space between them, slamming her fist into his groin. It was a direct hit and she twisted her body, kicking him in the knee. He crumpled to the ground and she went for his hair, grabbing a handful of it and stepping around him.

“Knock your shit off,” she demanded. “Don’t make me hurt you. You’re in heat and you’ve lost your mind. What was the plan? Fuck me right here against the wall so we could just wave to anyone who passed? Get control!”

He snarled and tried to twist his head. He snapped at her wrist with his mouth but she jerked away fast. He sported full-on fangs and facial hair now. His nose had bowed out a little into a mini snout. It pissed her off that he’d attempted to take a bite out of her.

She punched him for all she was worth, slamming her fist into his jaw. “Control,” she snapped.

He collapsed onto his ass but recovered fast. Wolf eyes glared at her. “Mine!”

She frantically looked around as he got to his feet. No people had shown up yet but it was only a matter of time. The airport was small but there was steady light traffic. She dodged him when he tried to grab her around her waist and threw out her elbow, catching him in the ribs. He grunted and stumbled past her. She twisted, sending a roundhouse kick that nailed him in the ass. He plowed face first into the ground.

The damn Lycan had lost his mind. She sprinted to her backpacks, caught the straps in her hand, and ran to the back of the building. A large plane hangar caught her attention. She fled toward it to find cover. One door had been left open but she didn’t see anyone inside. She heard the Lycan coming after her. He snarled as if he had rabies or something. She ran inside with him following her.

She tossed the packs out of the way and turned. He spotted her and snarled louder. Hair covered his arms now, so matted she couldn’t even see skin. The idiot probably had a tail smashed inside his jeans too at that point. He grabbed the front of his shirt and tore it open. Hair covered him from shoulders to waist.


He didn’t just want to fuck her. He pla

“No. Do you hear me? No! I already have a mate.”

He snarled and stalked closer, his arms opening.

“Did you hear me? I’m already taken.”

He lunged, claws out. She ducked but he managed to catch a few of her hairs with his sharp tips. It wasn’t pleasant, having them ripped out. She threw another kick, nailing him in the back of his thighs that time. He went down but just twisted on his hands and knees. He crouched there.

She was in a lot of trouble. He wasn’t listening to her. She backed up and almost tripped on a toolbox that some pilot or mechanic had left out. She swiftly grabbed a long-handled wrench.

“Don’t make me hurt you,” she warned.

“Come here.” He pointed a clawed tip at the floor directly in front of him.

“It’s so not going to happen. I’m not going to shove down my jeans and assume the position. I’m not the submissive type. Did you hear what I said? I’m already taken.”

“By me!” He sprang up, diving at her.

She held still, her heart hammering until he was almost on top of her. At the last second, she threw her body to the right, rolling on the unforgiving floor and getting to her feet.

The Lycan landed on the toolbox and crashed into the wall. It was loud and she prayed no one would come investigate.

She didn’t give him time to recover. She went at him and nailed him with the metal wrench to the back of his head, hoping it would knock him out. He was lifting up when the blow hit. It knocked him flat. The toolbox was on its side and some of the contents had spilled out. She saw a roll of duct tape and dropped onto his back.

She pegged him in the head a second time when he started to push up. Lycans had thick skulls. She didn’t want to seriously hurt him, but she sure wasn’t going to let him rip off her clothes and fuck her, either. He went still under her. She leaned over, trying to reach the tape. It was just out of reach. She bit her lip and stretched more, her fingers inching closer.

Someone stepped right next to it.

Angel stared at the big black set of boots—and froze. How was she supposed to explain to a human what was going on without them calling the state troopers? She had no clue.

Her chin lifted to stare at leather pants, and higher, to the man wearing them.


He wasn’t human. He wore dark glasses over his eyes and his sheer size screamed enforcer. He had wide shoulders, arms a bodybuilder would turn green with envy over, and looked deadly. The half-sword strapped to his thigh was another hint. No human would have the balls to walk around with a weapon like that in civilian areas or they’d be arrested. He had probably been sent by his pack to track down the man she’d just been beating on. Packs tended to frown on that.

“I can explain,” she got out, trying to keep calm. “Your guy here is in heat. Look at his back. He’s all hair. I didn’t want to hurt him but he didn’t leave me much of a choice.”

She moved real slow as she climbed off the limp body under her. She dropped the wrench. She opened her hands and raised them to show she didn’t have a weapon anymore.