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Everyone has a story, and when you die, your memories cling to the minds of the people you leave behind, scripted in permanent ink. They can go back and visit their favorite chapters when they need comfort, or simply skip over the scenes they want to forget, but what they can’t do, is be removed. Even if you tear a page from a well-written book, there will always be telltale signs something was there. There you lie, embedded in their minds forever, so essentially you’ll live forever, right? I didn’t think much about this until I met him. The day that I would die, I mean. Would I leave behind a novella, or would it be a nine-book series that would need your undivided attention? You see, I’ve gazed into the eyes of death twice in my life, and both times began at the entrance of his soul. His stare was always heavy and roguish, but he lit a match inside my body that would burn a lifetime after I’m gone. I wasn’t sure what I felt the first time his cold, corpse-like skin sailed over mine, but I remember it was the exact day that I knew I would never be the same. I was touched by the Devil; Heaven would never want me now. Not that Heaven was where I belonged either, though I’m sure he thought so. Tortured souls still weep; they tear themselves apart in dark corners where no one can see. Brantley is just that—tortured—though he doesn’t conceal it. He wears his darkness like a souvenir, proud and indifferent. I knew Brantley from the inside out, and I say that literally. I was familiar with the notes that his blood left in my mouth well after I had swallowed it.

And I think that will haunt me more than anything. It will haunt me so much more than this day.

The day my book hit the final page.



I couldn’t take my fucking eyes off her. If Dad looked up to my window right now and caught me watching him and Uncle Hector having a discussion that, clearly, looked heated, I may as well have had given him the key to my cell block and called it a fucking day. It wasn’t that I hated my father, it was that I hated my father. Yeah, there was a difference. I wish my problems with Lucan Vitiosis were as simple as most kids when they say they hate their parents. They weren’t. Anyway, back to the little girl. She looked strange. Like she didn’t belong to this world, more extra-terrestrial. Her hair was long for her age, around her shoulders, and it had to be the whitest shade of white I had ever seen. Almost translucent.

I stepped back from the windowpane, and before I could think or even stop myself, I started making my way down the hallway and stairs. They creaked beneath my weight, all of the painted portraits of the Vitiosis family line were staring down at me, probably telling me to stay out of it. “Sorry, Aunt, whatever the fuck your name is. But did you see her?” I’m still making my way down the stairs while hitching my thumb over my shoulder. “She’s like a doll.” Never been a fan of playing with dolls, until I saw her. Now I want to take her pieces apart just to see how she works.

I paused. My hand gripped the handle of the door. The gold lion emblem marking the palm of my hand. Fuck it. Turning, I rested my head on the back of the door, squeezing my eyes closed. I didn’t need to get involved. But then she screamed, and every note that left her mouth hid in all of the dark corners of my soul. Instead of ru

I glared at my father. “Let her go.” She wore a purple turtleneck and white pants. They weren’t soiled or filthy looking, and her skin was bright and fresh looking. She had obviously been cared for wherever she had come from. A gold emblem on her top flashed when the sun hit it, but I didn’t pay that close attention to it.

Lucan turned his head over his shoulder until he met my gaze. “What?”

Hector grabbed the little girl. “I will handle it another way. Brantley,” Hector demanded my attention, but all I could fixate on was the grip he had on the little girl. I never gave a fuck about much in life. Not because I didn’t want to, because I did. I wanted to. But I couldn’t. Everything was white noise to me. I wish I cared about the mundane shit that my brothers cared about. Girls, sex, drugs, fast cars, and all that shit. I had a fragile attention span when it came to everything in life. You got about three seconds to blow my mind or I’m out.

It had been around five minutes.

“What you’ve witnessed ca

“Who’s the girl?” I asked, this time forcing myself to disco

He looked up at Lucan, who then brought his attention to me. “Go inside, son. This isn’t your business.”

I took the six steps it was toward them, kneeling down in front of the girl. She blinked away her tears and finally looked at me for the first time.

Silence. Dead. Silence.

The wind picked up and I could faintly hear something in the background. Talking, I was sure, but I didn’t care. Everything and anything fell away from around me, and all that existed in this moment was her and me. What the fuck? She had my attention completely. Eyes so light, if not for the flecks of green in them. Her lashes were so dark they could match all of the secrets I kept hidden in my closet.

She sniffed.

My eyes narrowed.

“What’s your name?” I asked her.

“Brantley,” Lucan snapped from above. I didn’t care. I would take the wrath that I knew he would lay out for me tonight, do whatever the fuck it was that he would want me to do, but there was no way in hell this girl was leaving my side.


If someone tried to take her from me, they would only be able to do it by walking over my cold, dead corpse.

Her little head tilted, causing her hair to lengthen down one side of her body. She searched my face like she was intrigued. From my eyes, to my nose, to my mouth, to my collarbone. She reached out and pressed her palm over my chest, right over my heart, and I felt the electricity zap me from the outside in. It was as though she literally reached inside my chest and planted herself deep in my bones.

“Fuck.” Yeah, she wasn’t going anywhere.

She chewed on her little lip, tucking her hair behind her ear, and reached for my hand confidently. The very same hand she squeezed for protection was the same one that men would soon fear.

I stood to my full height, which was above average for a kid my age, but nowhere near as big and scary as my dad and uncle. I tilted my head to look up at them both. “She is mine. You two can sort it out, and Uncle? The secret will be more than safe.”

I started walking the girl toward the house. Me, clothed in black. Her, dressed in color. I knew at the back of my mind that I was leading her into the darkness, but at least she wouldn’t be there alone. She’d be there with me.