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My husband. Who tolerates my bratty, princess, needy, always hungry, nap-taking, love-needy ass. You deserve so much more than I can give you, but you’re shit out of luck because it’s me that you get and if you stray, thanks to this book, I now know how to completely dismember the two round things that hang between your legs.

My children, who drive me so crazy that I crave the dark places inside my head just to create chaos that doesn’t directly impact me. Cheers, my little monsters. You’re stuck with me.

Chantal Fernando. The friend that just keeps friending. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Probably saying completely inappropriate things online and pissing everyone off. Thank you for being you. You’re also stuck with me. Please refer to husband’s passage a couple paragraphs up…

Sarah Grim Sentz. My little Grim Reaper. The day you read your way into my life was one of the greatest days in my writing life. You’re my beta, my alpha, and the girl I trust 100% with my words, my world, and my characters. Thank you for always putting my ass in place when it needs to be and for being there through not just my writing, but through everyday shit too. You have become one of my best friends and my go-to woman. Thank you for being patient with your beta notes and for loving my stories like they are your own. Also refer to husband’s passage a few paragraphs up. You’re stuck with me.

Ellie McLove. I don’t know, man. I feel like if I explained every single thing that I loved about you, I’d be here all day. I partly want to, just to make you uncomfortable, but I won’t. You’re the real MVP here. You take my words and polish them respectively without meddling with my author voice. You are everything that we ­­need. I’m a

Petra Gleason. Thank you for proofing my words. For your friendship, and the laughs. My darkness would like to drink with your darkness. You’re stuck with me.

Isis, Nichole, Lyla, Caro, Amiria, Jacq, Nikita. My little circle of home-people. My BFFs who know my crazy and tolerate me anyway. You’re all stuck with me. Obviously.

Leigh Shen. For being my favorite asshole. You’re as sexy as you are talented. That’s just not fair. Asshole. Thank you for being you. For becoming one of my closest friends who I trust in this industry. You’re stuck with me.


Because you’re stuck with me.

The bloggers who read and promote me. Your support and the time you put into reading and reviewing will never go u

My Wolf Pack and my readers! YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME! Don’t test me. I love you all so much. Thank you for riding with me on my journey. For your undying support and love. I will cherish you all until the end of my days.

Jay Aheer. My designer, my everything. Thank you for meeting my demands. Your covers challenge me in ways I have never been challenged. Every time you send me a new cover, I shiver with anticipation. I hope I do your beautiful art justice with my words. You’re stuck with me.

Sarah Valentino and Kayla Thomason! You girls rock my shit. Thank you for the hours you put into creating the perfect teasers and Pinterest boards. There were times when your teasers helped push me through bad cases of writer’s block. I love you. You’re stuck with me.

Stacey from Champagne formatting for making this manuscript all pretty!! You’re stuck with me.

I think I have successfully threatened every person I love. If that doesn’t say Amo Jones, then I don’t know what does. Good luck.