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Chapter Seven

Creed stared at Joe with a bored expression. The two-hundred-and-ninety-seven-year-old Lycan elder seemed to enjoy the sound of his voice as he droned on about the importance of being respectful of traditions and their alliance.

Alpha Picoz stood and lifted a hand. “Enough, Joe.” He stepped closer to Creed. “We were worried about the girl. She’s a part of this pack but she’s not Lycan. It’s a courtesy that we even ask our women to accommodate your needs. It was agreed upon that we’d have her follow your ritual, fully expecting you to follow it as well. You stated you’d have her returned first thing in the morning. The fact that she’s human is—”

Creed stopped listening to the alpha when his senses alerted him to one of his own kind. The door to the meeting hall creaked open and he turned. Kelzeb entered as if he owned the place. The lead enforcer of Lord Aveoth—and the man Creed reported to—wore all black clothing. He glanced around before fixing his stare directly on Creed.

“Is she alive?”

Creed noticed some of the Lycans winced. It was their sensitive hearing. Kelzeb had a deeper voice than most found pleasant. He knew the question was directed at him, so he answered. “Yes.”



Kelzeb crossed his arms and slid his gaze to the alpha. “So what’s the big stink? I could hear what you were saying all the way from where I parked my Jeep. You should close the windows if you don’t want just anyone hearing what’s going on inside. You’ve drawn a crowd.”

“He didn’t return her when expected.”

Kelzeb sighed. “So?”

Alpha Picoz snarled. “So? He said—”

“Enough,” Kelzeb thundered.

The Lycans all whined from the sound, protecting their ears. Creed didn’t know why Lord Aveoth’s enforcer spoke that way to the pack, but he didn’t care either.

Kelzeb lowered his voice. “It’s the ravage. It’s not on a schedule like when the sun rises and sets. Hormones are a bitch. Do I really need to explain that to anyone in this room? You’re all in heat for…how long? Days? Weeks? I don’t really give a damn. That wasn’t a question. The girl was returned alive and undamaged. Case closed.”

Alpha Picoz snarled again. “We care. We allow our women to help the guardian through his time of need. The least—”

“Allow?” Kelzeb thundered again. “Is that what you said? It’s part of the agreement between our clan and your pack that you ask for volunteers, if whoever we assign to protect your ass goes through the ravage while he’s on duty. Did he steal one of your women? Kidnap her?” He pi


Kelzeb threw his arms wide. “There you go. She agreed to it and she’s fine. I had to drive all the way here for this? Do you know how much that irritates me? I had better things to do today.” He glared at the alpha. “Then I find you grilling a GarLycan as if he answers to you. He doesn’t. Should I remind you how many packs would jump at the chance to have a GarLycan guardian? He took one night off and, apparently, all of the morning. He’s not on duty during the daylight hours. Hell, he can fuck all of your unmated women anytime he wants if they are willing. There’s nothing in your laws that forbids them from freely making that choice. He’s not a monk, or your personal whipping boy when you’re in a bad mood. We’re done here.” Kelzeb spun. “Let’s go, Creed.”

Creed followed without glancing at the Lycans around him. The enforcer bypassed the Jeep he’d arrived in and headed directly toward the river. It meant he wanted to have a private chat. They stopped at the water’s edge and Kelzeb glanced around, his eyes narrowed.

“What a bunch of old women,” Kelzeb muttered. He crossed his arms and finally looked at Creed. “Why were you standing in there listening to them? You know you don’t have to. Tell them to piss off and fly back home. They are lucky you’re here. They can bitch all they want, but bottom line, I knew this was going to be a waste of time. You’ve had this assignment long enough to know not to cross any lines that would cause real tension with the alliance.”

“I was later than I told them I would be.”

“So you thought you’d take that shit? You’re more patient than I am. I would have told them my dick is none of their concern, nor what I do with it, as long as she’s willing. I know you, Creed. You’d never take something that wasn’t freely offered.”

Creed shrugged. “They are driven by their emotions. I’ve adjusted to that. It makes them feel as if they have some control over my duties when I listen. It’s mildly a

Kelzeb gri

“I need to seek an audience with Lord Aveoth immediately. I am flying in tonight.”

“About what?”

“I will only speak of it with Lord Aveoth.”

“I see.” Kelzeb cocked his head. “So, she was human, huh?”


“I only know of one human who lives with this pack. I thought she moved away. Seattle, wasn’t it?”

“She visits her parents.” Creed’s spine stiffened. He didn’t like that his clan kept tabs on Angel or her whereabouts.

“I’d like to meet her.”

Creed grew very still inside. He couldn’t lie and he hoped she was already gone. It had been a good half an hour or more since he’d seen her. “I dropped her off at her parents’ home. It is the fourth cabin from the main trail to the river. White porch with two rocking chairs.”

“I didn’t drive all the way from our clan. I was a few hours from here, visiting this pack that has an abundance of unmated females. Didn’t you get the update?”

“I wasn’t certain which of our clan would be in the area, or the exact location. I was only warned there might be flight traffic that wasn’t hostile.”

“A few of the Lycan alphas in the states want to make deals for guardians. I’m sure they were encouraged by their elders, since they know about the sweet deal this pack gets from us. Word spread that we keep their woods clear of those pesky poachers who like to sneak around at night, setting traps and taking potshots at wolves. They’ve also had some issues with Vampires and were told there are none left in this area, since we cleared them out. They want alliances with us and aren’t above using their women to get them. There were a few I approved to make the trip to meet our single men, but I still have a few other packs to visit. I hate these bullshit gigs. Good thing I’m only sent on them a few times a year.”

Creed said nothing. He could understand why another pack would wish to align with his clan. Lycans couldn’t protect their territory as well as someone could from the sky. A guardian was able to cover large areas quickly and take out threats before they reached the pack homes.

“I like Lycan women. Don’t get me wrong. My mother is one. The thing is, I’m finding myself drawn to another type lately. Aveoth is kept busy with his Jill. She was raised totally human. The things that come out of her mouth amuse me. She has an issue with authority, so Aveoth is constantly having to deal with her antics.” He chuckled. “It looks lively. She has only a small understanding of what we are, so she has no fear. It’s refreshing. I want to see if this Angel stirs my blood. She survived a night with you during the ravage so I know she’s sexually compatible with our kind.”