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“Plans change. I left here to live in the human world. I’d need to take blood from her on a regular basis to do it. That’s kind of hard since they don’t like to leave the pack and I only get two weeks of vacation time every year. It could also trigger me to change into a Lycan at some point. I wasn’t willing to take the risk.”

“You’ll live longer.”

“And I could die. It happens sometimes. Long-term blood taking when it’s not from a mate can trigger a violent change without warning that few survive, or worse. I could start rejecting the blood, and it would shut down my internal organs one by one. I’d rather live a normal human lifespan than risk two out of the four possible outcomes if I accept the blood. My chances aren’t good at fifty-fifty.”

“Two out of four?”

“Sudden violent shift that’s usually fatal; rejection of the blood resulting in death; I change over without it killing me; or nothing goes wrong, and I just slow down in aging.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Now you do.”

“Why does being a mate matter?”

“He’d be drinking my blood as well, and it would change his chemistry to be more in line with mine when I take his. Every pregnancy would help too. It would change me enough gradually while I carried his offspring, making for an easier transition if his blood were to turn me into a Lycan. The rejection rate is extremely rare that way.”

“You should take your mother’s blood. You’re a part of the pack. You’re not considered human and shouldn’t have to die the way they do.” His tone changed, anger coming through. “I’ll discuss it with your parents again.”

“Don’t bother. I made up my mind. I’ll live a normal human lifespan.”

“I won’t allow you to die of old age!”

She managed to keep her mouth from falling open over his angry outburst. She grew suspicious though. It wasn’t like him to lose his cool. Not Creed. He was usually indifferent. “The only other option is allowing my parents to arrange for me to mate some strange Lycan, and hope he’d treat me as good as if I were a Lycan.” She was testing his response.

He snarled, his fangs sliding down. His eye color changed. The blue turned so dark it appeared black, the silver glints startling, like torn pieces of light coming through a pool of utter black.

Angel reached up and gripped the back of his neck. He didn’t flinch away but he did stiffen. She felt the base of his skull. The lump was smaller but she still felt it. He lifted his hand and wrapping his fingers over hers.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re still emotional.”

He growled. “I’m not emotional.”

“You are.” She used her other hand and placed it on his chest. He was warmer than he had been the evening before but not hot. “I thought the ravage only lasted one night.”

“It’s just some remaining hormones that need to work out of my system today. I should take you home.”

She licked her lips. “Or we could go back to bed for a few hours.”

“I’m too wired to sleep.”

“Who said anything about sleeping?”

She twisted her hand under his and it made him lose his grip. She caressed that swollen spot on the back of his neck. He closed his eyes and leaned toward her.

“That’s kind of sexy. Most men respond that way when you do this.” She let her other hand slide down his chest and over his stomach. He clenched his muscles under her exploring palm. He didn’t try to stop her when she hit the material around his waist. She stroked his cock and felt the instant response. He hardened.

“Angel, don’t.”

“This again? Don’t you ever learn? I never listen.”

He snapped his eyes open and they were pitch black, all the silver gone. “You should.”

She wasn’t afraid. His eyes would probably have sent others ru

“Are you angry with me?”

“No.” She pressed up against him and wrapped her fingers around his stiff cock, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I just love seeing you a little unleashed.”

“Don’t push me, Angel. I’m still having control issues.”

“Now you’re just teasing me.”

He grabbed her by her arms, tearing her hands off him. “What are you doing? Are my hormones still in your system?”

“Why? Because I want you. That’s nothing new. I don’t need to drink anything to feel this way.” She slowly pulled out of his hold and opened her hands on his chest. “I just have to look at you, Creed. The next time you need someone like this, I’m going to be some white-haired grandma. You won’t want me then.”

“No. I’m not going to let that happen to you. You’ll take Lycan blood to slow your aging and I’ll bring you back here.”

“I’ll be mated to a Lycan if I’m still young-looking. I think he’d mind you carrying me off. I would too, if he’s my mate.” She pushed and he stumbled back a few feet. It caught him off guard or she never would have been able to move him. She glanced at the bed and then threw herself at him. They both fell, landing on the mattress.

Angel climbed on top of him and straddled his thighs. She reached up and untied the dress. Creed clenched his teeth but his fangs puffed out his lips a little. She tossed her dress aside and leaned forward, opening her hands on his chest again. She loved the feel of him under her.

His gaze ran over her naked body.

“One more time, Creed. You get to be on bottom this round. I want to ride you.” She curled her fingers and lightly raked her nails down his skin and over his abdomen. His muscled rippled and a moan escaped him. She untied the material at his waist and he didn’t try to stop her. She parted it, baring his cock.

He was big. She knew that from feeling him inside her. He was hard already, responding to her. “I could look at you all day,” she admitted. “Touch you all day.”

“You need to get off me. You don’t know how dangerous this is.”

“You’re not going to hurt me.” She leaned all the way over and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out to run the tip of it over his nipple. It puckered instantly. She did it again and then closed her mouth over it to suck. She nipped him gently with her teeth, catching just the tip.

He moaned and his fingers stabbed into her hair, cradling her head there. His cock twitched against her belly. She let one hand trail over the shaft of his cock and dip lower, caressing his balls. He arched his hips under her and spread his thighs to give her freer access. She released his nipple and went for the other one.

“Angel,” he groaned.

She sucked on him and stroked her hand back up his shaft. She was getting wet just touching him and hearing the soft rumbling noises that started to come from deep within his chest. She lifted her gaze, watching his face. His eyes were closed, his mouth open to show off those fangs. Pleasure twisted his features.

Creed fisted her hair in his hand but he didn’t force her to lift her head away from his skin. She started moving her mouth downward, using her lips, tongue and teeth to lightly bite and lick his ribs, then under them to his stomach. She scooted down his body as she went, until she reached his lower stomach. She lifted up a little and gripped the base of his shaft with her hand. She licked her lips, and then opened up wide to take in his girth.

Creed snarled when she wrapped her mouth around his cock and began to slowly move up and down, using her tongue to rub against the head. He twisted on the bed a little but didn’t try to unseat her.