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– Thank you very much!

– You’re welcome.

– Excuse me! I thought that there was a swimming pool around here somewhere. Would you happen to know where, exactly?

– Actually there are two swimming pools around here: one is over there, along this street, maybe about half a mile from here or so, and the other one is down that street over there, again about half a mile, something like that. The first one is two hundred feet long and has actual salt water in it. There are not many people there and it’s very expensive. The other one over there along that street is a hundred feet long, and it’s always crowded. It is mainly teenagers there but it’s much cheaper though. There is a water park there as well, but through separate entrance.

– Thank you very much!

– You’re welcome.

Как проехать на поле Баер?

– Извините! Мне надо на поле Баер, там сегодня годовщина Битвы за Аламо, как туда можно проехать?

– Можно на поезде от вокзала Пенн, там есть состав, который идет до станции «Аламеда». Поезд этот, правда, ходит всего два раза в день, утром и вечером. И еще от станции до музея Битвы за Аламо километров пять – или пешком, или на автобусе. Автобус там ходит не очень часто.

– Мне говорили, что можно на автобусе прямо до музея.

– Можно и на автобусе, тоже от вокзала Пенн. Автобус идет до музея Битвы за Аламо, это очень удобно.

– А как доехать до вокзала Пенн?

– На подземке. Выходить вам нужно на станции «вокзал Пенн».

– Спасибо.

– Счастливого пути!

Извините! – Excuse me!

Поле Баер – Byer’s field

Годовщина – a

Битва за Аламо – Battle of the Alamo

Электричка – electric train, local train.

Состав – train

Правда – (here) although

Вон там – over there

Выходить (из вагона) – get off

Станция подземки – underground station, subway station.

Счастливого пути – happy journey

– Excuse me!

– Yes?

– I want to go to Byer’s field, how can I get there? Today is the a

– Ah, yes. You can go there by local train from Pe

– I was told that there’s a bus which goes to that area from Perry.

– Yes, you can go there by bus too, again from Pe

– So, how can I get to the Station?

– By the Underground. You have to get off at Pe

– Thank you very much!

– Happy journey.

– Excuse me!

– Yes?

– I would like to go to Byer’s field. Do you know how to get there? Today is the a

– A-a, yes. You can get there by train from Pe

– I was told there’s a direct bus there from Perry.

– Yes, you can get there by bus also, from Pe

– How can I get to the station?

– By subway. That’s the bus stop. You need to get off at Pe

– Thank you very much!

– Have a good trip!

Мне надо в Сан-Диего

– Извините! Мне надо в Сан-Диего уехать, точнее, в Чула-Виста. Вы не знаете, с какого вокзала?

– Это не с вокзала… Это лучше на автобусе, от автовокзала «Оушенсайд». Автобус идет прямо в Чула-Виста, через Карлсбад. Вы, наверное, не знаете, где этот автовокзал?

– Не знаю.

– Туда надо ехать на подземке. Автовокзал прямо рядом со станцией «Истен дистрикт».

– Подземка далеко отсюда?

– Рядом, за углом. Вон там.

– Спасибо!

– Счастливого пути!

Извините! – Excuse me!

Через Карлсбад – Via Carlsbad

Рядом – close, not far;

За углом – round the corner

Вон там – over there

Счастливого пути – happy journey

– Excuse me! I need to go to San Diego, to Chula Vista, to be precise. Could you please tell me which Railway Station I need?

– You don’t need a Railway Station, you’d better get there by bus, from Oceanside Bus Station. The coach goes directly to Chula Vista, via Carlsbad. Now how to get to the Bus Station, do you want to ask me? That’s simple. By Underground. The Station’s called “Eastern District”.

– Is the nearest Underground Station far from here?

– No, just round the corner. Over there, see?

– Ah, yes. Thank you very much!

– Have a good journey.

– Excuse me! I need to get to San Diego, to Chula Vista, to be precise. Could you please tell me which train that I would need to take?

– It doesn’t leave from the railway station, it’s better by bus, from Oceanside Bus Station. The bus goes all the way to Chula Vista, via Carlsbad. The bus station you need is not far from the subway station “Eastern District”.

– Is the nearest subway station far from here?

– It’s pretty close, around the corner, in fact. Just over there, see?

– Yes. Thank you very much!

– Have a safe trip.

Где автовокзал?

– Скажите, автовокзал где? Я, по-моему, заблудился немного.

– Автовокзал вон там, за мостом налево. У нас, вообще-то еще Южный автовокзал есть. А этот, который за мостом налево – Центральный. Вам куда надо ехать?

– В Филадельфию.

– Это отсюда. Можно, конечно, и с Южного, потому что там автобус делает остановку, но вам удобнее отсюда.

– Спасибо!

– Хорошей дороги!

Автовокзал – bus station, coach station

Я заблудился – I am lost

За мостом налево – round the bridge to the left

Вообще-то – actually

Южный автовокзал – South bus station

Отсюда – from here

Делает остановку – makes a stop (at)

– It seems like I’m lost, do you know where a Bus Station somewhere is around here?

– The Bus Station is over there, round the bridge, on the left. Actually, we have another Bus Station here, the Southern one. This one is the Central one. Where are you heading?

– To Philadelphia.

– Yeah, then you need the Central Station. You can as well go there from the Southern Station, as the bus makes a stop there, but it’s more sensible to catch a bus here.

– Thank you very much!

– Happy journey.

– Can you, please, tell me where the bus station is at around here? It seems that I’m lost.

– The bus station is over there, around the bridge to the left. Actually, we have another bus station here too, the southern one. This one is the central one though. Where are you heading?

– To Philadelphia.

– It’s close by. You can as well get there from the southern station, since the bus makes a stop there, but it’s more convenient from here though.