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** Application layer – the layer with which users directly interact and which provide processes and is implemented using WEB-interfaces in browsers. Execution of business logic at the level of WEB-interfaces is unacceptable – all work is delegated to the underlying layer.

** The network layer ensures the operation of WEB-interfaces in the user's browsers, transmitting data. The upper layer of applications is needed by users who are comfortable using the graphical interface and so that any routine actions are performed for them. The network layer provides communication for server applications such as WEB servers and DBMS.

** The hardware layer is represented by ru

** The storage layer is made up of storage devices. These devices can be specialized devices such as IBM DataPower or regular RAID with a control module. The data in it completely describes the state and is the result of work, and the previous layers are only needed to change and provide convenient access to users.

If necessary, other layers can be implemented, for example:

* information security layer implemented by the firewall;

* a layer of basic containers;

* layer of local fault tolerance (HA) using the example of the Kubernetes layer;

* containerization layer;

* virtualization layer;

* a layer of resilience to failures implemented by load balancers on different DataCenter.

In any case, the number of layers is standardized, those that differ are indicated, so that each layer belongs to a specific info-structural department and an operation department.

Let's pay more attention to the integration architecture, since this is the most critical layer for the architecture. In this layer, co

The system itself can be integrated in different ways, such as:

* direct integration (communication via API point-to-point, advantages: minimum overhead, disadvantages: two-way revision of systems is required, complexity of change management, complexity of scaling, no reuse);

* using gateways (communication through the API of an integration layer, such as a queue with a firewall, advantages: minimum overhead, unified API, disadvantages: complexity of change management, complexity of scaling, no reuse);

* Enterprise data bus or enterprise service bus (ESB) provides asynchronous umbrella integration based on the principles of event and service approach (SOA, service-oriented architecture). The corporate data bus is able to flexibly route messages from one service to another. (advantages: unification, reusability due to SOA, replaceability of services due to SOA, disadvantages: an expensive solution in many applications, delivery time from tens of milliseconds);

* Service Mesh, like ESB, is umbrella, but applications do not need to integrate with it, since applications ru

* Integration file gateways and point-to-point file transfer (file overload). Point-to-point file transfer is the same point-to-point transfer, but it allows you to transfer large data in exchange for the transmission speed (advantage: it is possible to transfer very large amounts of data, high delivery guarantee, weak co

Systems can communicate in various ways:

* integration request (normal synchronous request-response),

* remote procedure call (RPC),

* sending a command to the queue (from the supplier to the consumer directly through the event queue),

* publish-subscribe, Push-Sub (sending events to a common queue, from which groups of events are retrieved from the system in advance, undefined by the provider),

* packet data transmission,

* transferring files to storage,

* streaming data.

The interactions themselves should be described, and preferably unified. To describe functional or non-functional parameters (response time, availability, message size, bandwidth) of interactions between the supplier and the consumer, a Contract is used, which the supplier undertakes to fulfill. Functional parameters are described using the Application Programming Interface (API). Service APIs can be divided into groups based on message format (DTO, JSON, XML, binary) or protocol (HTTP, REST, SOAP). It is important to specify in the API contract: ID, name, version, purpose, template, specification of input and output parameters. The API itself will contain methods (encouraging the consumer to take data, change, allocate, etc.). Parameters passed in a method are described by a method specification, for example, using OpenAPI or Swagger. For many languages, and primarily for the Java language, you can automatically generate a specification for OpenAPI using Swagger by Javadoc a

To bind an API to the system providing it, the endpoint concept is used. Endpoint is described either by an address with a port, or MMT, hiding them. APIs are described by a machine-readable description (declaration), for example Java interface and WSDL document.

The API life cycle is close in stages to the software life cycle and the following cycle stages can be outlined: requirements gathering, interface design, implementation, testing, operation, and decommissioning stages: decommissioning warning (marked as obsolete to avoid new users), decommissioning (tracking the decrease of existing users), disposal (closing access to the API and removing it), and the stage of creating a new version. The new version of the API can be compatible and incompatible with the old one, for this you can differentiate them by semantic versioning into incompatible with the previous version, compatible with the previous version and bug fixes. By semantic versioning, the version can be written as "major.minor.patch", for example 1.9.0 – > 1.10.0 – > 1.11.0.