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Garbage collection by container

Due to the fact that the container provides much more opportunities than a virtual machine, the situation is complicated by leaving garbage after Docker is ru

Just as simple to create a docker container run name_image , it is also simple to delete docker rm -f id_container . Often, in order to just experiment, it is convenient to run the container interactively docker run -ti name_image bash and we will immediately find ourselves in the container. When we exit it with Cntl + D , it will be stopped. To automatically remove the output field, use the –rm parameter . But because containers are so weightless, they are so easy to create, they are often thrown and not removed, which leads to their explosive growth. You can look at the ru

A slightly more complicated situation is with images. When creating a container, if there is no image, it will be downloaded. Since one image can be for several containers, then when the container itself is deleted, it is not deleted. You will have to delete it manually docker rmi name_image , and if it is used, a warning will simply be issued. The cost of saving disk space comes at the cost of the fact that Docker ca

Since an image consists of layers that are shared in different images, these layers remain in different emergency situations. Since we ca

To save the results of the container's work, you can mount the host machine folder to the container folder. We can explicitly specify the folder on the host machine, for example, docker run -v / page_host: / page_container nama_image , or enable it to be generated by docker run -v / page_container nama_image . To remove generated folders (volumes) that are no longer used by containers, enter the Docker volume prune command . For the collection of unused networks, there is also a garbage collector.

There is also a single garbage collector, in fact, simply combining specialized docker system prune parameters into one with logically compatible parameters . There is a tendency to put it in crowns. You can also look at the space occupied by all containers, all images and all volumes using the docker system df command , and also without grouping – docker system df -v .

Many of the issues described here by garbage collection are handled by Docker-compose. In addition, it greatly simplifies life, unless you run the container once for experiments. So the command Docker-compose up starts the containers, and docker-compose down -v removes them, and all dependencies between them are also removed. All container launch parameters are described in Docker-compose.YML, as well as the relationships between them. Thanks to this, when changing the launch parameters of containers, you do not need to worry about deleting the old ones and creating new ones, you do not need to register all the parameters of the containers – just fill in with the up parameter , and it will either re-create or update the container configuration.

To prevent cluttering the system, Docker has a built-in configurable limit on the number of containers and images, reminding you to clean the system by ru

Saving time on container creation

We already met in the previous topic about images, about their layers and caching. Let's look at them in terms of container creation time. Why is this so important, after all, by analogy with virtualization, the system administrator started the creation of the container and while he passes it to the programmer, by this time he will definitely be assembled. It is important to note that a lot has changed since then, namely, the principles and requirements for the ecosystem and its use have changed. So, for example, if earlier the developer, having developed and tested his code at his workplace, sent it to the QA manager for testing it for compliance with business requirements, and when his turn comes to this code, the tester at his workplace will run this code and check … Now the infrastructure is handled by DevOps, which establishes a continuous process for delivering features developed by programmers, and containers are created automatically with each submission to the production branch for automated testing. At the same time, so that the work of some tests does not affect the work of others, a separate container is created for each test, and often the tests run in parallel in order to instantly show the result to the developer, while he remembers what he did and did not switch his attention to another task.

For standard programs: no need to install, no need to maintain

We often use a huge number of ready-made solutions. When choosing a solution, we are faced with a dilemma: on the one hand, it is more universal and more proven than we can afford to do, on the other hand, it is complex enough to figure out how to properly install and configure it ourselves, in order to install all dependencies, resolve conflicts, set up for initial use. Now installation and configuration has become much easier, standardized, low-level problems are largely absent. But before we continue, let's digress and take a look at the process from getting started to starting to use the app within the story:

* In those days, when all programs were written in assembler, the programs were distributed by mail, users had already installed and tested them, because testing in the companies was not provided. In case of problems, the user informed the developer about the problems to the company and, after fixing them, received by mail the already corrected version on the disk. The process is very long and the user tested it himself.

* During the distribution on disks, companies already wrote their software products in higher-level languages, tested them for different OS versions. Hereinafter, we will consider free software. The program already contained a MakeFile, which itself compiled and installed the program.

* Since the advent of the Internet, software is massively installed using package managers, when they exit, it is downloaded and installed from the remote OS repository. He tries to monitor and maintain the compatibility of the compatibility of programs. Further study and use of the program: how to start it, how to configure it, how to understand that it works falls on the user or the system administrator.