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I usually write out a strong, witty, (and slightly sassy), acknowledgment section, but I deleted it all and just want to keep this one simple.

I’m thankful for everyone who has supported me over the years of my writing career.

My family, my children, my friends. The ones who watch me in my everyday life and truly see the impact that pouring my heart and soul into my books does to me. And then call me crazy because like a junkie, after publishing the book, I’m diving right back into another one with fire burning in my eyes and the heat of my passion fueling my fingertips.

The people I have met through the book world. I’ve met some genuine, incredible queens in this industry. Not only authors, but bloggers, readers, editors, designers. You all help construct an industry that truly makes it a blessing to be a part of. Chantal and Sarah, thank you for taking in my friendship and for giving me yours. Ellie and the team from My Brother’s Editor for being tolerable of my creative process. For putting up with my ‘no-deadlines’ way of writing and taking me on anyway. You get my craft and creativity—for that, I am always thankful.

My readers. I will forever be grateful for ALL of you. Amongst many, many talented authors, you still pick up my books. I ca

My Wolf Pack, thank you for being my tribe. I haven’t really revealed why I called my reader group Wolf Pack, but it’s because of the characteristics of wolves. Loyalty, fierceness, somewhat scary, but also fluffy and cute (HA!). Our pack is filled with some of the strongest and most resilient women that I know, and I’m so very proud to call you all my own.

My bloggers, I can’t thank you all enough for taking time out of your busy schedule to read early copies and then review. I appreciate all that you do for not just my books, but for authors in general. You are appreciated. You are loved. You are important.

To my Street Queens! The women who go above and beyond for me and the books I write. I appreciate all of your word, your kind words, and your support. I love you all very much and all of you mean so much to me. THANK YOU!

My master blogger list! Thank you for being apart of my journey. For your support and loyalty. I love you all! SO very much. Thank you.

My husband. It takes a special kind of man to be married to a writer. To be married to someone, who at times, locks herself in her office and doesn’t function until she finishes her book. A wife that might be moody, or dark, or maniacally happy depending on the current scene she’s writing because she’s so deep inside a world that she’s creating. A wife that stayed up all night writing an emotional scene, so she probably doesn’t have any emotions left to give him the next day. A wife who neglects a lot of the housework and duties at home to meet her deadline.

My husband is amazing because he puts up with all of the above (and more), but still supports my career, comes home from work and cooks (despite this dedication), cleans, and makes sure the house is ready for the next day. He loves me even when I’m a blank canvas after being affected by something I’ve written. I’m an overly emotional person by nature, but when I write a book, I pour all of what I have into it. It’s intense. So, I need to thank my husband, because seriously…. Did you read all that?

Thank you, husband. Love, your zombie wife.

To myself. Because we should always acknowledge ourselves. Our strength. Our weakness. It’s all what makes us, us. So, I need to thank myself, because damn, I been through a lot, man, and I’m still here. Fighting.

To you, the reader, who just read my rambling after saying I wasn’t going to ramble. May you find whatever you are searching for in life, but most of all, may you always feel peace. I can’t promise you’ll feel it through this book—in fact, you won’t. But deep down, may your strength be the anchor to your peace, so that when your troubles seem heavy, they won’t be as heavy as your peace.