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So I know that some may be asking… how? How could two people who wanted to destroy one another at one point in their lives come together and be content. Well, they don’t. That’s the short answer. Killian and I will never be placid. It’s not who we are and we’re okay with that. Love is a destination that not many have the opportunity to find. Everyone’s road is paved differently, and we all have dissimilar paths that lead off of it. Every choice you make will be the deciding factor on whether you reach your destination or not. So although mine and Killian’s path was rocky, had lots of hurdles, was slicked in the blood of people we knew and some we didn’t, throw in a lot of bad choices and events that were out of our control—ultimately, we both took that final turn together to our destination. I found out that I was the last Dragavei, and I don’t know what that will mean for our line if I end up marrying Killian. I guess we will have an Ashley Kournikova situation on our hands. I also found out what Delila was probably going to continue to expose right before someone shot her, and that was that if one family drops their family line, the Four Fathers would then need to choose someone from the outside to move in to take over that family name. They couldn’t be short a family as it would come off as a weakness. A weakness to who, I have no idea.

Delila being a proud woman of Kiznitch couldn’t have that, which was why she went against The Four Fathers so much. Her death continues to hang around. Sometimes I swear I hear her yelling at us that we’re not training hard enough.

I hear Killian’s bike rumble from the back of the tent as the rope swings around and around, as Niykee Heaton’s “Fire Starter” starts playing loudly in the background, my Dragavei necklace dangling from my neck.

I smirk, looking up at his shadow beneath my lashes as the crowd roars with cheers…