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This is the first time that I have ever put a trigger warning at the begi

ing of my book. I usually say that my name itself is your trigger warning. You know how I write, the stories that come pouring out of my imagination and bleed over my keyboard, but this time, I need to give a warning. There is a scene in this book that is not just dark, it’s disturbing, but it’s real. It happens, and it has impacted me in my lifetime. It was very hard for me to write this scene, and throughout the writing process of this book, I tried to avoid it. I bitched and whined to Chantal about how much I didn’t want to do it. I tried to take this story down different routes, but it didn’t matter, because we always ended back at this point. I promise I softened the scene as much as possible, and usually that’s not my style, but in this case, I felt it was imperative to do so. At the end of this book, there will be help links for anyone that may be dealing with similar circumstances. I have also put warning signs leading up to the scene, so you will probably know where I’m about to go with it and have the choice to skip forward.

I have always stayed true to my characters and how they unravel their stories in my head. I didn’t want to deny them that, and for that, I am sorry.