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essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ cat << EOF> ./prometheus.yml


scrape_interval: 1s

evaluation_interval: 1s


– job_name: 'prometheus'


– targets: ['', '', '']


group: 'prometheus'


essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ docker rm -f prometheus


essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ docker run


–-net = host

–-restart always

–-name prometheus

–v $ (pwd) /prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

prom / prometheus


essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ docker ps

–f name = prometheus


7dd991397d43 prom / prometheus "/ bin / prometheus –c…" 53 seconds ago Up 53 seconds prometheus

1702 host metrics are now available:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ curl http: // localhost: 9100 / metrics | grep -v '#' | wc -l


out of all the variety, it is difficult to find the ones you need for everyday tasks, for example, the amount of memory used by node_memory_Active. There are metrics aggregators for this:

http: // localhost: 9090 / consoles / node.html

http: // localhost: 9090 / consoles / node-cpu.html

But it's better to use Grafana. Let's install it too, you can see an example:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ docker run


–-name = grafana

–-net = host

grafana / grafana

Unable to find image 'grafana / grafana: latest' locally

latest: Pulling from grafana / grafana

9d48c3bd43c5: Already exists

df58635243b1: Pull complete

09b2e1de003c: Pull complete

f21b6d64aaf0: Pull complete

719d3f6b4656: Pull complete

d18fca935678: Pull complete

7c7f1ccbce63: Pull complete

Digest: sha256: a10521576058f40427306fcb5be48138c77ea7c55ede24327381211e653f478a

Status: Downloaded newer image for grafana / grafana: latest


essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ firefox localhost: 3000

We will enter the login admin and the password admin, after which we will be prompted to change the password. Next, you need to perform the subsequent configuration.

In Grafana, the initial login is admin and this password. First, we are prompted to select a source – select Prometheus, enter localhost: 9090, select the co

It is clear that it is not worth giving out a password and login from admin rights to everyone. To do this, you will need to create users or integrate them with an external user database such as Microsoft Active Directory.

I will select in the Dashboard tab and activate all three reconfigured dashboards. From the New Dashboard list in the top menu, select the Prometheus 2.0 Stats dashboard. But, there is no data:

I click on the "+" menu item and select "Dashboard", it is proposed to create a dashboard. A dashboard can contain several widgets, for example, charts that can be positioned and customized, so click on the add chart button and select its type. On the graph itself, we select edit by choosing a size, click edit, and the most important thing here is the choice of the displayed metric. Choosing Prometheus

Complete assembly available:

essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / prometheus $ wget


–-2019-10-30 07: 29: 52– https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/grafana/master/devenv/docker/ha_test/docker-compose.yaml

Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com) …


HTTP request sent, awaiting response … 200 OK

Length: 2996 (2.9K) [text / plain]

Saving to: 'docker-compose.yaml'

docker-compose.yaml 100% [=========>] 2.93K –.– KB / s in 0s

2019-10-30 07:29:52 (23.4 MB / s) – 'docker-compose.yaml' saved [2996/2996]

Obtaining application metrics

Up to this point, we have looked at the case where Prometheus polled the standard metric accumulator, getting the standard metrics. Now let's try to create an application and submit our metrics. First, let's take a NodeJS server and write an application for it. To do this, let's create a NodeJS project:

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ $ mkdir nodejs && cd $ _

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ npm init

This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file.

It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sensible defaults.

See `npm help json` for definitive documentation on these fields

and exactly what they do.

Use `npm install <pkg> –save` afterwards to install a package and

save it as a dependency in the package.json file.

name: (nodejs)

version: (1.0.0)


entry point: (index.js)

test command:

git repository:


author: ESSch

license: (ISC)

About to write to /home/vagrant/nodejs/package.json:


"name": "nodejs",

"version": "1.0.0",

"description": "",

"main": "index.js",

"scripts": {

"test": "echo " Error: no test specified "&& exit 1"


"author": "ESSch",

"license": "ISC"


Is this ok? (yes) yes

First, let's create a WEB server. I'll use the library to create it:

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ npm install Express –save

npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Package unsupported. Please use the express package (all lowercase) instead.

[email protected] / home / vagrant / nodejs

└── [email protected]

npm WARN [email protected] No description

npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ cat << EOF> index.js

const express = require ('express');

const app = express ();

app.get ('/ healt', function (req, res) {

res.send ({status: "Healt"});


app.listen (9999, () => {

console.log ({status: "start"});



vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ node index.js &

[1] 18963

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ {status: 'start'}

vagrant @ ubuntu: ~ / nodejs $ curl localhost: 9999 / healt

{"status": "Healt"}

Our server is ready to work with Prometheus. We need to configure Prometheus for it.

The Prometheus scaling problem arises when the data does not fit on one server, more precisely, when one server does not have time to record data and when the processing of data by one server does not suit the performance. Thanos solves this problem by not requiring federation setup, by providing the user with an interface and API that it broadcasts to Prometheus instances. A web interface similar to Prometheus is available to the user. He himself interacts with agents that are installed on instances as a side-car, as Istio does. He and the agents are available as containers and as a Helm chart. For example, an agent can be brought up as a container configured on Prometheus, and Prometheus is configured with a config followed by a reboot.

docker run –rm quay.io/thanos/thanos:v0.7.0 –help

docker run -d –net = host –rm