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“Fine. I won’t be in Seattle. I can get lost for ten years. I’ve gotten to know the human world really well since I’ve been living with them.” She curled into him. “I can take care of myself. I’ll let my parents know where I am when you get out so you can find me, or I can come to you. It will be tough keeping them in the dark for that long but they’ll be safer if they don’t have a way of telling anyone where I am.”

“It would be too dangerous for you if you left the pack. Any Vampire or Lycan will know you’re a mate. We’re feared by most, and you will smell like me.”

“Like being a vessel to any asshole would be better, if your lord doesn’t take off my head. I can handle avoiding suckheads and tail chasers.”

He chuckled when he leaned his head down.

She met his gaze. “What?”

“You grew up with Lycans. Tail chasers?”

“It’s accurate. Have you seen young Lycans play? Or our men on the hunt for a woman to nail? My parents think it’s cute that I call them that. The others, not so much. I live in Seattle. Do you know what we have there?”


“Lots of rain and people, but also lush green spaces. It’s a playground for Vampires and Werewolves. I already avoid both. My parents kept reaching out to the packs there to look after me and possibly find me a mate. That got old real fast. I avoid clubs and anywhere a lot of people hang out, since the blood hunters think those are all-you-can-eat buffets. Humans have their own predators. Those are the toughest things I deal with. Human-on-human crime is way out of control, yet I’ve survived just fine. I only had to send one person to the hospital. I never saw any guardians there, and believe me, I always watch the skies at night.” She wouldn’t admit she had hoped to spot him.

“You could get hurt.”

“You seem determined to go home to tell your Lord Aveoth what happened between us. I know I’d be wasting my breath trying to talk you into keeping silent. I get that. Unlike you, my head doesn’t fill with rocks.” She smiled at him to soften her words. “I also don’t want to find myself chained down by anyone unless you’re the one doing it. That means this is the only option we have so we can be together again one day.” A horrible thought struck. “Nobody ever dies from this encasing thing, do they?”

“Not to my knowledge. I’ll survive. I’m young and strong.”

She hated knowing what he’d go through. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into ru

He smiled. “You always amuse me with your silly suggestions.”

“What’s wrong with corn?” She tossed off the brave front. “I wouldn’t care where we lived or what we did to survive as long as I have you.”

The sad look returned to his eyes. “You really do love me.”

“I always have.” She knew he’d probably never be able to say the same words to her. He had her on his lap though, holding her. Emotion shone in his eyes when he was looking at her. He felt things for her. She believed that. It was enough. He’d admitted she was his weakness. That was almost equal to love from a GarLycan with mostly Gargoyle traits.

“I concede to you on your first plan.”

“Where you go be noble and I don’t get caught until you’re freed?”

“That one.”

Her heart was breaking. She tried to hide the pain. Creed was her mate. She’d just found that out, only to lose him. It was almost too cruel. Ten years would seem like an eternity but in the end, he’d come for her.

“I have a question.”

“Of course you do. You’re always curious, Angel.”

“Just please tell me we’re going to have sex when you find me, and that I won’t have to wait until your next ravaging thing. That’s really going to suck if being mated to you means only getting you naked with me every three decades. It’s not a deal breaker, but I’m warning you that I’ll be buying batteries. I’ll also probably make you watch just to see if you get turned on enough to want to join me.”


“Oh, come on. You have a television. I saw it in the other room. Batteries. As in, I own a vibrator. Know what one of those are? Don’t you ever watch porn? I thought all men did. I know Lycans do.”

The color of his eyes bled silver. “You do?”

“Watch porn? Not really, but I do own a vibrator. I’ll show you when you get out of prison.” She paused. “Those are words I never thought would come out of my mouth. It proves how much I love you. Now stop avoiding my question. Do you only want to have sex when you’re ravaging?”

“You’re my mate.”

“And is that a yes, we’re going to have sex often, or your way of working up to telling me that I’m just going to have to deal with it because I’m signed on to being with you?”

He chuckled. “I can’t ignore your touch.”

She opened her hand and lightly slapped his chest. “Now you’re purposely talking in riddles. Give me a straight answer.”

He pulled his arm out from under her knees and she gasped when he slid it between her thighs, cupping her pussy. He rubbed his hand across her clit, back and forth. She was still wet from them having sex. He was teasing her and it felt really good. She moaned.

“Does that answer your question?”

“I don’t know. You seem to like being mean to me sometimes.”

He pulled his hand away from her pussy and she clenched her teeth.

“I guess you being my mate doesn’t dull your asshole attitude any, huh?”

“Get up and find out.” He forced her to stand when he gripped her hips, lifting her.

She stared at his groin. He was getting hard. She backed up toward the bed. “That looks promising.”

He arched one eyebrow—and then lunged.

He could move fast, and she didn’t have time to even try to dodge his outstretched arms, not that she wanted to. He grabbed her around her middle and her feet were jerked right off the floor. He rolled and she landed half on him, half on the bed. Creed adjusted, coming down fully on top of her.

She opened her mouth but his kiss made her forget what she had meant to say. Her arms wrapped around his neck. He had a fantastic mouth. He pulled away before she could really explore him. His eyes were so beautiful that she couldn’t look away when he stared at her.

“You touch me and I feel more than I ever have. I can’t resist you. Is that clear enough? I can’t build a shield strong enough to keep you out. You’re a part of me.”

“I’m glad. Are you mad at me?”

“No. Never at you. It’s the situation and the danger it puts you in that sent me into a rage. I won’t allow you to be hurt, Angel.”

“The situation could be better. I want to protect you, too. We should strengthen the bond between us.” She tilted her head to the other side, exposing the shoulder he hadn’t bitten. “Do that fusion thing.”


“Yeah. That.”

He frowned.

“What? Do you think I can’t handle seeing you that way with my eyes open and when I’m not coming down from how good you make me feel? I can. I accept everything about you, Creed. I love you when you’re in skin and when you’re a bit stony. I love your eyes, regardless of what color they are. I even think you’re cute when you’re grumpy as hell and brooding.”

His features softened.