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Kelzeb grabbed him. “No! She’s probably had time to get out of the territory. It’s broad daylight. You can’t risk flying beyond this valley or you could be seen. No damn way are you ending up starring in a video clip on the internet. Aveoth would have your ass then. Get in my Jeep once you stop bleeding so you don’t ruin my seats and I’ll call two of our enforcers I left a few hours ago. They’re out that way. They’ll reach her if we don’t.”

Frustration nearly choked Creed. He hadn’t been thinking clearly. He hadn’t known Angel would put off the calling. “I’m going to kill my father. My mother isn’t around anymore to be hurt by his death.”

“I don’t blame you. Put away the damn wings, Creed. That’s an order.”

He closed his eyes and tried to force his body into submission.

“Forget your overnight bag. I told Aveoth all of the guardians should come home for the ravage and bring a woman with them. This just proves it. Less fuck-ups happen if it’s a more controlled environment. Let’s go. I have spare clothes for you.”