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“I hate you.”

I roll my eyes, dragging her behind me until I’m back in my seat. She stands beside my chair awkwardly, the sight making me laugh a little.

“Shut up, Nate. I hate you.”

“Don’t have to like me to sit on my dick, princess.” Then I yank her down until her ass is pressing into my cock.

I groan, biting my lip while readjusting her position so she’s not right there.

She flicks her legs over so she’s sitting across my lap now, instead of directly on my cock. She moves again, smirking down at me. “You think you have the power, but last I checked, I’m the one with the pussy.”

I chuckle, my hand coming to her upper thigh, squeezing hard enough for her to cringe beneath that fake confidence. With my other hand, I grab her chin and tilt her face down to mine. “I’m well acquainted with your pussy, Princessa, but if you pull that shit again, I’ll tear off your clothes and fuck you until you’re black and blue and bleeding out on this table. Don’t fucking test me, baby, because your pussy will not be so testy once I’m done with it.”

Her eyes narrow on mine, and I wait for her to answer. “What?” I tease. “You know I can do this all day…”

“—I think we’ve been distracted enough. Nate, tell me what you mean by you wanting Tillie back on main soil. I thought we agreed she was to stay here until we figure out—” Bishop stops, with good reason.

Tillie can’t know what we know. Not because I’m being a cunt by not telling her, no offense to Bishop, but because I don’t think she can handle it right now. And that’s saying something because she can handle a fucking lot, but this? No.

I lick my lip, relaxing into my chair. “Changed my mind. We can’t be here. We need to be back and I’d rather her be with me all the way through.”

Bishop’s eyes fly between the two of us. He sinks back in his chair. “This is King business, Nate. You know the rules.”

I shrug. “Fuck the rules. This is her world too, B. She has every right to the information as we do. Hell, she’ll be here, ru

“Ah—excuse me bu—”

I ignore her. “So it’s best for her to be with us until we’ve solved the first thing we’re trying to figure out—”

“—yeah, but I don—”

I cut her off again, “—Does anyone contest this?” I ask, my eyes going around the table to a shake of heads.

“—yes! I fucking d—”

My hand slams over her mouth.

“Good. It’s settled. Pack up the Lost Boy and Abel. The same goes for the two of you.”

Tillie slaps my hand away from her mouth. “Agh!” she screams. “I fucking hate you! Handcuff me to Bran Bran instead!”

“Woah!” Brantley glares at her. “I didn’t fucking lie to you! That nickname is only allowed if I fucking lie to you!”

She smiles at him, and I watch as his eyes narrow to slits. “I changed my mind.”

Brantley’s face morphs into a cold, neutral expression. I have to hide my laughter. “You’re a pain in not just his ass, but mine too, but I don’t get to eat that ass, so this shit isn’t fair.”

I push Tillie off my lap, and she fumbles to her feet like a new baby fawn.

I laugh, standing. “I might let you taste it if she doesn’t behave herself.”

Tillie swipes her hair out of her face. “Well, in that case, I’ll misbehave all I can.”

The teasing with Brantley doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen them do some pretty fucking questionable things, and it didn’t bother me to a degree, because I know what they have. The twisted little bond that they share isn’t something that I’m worried about, nor do I give a fuck about. He’s just her…me.

Besides all of that, he’s my brother. But Daemon? He so much as breathes near her and I turn into fucking Lucifer. Do I want to wife her? Fuck no. Do I even want a relationship with her? Also fuck no. I’m not ready to have my cock on a leash, but do I have feelings for her? Yeah. I’m man enough to admit that. To myself, not anyone else. Tillie plays with my emotions like a fucking fiddle. I’ve seen what happens when I give her half of me. I lose myself in her, lost in a fucking daze that I never want to wake from. Give her all of me? I’d never survive. So for now, she’ll just have to eat my words. Or choke on them. Whichever will work for me.

“Where?” Bishop interrupts. “Where are we going to be keeping these three?”

I tilt my head. “The parents are away from tomorrow onward, but with Madison walking in and out, it’s not the ideal place.”

“True. Also, that rules out my house, and my parents’ house,” Bishop says, his eyes going to Brantley.

“—I can just buy a fucking house,” I interrupt before he calls out Brantley.

Brantley looks at me, his jaw tensing. “Nah it’s good. We can put them at mine. Lots of rooms we can lock her up in if she doesn’t do as she’s fucking told.” He’s glaring at Tillie now.

“You sure?” I ask, ignoring his statement about Tillie obeying orders. The girl will never obey fucking orders, only when her lips are wrapped around my cock. My eyes bore into his. I’m probably the only one who knows Brantley through and through, but even I know there are secrets that he’s hiding, all of which are confined in that creepy fucking house.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”
